Whatever you Bind on Earth...


formerly nicola.kirwan
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Can someone explain the meaning of this?


Well-Known Member
What you did on earth would be seen in heaven. People who are…. Evil spirits and habits that were bound on earth would be bound for the world to come and it was saying that those who were loosed from those things would be loosed in the world to come.

BASICALLY if your living a life for God it will be seen in heaven and remembered. If your living a life of sin and unrepenting(unchanging) you will bare this in the new world to come, in other words. When jesus comes he will bring those who loved him and were obedient and those who were not will reap what they have sowned. Does that make sense? People think that no matter what they do in this world they will go to heaven and its just not true. That everything will be made brand new and yet you haven't changed a thing. You made no sacrifces. whatever you do It will be remembered in heaven. Good or bad


Well-Known Member
Jesus was talking to Peter about the Church he would built but it was really meant for all the disciples, They were called to go out and preach the gospel, the way they taught, their compassion their great love for the lost will always be remembered in heaven. Same as us. all we do to save the lost will never ever be forgotten. I think about this when I go to service. The many different people in service and their reactions and their feelings if they only knew how it impacts the lost. I pray I am always giving in all that I do. I could kiss the feet of the person who opened up my eyes when I finally meet him in heaven. Thats somethings WE as christian need to reflect on in our daily walk.

Well I know I talk a lot. I just love the lord and don't have a problem expressing it and encouraging others to get it together.


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
In a nutshell, it means: If you are redeemed of the Lord and believe that you are, you have the same power as Jesus when he walked on Earth, through the Holy Ghost.

God has given you the authority to use Jesus' name to bind or loose ANYTHING with no fear: You have the same power as Jesus to heal the sick when you touch them, bind Satan and his followers, etc., or release any evil hold on a person, in Jesus' Name. It's not effective to just say this if you don't believe it or live for God. As it's done here on Earth, it's done in heaven, because you say it's so.

When the Bible talks about the Lord's Prayer... "thy Kingdom come, thy will be done as it is in Heaven".. There is a parallell to Heaven/Earth if you're the redeemed of the Lord... a sort of mirror, if you will. We don't have to wait to go to Heaven to experience Heaven here on Earth.



Well-Known Member
Jesus was talking to the disciples about matters that weren't clearly defined in Torah. He was saying that whatever they deemed allowable on Earth would be allowed by heaven (loosed). And whatever they bound would be prohibited according to heaven as well.
Okay here's my "take" on this scripture. God was speaking to Peter. Peter was was foundation to the early church. This scripture was directed to the "Peter's" of the church or the leaders. This scripture was not given to lay saints but to seasoned, committed saints that have been given authority by God. Can you imagine the chaos that would occur if every saint had the authority to "bind and loose". If you don't believe me, try "loosing" and see if it manifests.

Yes i'm leaving now :takecover: .


New Member
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Can someone explain the meaning of this?

Church authority. Think back to your catholic education. Apostolic tradition. Like absolution, given on earth, means free in heaven. I know most will not see it this way. That's the only way I can explain my view of it.


Well-Known Member
In a nutshell, it means: If you are redeemed of the Lord and believe that you are, you have the same power as Jesus when he walked on Earth, through the Holy Ghost.

God has given you the authority to use Jesus' name to bind or loose ANYTHING with no fear: You have the same power as Jesus to heal the sick when you touch them, bind Satan and his followers, etc., or release any evil hold on a person, in Jesus' Name. It's not effective to just say this if you don't believe it or live for God. As it's done here on Earth, it's done in heaven, because you say it's so.

When the Bible talks about the Lord's Prayer... "thy Kingdom come, thy will be done as it is in Heaven".. There is a parallell to Heaven/Earth if you're the redeemed of the Lord... a sort of mirror, if you will. We don't have to wait to go to Heaven to experience Heaven here on Earth.


Exactly. From the beginning we as humans were given "dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and the beasts of the field". Now that that mandate has been restored (through Jesus) we can rule Earth with God the way He intended us to (without evil). Thus why we have been given the authority to bind demons (by the power of te spirit). I really hope this makes sense I just hopped up in here...