Why Did YOU Decide to Go Natural?

Truthfully! Got kinda tired of my hair thinning so much with a chemical on it! Did'nt matter if it was texlaxed or relaxed my hair for some reason does not take well to chemicals! Period!

I wanted my full healthy hair back. All of it! I knew the only way to achieve that was to go natural.

Enough said!:yep::grin:
I went natural unintentionally.

I was separated from my ex-husband, my preemie twins were still in NICU and I had a toddler at home. I did not have the time, desire or patience to fool with my hair and I certainly did not feel like sitting in a salon for half a day every two weeks. I found a great beautician who introduced me to weaves. The first install she did on me, the perimeter was left out. It was great but I hated the fact that I had to maintain (fresh perm, flat iron) the hair that was left out. The next install, I had her do a full weave (no hair out) and decided there was no point in relaxing my hair just to hide it. I have been flip-flopping between weaves and braids for about 1 1/2 years now.

Generally, I only got about two good hair weeks after a relaxer. I always got scalp burns and I could not do anything with my hair the first week after, not to mention the limp hair and dandruff. The second and third weeks were smooth. Anything past week three was not really pleasant for me.

I have discovered that my natural hair is fine even though I always treated it as thick (compared to my relaxed hair). I was queen of the super perms and keeping the relaxer on till my hair was extra bone straight :nono:. Thank God for the world wide web and hair boards.
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Because God made no mistakes when he designed me

15 years later and the idea of being anything but natural doesn't enter my mind. Has not once been a consideration since I BC'd at 16
long story short.. after YEARS of relaxers and 3 kids.. my hair just seemed to stop growing and then started falling out in plugs. literally! I thought it was 'hormones' so I kept getting relaxers as usual, not knowing any better

Per my dermatologist I had 'Seborrheic Dermatitis' and he suggested no chemicals and to cut back on heat.

I havent touched either since 10/08. I still occassionally find a 'red patch' on my scalp, but my hair has grown back sooo thick and I'm loving my natural.. I refuse to ever go back to chemicals and I have no idea when I'll use heat again :)

I think that kinda happened to my mom....after 3 kids and years of relaxers, she and her beautician (and mine) of like 20 years decided mom's hair was not responding to the relaxer anymore and it was breaking off like crazy...It wasn't growing past NL!!!....It didn't help that my mom was a true chameleon....she was always changing her hair style and color...she's rocked them all....

Anyhoo she decided one day she was going to go for the locks and started wearing those little twists..but as a professional she opted to wear them under wigs for a few years....that was 5-6 years ago and she has beautiful past BSL skinny (but not sistalocks) locks.....at almost 55 she is still a diva.....she is rocking the cutest belly button ring (2-3 years now).....I love that lady! But she switched over due to the damage too.... :yep:
I've ALWAYS admired natural hair. I watched America's Next Top Model JUST to drool over Yaya's hair every week. I've always thought natural hair was beautiful but I didn't think mine would be. I don't know why.

The plan was to stretch (I did this on the regular out of laziness. I didn't know the proper term at the time) my relaxer for 6 months and see how long my hair would be the next time I relaxed. I had stretched for 3 months by wet bunning and a phony pony(once again, out of laziness) and was amazed by how long my hair grew. I figured I'd do it again. During this time my daughter's curls started coming in and I LOVED them. We have completely different hair textures but I knew I didn't want her to destroy those curls when she got older. I also knew that I had no clue how to care for her hair so I started looking it up.

I found on a messae board where people were talking about LHCF. I google'd it and ended up here. When I saw all the natural heads from 3a-4c I was AMAZED. It helped me realize that I too can have beautiful natural hair. Right before Christmas 2009 I made the decision to transition for about a yr. I'm impatient and bc'd in Feb lol Best decision I've ever made. I LOVE my hair. I don't remember my hair being like this as a child. With proper hair care my hair is beautiful!!

I'm also doing this for my daughter. How can I expect her to love her curls when mommy hated hers so much that she'd sit there in pain while a chemical straightened them? I could tell her 'til the cows come home that curls are beautiful but actions speak louder than words. I did it for her as well. Now, we're a cute curly headed family of three (soon to be 4) and I LOVE it!!! :)