Using multiple growth aids at the same time?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So I have BT, BB Growth Serum, and now Dr. Miracle's Temple and Nape Balm sitting on my shelf. I've had virtually no results from BT, some results from BB Growth Serum, and I've only just started with the Dr. Miracle stuff . . . I'm wondering . . . do you think I'd see better/faster results if I used these products simultaneously? Like what if I rubbed in the Dr. Miracle balm and then followed that with the growth serum or BT? Is this overkill or do you think it would help?

I don't think it's overkill...I do this too...I'm using BT, MN, MTG, and now GRO-AUT. So something got work out of what I'm using...the only downside, is after using all of that if your hair does grow you won't know which one did the trick.
At first I was using Surge and MN separately, alternating days for each one. Now I've mixed some Surge into my MN mix & I'm still spraying my scalp w/the Surge by itself and using the MN. One day I'm going to try out the BT & the MTG.
I don't think it's overkill...I do this too...I'm using BT, MN, MTG, and now GRO-AUT. So something got work out of what I'm using...the only downside, is after using all of that if your hair does grow you won't know which one did the trick.

That is exactly where I am now. Something is making my hair grow, but I'm not sure if it's the MN or the BT, or co-washing, or air, or prayers. Who knows, cause I sure don't.:perplexed
I am using BT and MN in the same mix. I do know that BT alone works well for me. I will know if they work together after this next relaxer/hair reveal.
I added the sulfur from my leftover MTG to my MN and it has worked very well. I plan to continue with the MN with sulfur powder added for results
For the ladies that are using more than one at a time, are you noticing tremendous amounts of growth or is it about the same as using just one?
Yes it is overkill. With everyone prior to you who have used MTG, BT, vitamins, viviscal, Surge, WG, not one of them has any spectacular growth, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I've been fotki stalking lately and not nan a one is at WL or hell even bra strap length :rolleyes:

For some reason this is funny as heck to me! :lachen:
Yes it is overkill. With everyone prior to you who have used MTG, BT, vitamins, viviscal, Surge, WG, not one of them has any spectacular growth, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I've been fotki stalking lately and not nan a one is at WL or hell even bra strap length :rolleyes:


:lachen::lachen::lachen:Tenny .....:lachen::lachen: You R so on time out..