What did i do wrong?!!!


New Member
I shampooed yesterday with ORS Creamy Aloe and DC with Roux Moisture Recovery. I followed with BioMedrics Moisture Balm and did a final rinse with PC. I did a roller set and used a leave-in/setting lotion mixture that contains distilled water, lottabody, NTM, olive oil, and grapeseed oil. I sprayed my hair with Proclaim hair polisher and set under the dryer. Okay this is the problem: My hair was very pretty and looked well moisturized after drying, but today it looks like a dry, frizzy mess!! :perplexed But it feels very soft. What did I do wrong?! It also shed alot!! (during detangling) and it hasn't done that in a long while. Was is the shampoo?! conditioner? what? :wallbash:
It could be product overload. You have so many layers of product on your hair. Maybe the combination is drying your hair out. Sometimes less is better.
It could be product overload. You have so many layers of product on your hair. Maybe the combination is drying your hair out. Sometimes less is better.

I agree. You named quite a few products in that mixture that you set your hair with. I'm a living witness that when it comes to hair less is sometimes def more. :yep: On your next wash day I would clarify and eliminate a few of the leave in's. Just my suggestion. :ohwell:
Sounds like a leave in with protein would have helped. or even anything protein

I agree. I think it may have been moisture overload. You named quite a few moisturizing products but sometimes your hair needs a balance of protein and moisture. My sister's hair is like that, anything that makes her hair too soft makes her shed. Lately I've been noticing the same with mine too.

Try using a light reconstructor or a protein leave in and see if that helps.
Sounds like too much moisture, try DC'ing with protein or a protein leave in (although I personally prefer DC'ing with a light protein and using a moisturising leave in for my rollersets... my worst ever rollerset was done when I used a protein leave in but everyone's hair is definitely different)
It could be product overload. You have so many layers of product on your hair. Maybe the combination is drying your hair out. Sometimes less is better.

I totally agree. Too much product will cause your rollerset to look weighed down / stiff or a frizz ball.

Next time try to keep it simple. After you shampoo use one product for your DC, one product for your leave-in, and a dab of serum on wet hair then proceed to rollerset.
Look at the ingredients in your products. Where is glycerin in the list? Products with glycerin give the hair a great feel the first couple of days...but afterwards dryness! You have a lot of poducts there that could create a lot of buildup!