Manifested Glory Ministries uploaded a homosexual exorcism video.

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Okay, then give me scriptures so that I will know. That is all that I am asking.

How about you google it or go to various online biblical resources. When I was a kid and I wanted to know how to spell a word, my parents expected me to try and look it up in the dictionary by utilizing my phonics. If I wasn't successful after trying myself then they will guide me in the direction for my answer. Therefore if you want information about a scripture why don’t you look it up and confirm if yourself?
I have been taught in a Bible based church which is why I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME scriptural references. If you can do that then I have no argument, because to me the Bible is the last word, not some preacher or church practices. Sorry.
Matthew 4:24: "...they brought unto him [Jesus] all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy..."

Matthew 10:1: "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

Luke 9:38-42: "...a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him....And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit..."

So are you trying to say the there arent any demon spirits, that can make you sin?
I am exiting this thread. It has taken a nasty turn and I think people are going to use this thread to go at each other rather than have a real conversation about exorcism or homosexuality. This is more about who is right and who is wrong rather than about seeing other people's point of view. I am slowly but surely starting to see that there are more "debaters" on this forum than there are people who are capable of having intelligent conversation.

I hope that I am not coming off as being antagonistic. It is just that I love my religion and I hate when people distort it. This is what turns people away from Christianity. Jesus Christ loved EVERYONE gays and straights, murderers, rapists, adulturers, and all other types of sinners. He died for ALL OF OUR SINS. No one was without sin, but Christ.

As Christians, we are supposed to show love and compassion while leading people to Christ. We should be able to tell people how we are saved through Christ and how we too were yet sinners on our way to hell. Being saved does not mean that a person does not stop sinning, it just means that they should be moving away from sin and being renewed to be more like Christ because of HIS spirit that is in us.

Scriptural references: John 1:12, John 3: 16 -17, Romans 3:23, Eph. 1: 13 -14.
I have not heard anyone in this thread say homosexuality is the worst sin of all. However it is a sin like any other and if an individual is struggling in that area, they should be helped.

I have alluded to the fact that I think Christians treat homosexuality as if it is "the worst sin of all". I think people know your heart and what's important to you by looking at where you put your time and money. Obviously, homosexuality is important to Christians because they have no problem putting their time and money toward fighting.

My point was that they need to be fighting some other sins which are much more important in my view.
Matthew 4:24: "...they brought unto him [Jesus] all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy..."

Matthew 10:1: "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

Luke 9:38-42: "...a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him....And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit..."

So are you trying to say the there arent any demon spirits, that can make you sin?

no one said that, just that some of us dont think that demonic possession is behind all sin :ohwell:

unless I'm missing something these passages speak about spirits in general and only in one do they talk about the actual outcome of that possesson and that is the last one which talks about the spirit making him foam at the mouth. I dont see anything about these spirits causing people to sin
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I dont care how its typed.All because I think a something is wrong doesnt mean I saying Im holy holy. Funny how you are calling me out for judging people. arent you judging me?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: So you are just as "wrong"
Why did I post the video?..........because I wanted to.:rolleyes: I have to have a valid reason to post videos:rolleyes: I do think that most gay people are demon possesed. Thats my belief and I believe it is right. What are you talking about forcusing on some? Were talking about homosexuality in this thread, not all sins. the main topic homosexuality:rolleyes:. If I posted a video about baking cookies are you going to get mad because were not talking about cakes too?:rolleyes:Like I said before all because you dont believe in someones life style doesnt mean you cant like or befriend them.

You could have posted this in the Christianity forum no? That would have been the proper place for this, NOT the ENT forum. THAT is why I asked.

You seem really angry. Is this personal for you? Did someone try to perform an exorcism on you? The man in question believes in this type of "barbaric practice" and some people would call it religious. If it is okay for him and Qualitee backs this way of thinking then why are you so angry? Everyone will nto agree with your lifestyle, gay or not. And that is okay. Your post just seems really angry. Even though she thinks it is bad does not mean she can't think its funny. Ellen is a gay comedienne. I think she is funny despite what I think about her private life.

Someone posts something in the ENT forum and then brings up something about gays and demons. It doesn't have to be 'personal' for someone to be upset about it. Christians have their own place on the board to talk about just this topic.

What she finds funny about this guy is his sexual orientation. You find a comedian funny, someone who makes jokes that may or may not be about her sexual orientation.
Ephesians 1:13-14
Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

Titus 2:11-14

To the OP: I apologize if I came off atagonistic, but I have two references from the Bible that do not reference anything about sins being removed because of exorcism. It was God's love for us by sending His Son to die for us because that law of the old testament was not good enough. In other words, we were all destined to sin because we are all born into sin because of the sins of Adam.

