What is the one thing you just can't get right???


New Member
What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't do my own relaxer. I have tried twice in my life and I am too scared to try again. No matter how long I leave the product in my hair always comes out an underprocessed mess!!!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't seem to flatiron my hair the way I want. I don't have a ton of hair to flatiron, I mean it's long, but I don't have a lot of individual strands, and it's not like my hair is hard to straighten, and I have a nice ceramic flatiron at home, but I just can't seem to get that lightweight, flowy, hair blowin' in the wind press.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

Trimming my own hair, EVENLY!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't rollerset for the life of me
. I have tried numerous times to no avail
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I know what you mean about relaxers. I took my braids out and relaxed my hair last night and it is underprocessed. So my question to all of your is what do I do about the frizziness. I did get my hair trimmed today, but it is still frizzy.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???


I don't even care about the roller setting. I would LOVE to know how to trim my hair myself.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't rollerset worth anything. When I do finally get it right. It has taken me an hour to get the rollers in!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

My rollersets NEVER come out like the Dominicans... I don't know how to blow my own hair out...and I can't cornroll my own hair for the life of me.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't do anything except protective styles. I can't relax, trim, flat iron, rollerset, hot curl, press, comb, brush, cornrow, braid, twist, flat twist or anything in between.
I can do a mean french roll though.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

flat iron

I recently tried my first rollerset. Took me 5 hours to roll and 1 1/2 to dry but I was pleased with the result.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

5 hours for a rollerset? Shooo....you better had been happy with those results.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

flat iron
flexi rods

I'm so-so at rollersets, they never come out smooth though!
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

HoneyRockette, I feel you completely. For me, it's more like what is the one thing you can get right. I can do a loose bun pretty well but little else.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I've been wetsetting but it ain't pretty. I don't know how to style my hair after the wetset. But I'm going to continue with this because I am trying to reduce flat ironing.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

Tammy said:
I can't seem to flatiron my hair the way I want. I don't have a ton of hair to flatiron, I mean it's long, but I don't have a lot of individual strands, and it's not like my hair is hard to straighten, and I have a nice ceramic flatiron at home, but I just can't seem to get that lightweight, flowy, hair blowin' in the wind press.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't flat iron for a nice 'look'. I can get it straight, and even turn the ends under, but it doesn't have 'flow'
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

Cornrows and flat twists. I've tried and tried but I just can't do it.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I wish I could but currently can't: use hot tools, relax my own hair, cornrow, or get neat-looking flat-twists that still look fresh the next day.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't do LOTS of stuff. I can barely roller set, I can't do a braidout for the life of me and I can't relax either. My hair looks just as poofy after as it did before the relaxer.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't cornrow my own hair for the world and up until recently I couldn't do a relaxer for nothing...but the Phytospecific Relaxer Index2 work like a salon relaxer so I was estatic..
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't relax my own hair. I've tried a few times but never got the desired result. I am back to no-lye, though, so if I ever try again it will be African Pride all the way. *sigh* If I could just get dh to relax my hair for me I'd be so happy...
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

i cant do anything for the love of god...oh wait a min my braid outs be tight i always got complements...b4 i had hair that is
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

putting my hair in an elegant french roll. oh well.....
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I can't do braid extensions although I have been practicing all summer. I plan on paying one of my cousins friends to teach me and when I have it mastered, I will teach my Mom.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I'd like to use a flat-iron rather than a hot comb when I press now that I know how to press my hair without burnin' myself
, and I wish I could do some cornrows too.
Re: What is the one thing you just can\'t get right???

I cannot do blowouts! when I try to blow dry my hair, it always come out waaay bigger than the hair I started with. I started airdrying before pressing or flatironing because my blowdried bush was out of control! Its like the blowdryer would scare my hair and make it shrink up into a little ball.