What do you use to set your hair that is au natural?


Well-Known Member
When you are wearing rollers to get curls?

I will be buying some curlformers in a few days and I want to set my hair with them.

The problem is I can't use most setting lotions dry my hair out.

What do you use that is natural (oils, cream, etc).


Well-Known Member
For roller setting my natural hair I use diluted Lottabody! Old school and effective. I dilute my lottabody with water and add amall amounts of nourishing oils like EVOO, castor or coconut oils.


Well-Known Member
The last time I did a curlformer set I used Giovanni Direct leave in, spritz my hair with It's a 10 leave in, and as I went along if my hair started to dry I would spritz it with water. Thats it! And my hair came out great, soft bouncy curls that lasted 1 whole week. Pics in my fotki(album-everyday hair styles)


Well-Known Member
I use the blue Proclaim setting lotion from Sally's. The Ultra Sheen is good too but it's more expensive.