None of us can judge anyone else, but we just have to understand that we must love everybody because that's what Christ did and we have to be like Him. Let's pray for each other because everyday we all fall short of the glory of least I know that I do.
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I have alluded to the fact that I think Christians treat homosexuality as if it is "the worst sin of all". I think people know your heart and what's important to you by looking at where you put your time and money. Obviously, homosexuality is important to Christians because they have no problem putting their time and money toward fighting.

My point was that they need to be fighting some other sins which are much more important in my view.

How are Christians putting their time and money towards fighting homosexuality? Very curious........
no one said that, just that some of us dont think that demonic possession is behind all sin :ohwell:

unless I'm missing something these passages speak about spirits in general and only in one do they talk about the actual outcome of that possesson and that is the last one which talks about the spirit making him foam at the mouth. I dont see anything about these spirits causing people to sin

Jesus in Matthew 15:26 calls deliverance from evil spirits “the children’s bread”. It also infers that children of God can have evil spirits as well. (Matthew 12:43- 45) also goes into detail of what happens if you don’t repent from your sins.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray in the Lord’s prayer, literally, “Deliver us from the evil one”. Peter was used as a mouthpiece for Satan one time (Matthew 16:22,23). This is still happening today with God’s people. So just because we are saved doesn’t mean why are 100% FREED from demons. If we were, we would all be like Jesus.

Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32). It is time for all believers everywhere to know the truth and through the truth get free of the indwelling power of sin in their lives. So we see that disciples must pray for deliverance, must cast out demons. (Mark 16:18) talks about how disciples prayed out demons that were attacking God’s children.

So any sin that is difficult to stop is likely due to the individual having demonic influence in that area whether it's lust, pride, envy, etc...
I am exiting this thread. It has taken a nasty turn and I think people are going to use this thread to go at each other rather than have a real conversation about exorcism or homosexuality. This is more about who is right and who is wrong rather than about seeing other people's point of view. I am slowly but surely starting to see that there are more "debaters" on this forum than there are people who are capable of having intelligent conversation.

If you want to have an intelligent conversation on Christianity, gays, and demons, you have an area to do that. Post something about demons and gays in ENT and expect a backlash.
Matthew 4:24: "...they brought unto him [Jesus] all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy..."

Matthew 10:1: "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."

Luke 9:38-42: "...a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him....And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit..."

So are you trying to say the there arent any demon spirits, that can make you sin?

Thank you, but these Bible verses do not refer to sin. They refer to sicknesses and mental illnesses.
How about you google it or go to various online biblical resources. When I was a kid and I wanted to know how to spell a word, my parents expected me to try and look it up in the dictionary by utilizing my phonics. If I wasn't successful after trying myself then they will guide me in the direction for my answer. Therefore if you want information about a scripture why don’t you look it up and confirm if yourself?

I want the person who is giving the information to provide the scriptures. That is all that I am asking.
I want the person who is giving the information to provide the scriptures. That is all that I am asking.

Why? You are the one in doubt so why not confirm the information yourself? Why depend on someone else to provide knowledge to you? BTW I think there have been a few scriptures in this thread provided. That can be your starting point.
You could have posted this in the Christianity forum no? That would have been the proper place for this, NOT the ENT forum. THAT is why I asked.

Someone posts something in the ENT forum and then brings up something about gays and demons. It doesn't have to be 'personal' for someone to be upset about it. Christians have their own place on the board to talk about just this topic.

What she finds funny about this guy is his sexual orientation. You find a comedian funny, someone who makes jokes that may or may not be about her sexual orientation.
If the mods feel that this thread needs to be in the Christain forum I sure they will move it.:yawn:
Ephesians 1:13-14
Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

Titus 2:11-14

To the OP: I apologize if I came off atagonistic, but I have to references from the Bible that does not reference anything about sins being removed because of exorcism. It was God's love for us by sending His Son to die for us because that law of the old testament was not good enough. In other words, we were all destined to sin because we are all born into sin because of the sins of Adam.

None of us can judge anyone else, but we just have to understand that we must love everybody because that's what Christ did and we have to be like Him. Let's pray for each other because everyday we all fall short of the glory of least I know that I do.
thank you for saying this. :hug2:I can understand why you would be confused but some words that we use today may have not been used back then. Like excorism. When I read the bible I go online to and I read the bible in our modern english. It helped me understand the bible better. and If I offened you Im sorry too. Im just passionate about my religion.

Thank you, but these Bible verses do not refer to sin. They refer to sicknesses and mental illnesses.

Where do you think sickness and mental illness comes from? Do you think God created man to suffer that way?Or perhaps Satan wants to destroy God's creation by any means necessary? I encourage everyone to look deeper within the scriptures beyond just a simple elementary understanding. God doesn't make garbage or create defects in people. That's Satan's job.
How are Christians putting their time and money towards fighting homosexuality? Very curious........

