Would you still support this particular business?



Here's the scenario:

You've placed orders with this home business before and have received your products as guarenteed. You were considering making another purchase for a product you haven't tried,but the ingredients were not listed on the site. After emailing the business owner about the product , you receive no response (for almost a month). No second email was sent to make sure the person received it, because you know they read it. Would you consider this poor customer service and stop supporting them or just think it was just an oversight and continue buying from them? I am torn, so whatever the majority of you ladies think is what I will do. Thanks
I would not shop with them again but I have high standards for businesses when it comes to customer service. I feel that if you have a business--any business--make your customer feel like you really care about them even if you don't. If I'm giving you my $$ and supporting your business you should care enough to keep a repeat customer. That's how you keep a business thriving and growing.
I'm passive aggressive so I'd send another e-mail with an intro like "I sent this before but was unsure if you got it...".

I'm a stickler for service as well, but unless someone is outright trifling, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there were extenuating circumstances? Maybe they sent a response but it somehow was undelivered? If they'd made me happy in the past and it was something slight like that I would give them another chance.
Hmmmm that's a tough one. I mean, if the ingredients list is impt to me for my purchase, then yes. If I feel I can get my answer and get the same price and service elsewhere then yes. She may have been too lazy to type out the list, though that is no excuse and is just as bad as anything anyway.
We're talking ingredients here? I don't feel that it's a really big issue, unless you did not receive your order then that would raise a red flag with me.
I probably wouldn't buy that specific product that did not have the listed ingredients.
Okay, ladies thanks for your replies. To add a bit more clarity to the situation, I really didn't want a whole ingredient list, just to know if there's this one ingredient in it that doesn't agree with my hair. Looks like the majority of you say give it another chance and I will. Thanks!!
I'd definitely give the business another chance - even Amazon.com slips up on customer service sometimes, and they have HUNDREDS of people working for them.
One person managing a business - one slipup isn't worthy of kicking them to the crub - esp if you like their products....