Transitioning Newbie help


Active Member
Hi! I am a Newbie. I just registered today! YAY! I have been lurking for a while, but I have a Problem and a whole bunch of questions! I am currently Transitioning, My last relaxer was at the end of Novemeber. I have just recently started to DO it myself. I have been washing every 3-4 days and I would like to sport a wash and go, but I don't know how to get my curls to stay moist. My hair is kind of silly. Its fine and I have been using MN mixed with coconut oil to grow out my edges, and a short spot that I have in the center SO it gets oily. I do like to straighten my hair and I would eventually like to protective style but currently I feel as though my hair is to short. And I work in a doctors office so I can't look crazy. SO I am currently debating some options

1. Get a relaxer and give it up
2. Go to a Dominican and get roller wraps
3. Get my hair wet set with straws etc.
4. Or continue to DO it myself

I am so confused. I want long healthy hair!
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the best thing i would suggest it getting to know your hair before you make any of those decisions. once you KNOW your hair, you will be able to better make that choice and what you hair can/can't "handle."

DIY is not for everyone, and neither are those Dominican salons...

HTH and good luck with your transition!

the best thing i would suggest it getting to know your hair before you make any of those decisions. once you KNOW your hair, you will be able to better make that choice and what you hair can/can't "handle."

DIY is not for everyone, and neither are those Dominican salons...

HTH and good luck with your transition!

Ok this is not to be funny, but how do you get to know your hair
Ok this is not to be funny, but how do you get to know your hair

a whole-lotta product experimentation! i know that my hair doesn't like real hard protein on a hair LOVES moisture (as most curly hair does) but i have NEVER experienced too much moisture, as some have...i can wear a bun 24/7 wet, dry, damp - whatever and not have breakage or hair likes light proteins...

you just have to pay attention to how your hair reacts to different products and styles. you have to learn how to handle YOUR hair....some can comb/brush every day some can't.

this hair thing take time and practice. i have been transitioning since last January (07) and I am JUST learning how to handle and take good care of MY transitioning hair.

Take your time and search the boards for people with similar hair textures and try some of the techniques and products that worked for them...keep in mind that they may not produce the same results for you. A lot of transitioners do twistouts and braidouts or wear buns. Personally, I wear my hair straight the majority of the time.
OOK Thanks. I guess thats what I've been doing. My hair seems to LOVE the REDKEN Extreme line. It DOES NOT Like Goldwell Kera Silk treatments. I get what your saying. Thank You so Much! I'm on the hunt for my hair twin!
OOK Thanks. I guess thats what I've been doing. My hair seems to LOVE the REDKEN Extreme line. It DOES NOT Like Goldwell Kera Silk treatments. I get what your saying. Thank You so Much! I'm on the hunt for my hair twin!

good luck finding her! and good luck with your jouney. if you have any questions, feel free to PM me :)
Hello Newbie, Welcome to the forum.

I want to congratulate you on your progress so far. Your last relaxer was the end of november so you are about 5 months into your transition.

That is fantastic.

It is difficult to offer input without knowing more about your hair and without being able to see what you're working with. It would be very helpful if you could post a photo for us to see.

I am leaning toward your option of the wet set or straw set. Based on what you are describing about your hair. It sounds like you need something that will allow you to avoid manipulating it but will last through the week.

Since you have areas of damage right now I think you should continue to avoid relaxers ( at least for now) and also try to reduce the direct heat.

The more things you learn to do on your own the better you will be able to manage.

For you to be this far into your transition, you must be doing something right. Many ladies also like to wear wigs or half wigs when overcoming damage or transitioning. Is that something you might consider?

I also wish you luck with finding your hair twin. Have you looked through fotki albums. I suggest at least registering (free) on fotki so that you will have an account since many of us only allow our albums to be viewed by other fotki members. It will also allow you to post comments & questions in albums and help you get closer to finding a hair twin.

A picture is worth a thousand words.