Amla Oil - Light Green or Dark Green


Hey Everyone-

Just Curious... For those who are using Dabur Amla Oil-

Is the liquid in your bottle 'Dark' Green or 'Light Green?' I've purchase to bottles of this from 2 different stores and they are both a very dark green color... but on the Dabur website, the Amla is a very light green color...

Could I have a bad batch or something or does everyone else's look like this??


Bint Yusef

New Member

I think they just do that to maintain a color consistency on their website and to make the product look more appealing(marketing).


New Member
Chardai said:
Hey Everyone-

Just Curious... For those who are using Dabur Amla Oil-

Is the liquid in your bottle 'Dark' Green or 'Light Green?' I've purchase to bottles of this from 2 different stores and they are both a very dark green color... but on the Dabur website, the Amla is a very light green color...

Could I have a bad batch or something or does everyone else's look like this??


Dabur Regular Amla is dark emerald green..Dabur Amla Lite is pale green.