Lots of ways.

A common, simple one, is using preaching countless sermons against homosexuality.

Others include starting websites, posting youtube videos, creating business to exorcise demons, collecting millions of dollars to make sure gay marriage can't happen, writing books, wasting school boards time trying to convince them to change their curriculum on tolerance in the classroom, and many other things.

But I don't see the same attention and money given to caring for the poor, widowed, and orphaned. I don't see Christians up in arms and disgusted by folks shacking up. There are very few Christian organizations out there lobbying for the government to protect children from sexual, mental, and physical abuse.

Like I said, Christians' priorities are skewed. I guess they realize if they start focusing on all that other stuff they'll have to take a good look at themselves.

I hate to say I'm Christian because I don't want to be lumped in with the hateful, hypocritical, irrational folks who also call themselves Christians.
Where do you think sickness and mental illness comes from? Do you think God created man to suffer that way?Or perhaps Satan wants to destroy God's creation by any means necessary? I encourage everyone to look deeper within the scriptures beyond just a simple elementary understanding. God doesn't make garbage or create defects in people. That's Satan's job.

Well He created Satan soooo....
Where do you think sickness and mental illness comes from? Do you think God created man to suffer that way?Or perhaps Satan wants to destroy God's creation by any means necessary? I encourage everyone to look deeper within the scriptures beyond just a simple elementary understanding. God doesn't make garbage or create defects in people. That's Satan's job.

ITA! It isn't about mental illness in today's medical context, but moreso mental illness refers the thought process that causes one to sin.

Lemme go to bed, it's super late.
Lots of ways.

A common, simple one, is using preaching countless sermons against homosexuality.

Others include starting websites, posting youtube videos, creating business to exorcise demons, collecting millions of dollars to make sure gay marriage can't happen, writing books, wasting school boards time trying to convince them to change their curriculum on tolerance in the classroom, and many other things.

But I don't see the same attention and money given to caring for the poor, widowed, and orphaned. I don't see Christians up in arms and disgusted by folks shacking up. There are very few Christian organizations out there lobbying for the government to protect children from sexual, mental, and physical abuse.

Like I said, Christians' priorities are skewed. I guess they realize if they start focusing on all that other stuff they'll have to take a good look at themselves.

I hate to say I'm Christian because I don't want to be lumped in with the hateful, hypocritical, irrational folks who also call themselves Christians.

I understand where you are coming from. This type of narrow approach to addressing only some sins is a major turn off. My criticism of the Black church is that many pastors don't address issues such as poverty, single parent households, ignorance, promiscuous behavior, and criminal behavior in the community. However I'm not ashamed that I'm a Christian. The fruits of my walk with God can be seen in my life. I can't complain. I live very well and that has to do with God's grace and making good life choices. I think if the church really wants to have a meaningful impact on the world, stop with the hypocrisy and address all the areas that people are struggling in, not just homosexuality.
You also have to take into account the etymology of the words of the Bible.

This following is a quote:
Etymological Considerations

View no.1 understands the Greek verb daimonizomai to be translated “demonized” rather than “demon possessed” because (1) possession implies ownership and Satan does not own anything; (2) the verb is passive and pictures a demon controlling a passive person; and (3) the verb’s root means a “demon-caused passivity.”1
View no. 2 understands the verb to mean “demon possessed” because (1) the Greek lexicons and theological dictionaries all translate daimonizomai as “to be possessed by a demon”;2 and (2) one of the English dictionary definitions for possess is “to gain or exert influence or control over; dominate” (American Heritage Dictionary, 3d ed.). Thus, demon possession can be understood as “possession to control.” W. E. Vine translates the verb this way: “To be possessed of a demon, to act under the control of a demon.”3
I understand where you are coming from. This type of narrow approach to addressing only some sins is a major turn off. My criticism of the Black church is that many pastors don't address issues such as poverty, single parent households, ignorance, promiscuous behavior, and criminal behavior in the community. However I'm not ashamed that I'm a Christian. The fruits of my walk with God can be seen in my life. I can't complain. I live very well and that has to do with God's grace and making good life choices. I think if the church really wants to have a meaningful impact on the world, stop with the hypocrisy and address all the areas that people are struggling in, not just homosexuality.

Exactly. That is a problem that I have too. I bet you know EVERYTHING about tithes though.
Well He created Satan soooo....

Your point? If you want to have a discussion with me about this then you need to do a little better and approach me with factual and intellectually sound comments. I don't joke around when it comes to discussions like this. Someone might be reading this thread and our responses can have a positive or negative impact on their view of God so lets be serious ok?
Just curious...Were you taught by a history professor or a professor of psychology? Or were you taught by a preacher?
I was taught by a wonder preacher mother grandmother. My question to you is do you think homosexulity is a sin?
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