Anyone Have Success With EMU OIL?


New Member
So, my little sister makes natural soaps and lotions and stuff and she left behind a bottle of 100% Emu Oil at my house.

I googled it to see what the benefits of it are, since I figured it must be something useful since she puts it in her products...

just as I suspected, the claims are it makes hair thicker and promotes growth (along with a host of other skin and healing benefits)

It makes ur hair very soft, didn't use it long enough continually 2 contribute 2 extra growth or thickness, hope this helps:)

I wonder how much I should use or if I should mix it with something. I just have a big bottle of emu oil here.

Should I use it like a conditioner and let it stay in for a while or just rinse it straight out?

Hmm.... guess I'll just have to play around with it and see what kind of results I get.

Will report back but more suggestions totally welcome.
Bumping this thread also because I am also looking into EMU Oil. I have looked at other product lines such as Hydratherma Naturals and the magic number seems to be about 20% Emu Oil for hair oil mixes.

i bet there can be too much of a good thing. I have 100% emu oil here so I'm wondering if I could actually be over-doing it if I put it into my hair as a lone product and let it sit like a deep conditioner.

i hope someone suggests how to use it or i'll be left to my own experimental devices
I love emu oil for my skin and have applied some to my scalp (100% pure strength). It was soothing on my scalp, but I didn't use it long enough to see any benefit. Sorry I couldn't be more help.