Are You An Effortless Grower or Someone Who Has To Work For Growth?

Does Your Hair Grow Effortlessly or Does It Take Work?

  • YES: My hair will grow and I can retain length regardless of what I do to it!

    Votes: 71 14.6%
  • NO: I must maintain a strict regimen but I'm willing to do that to reach my goals!

    Votes: 165 34.0%
  • Neither Yes nor No: I have a regimen, but even if I don't stick to it 100%, my hair will grow

    Votes: 235 48.4%
  • Other: Please explain...

    Votes: 27 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If I'm not on top of daily moisturizing with quality products on my ends... I'm single strand knot city and I don't retain.
My hair always grows no matter what..when I was relaxed I would always relax from root to tip every single time and my hair was still between shoulder length and APL..I also dye my hair and didnt always comb my hair has never been short unless I I DC and I am actively trying to grow to BSL and beyond..
I never took care of my hair, but all my friends viewed me as having long hair. It was APL I think or getting close to it. Not the healthiest, but I had longer hair then my family members. Till I cut if off on the start of my HJ that is
I said "other".

I am an effotless grower but I have to WORK to retain length, thus I have to work to make my hair get longer.

But I can grow some hair :lachen:That's was never a problem. Just retention, which now is getting better so NOW my hair is getting much longer much faster :yep:
I dont know what to put for this, because I have always taken care of my hair. Meaning I deep condition once a week under a hood dryer, did this before coming to this forum, washed my hair once a week, and on that day of cleaning I would blow dry, press and flat iron. My hair still grew with that once a week kind of heat and only washing once a week. I put weaves here and there, and would wash once every two weeks with the weave. I also do an Aphogee treatment every 6 wks. I didnt do wet buns, wash every day or every three days, put the oils in my hair, and stick to crazy regimens, just the norm, and my hair continues to grow.

I switched up my regimen because I see my hair can have potential to grow faster and more healthy after the last time I damaged it.

So I think that even if I washed my hair once every two weeks it would still grow. I think I would be effortless, but it prob wouldnt grow as fast if I dont take extra care, idk
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I am an effortless grower but I have to work really hard at retention. Maintaining my length is the hardest thing. I still haven't mastered it. The only thing that has gotten me to my goal was protective styles. It is a disaster if I wear my hair down for too long.
It's not about growth for me, it's about retaining length. I won't retain any length if I don't pay attention to my hair. Last winter, I'm positive I lost a lot of length due to not protective styling. I'm going to make sure I moisturize and protective style for most of the winter.
I don't really put any effort in to growing my hair but I so what ever I can to keep my hair on my head.

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I voted "other"...

I've never had a problem with my hair growing (I think I get more than the standard .5" per month) but I have more of a problem with retention. If I could figure out the secret, I'd have hair down to my ankles.
I've always had APL/BSL hair even without practicing proper technique. I suffered a setback several years ago due to stress. Now that I'm actually on a HHJ, it seems like growth have come to a screeching halt but I just know that's me being impatient and quite dramatic.
It grows effortlessly (even though i still do extra things to try to speed it up more) but i have to work on the retaining part
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i think any healthy person is an effortless grower. thats what hair does, it grows. (and i think there's a difference between effortless grower and fast grower)... but its only a select few that can do anything to their hair, dont protective style, manipulate their hair everyday, color their hair, dont DC, use alot of heat, etc. all at once, and still retain their length...i dont PS like i think i should, but i'm pretty gentle with my hair most of the time, i dont manipulate it alot, and i make sure my hair is always moisturized and i keep up with my deep conditioning treatments, so its not that hard for me to retain what i grow...
I voted other. The more I do in my regiemn, it seems the slower my hair grows. But when I leave it alone and KISS, it grows the fastest. But I don't consider myself an effortless grower because it takes a lot of effort to keep my hands outta my hair and retain :grin:
Psh, I gotta pray, hope, wish, moisturize, AND seal every inch I get!

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I think fall somewhere in between. For now at least...

I'd always believed that my hair grew MUCH slower than average, but since going natural I've discovered that that's not true at all. I get about half an inch per month, and it seems that as long as I make some effort to moisturize and wear a satin bonnet/scarf at night, I pretty much maintain what I grow. Not effortless, but I'm certainly not struggling for every inch either.

I've only been natural for ten months, so things might change for me. I hope not though! I've had a tough enough time with my hair over the years!
my hair grows pretty quickly but it breaks off at an even quicker pace.

i'm lucky if i retain about 4 inches a year. every time i touch my hair to wash, detangle, style, moisturize, etc. i'm basically giving myself a hair cut. i've never seen someone with hair as dry as mine. :nono:
I'm an effortless grower to a point which is why I selected other. My hair will grow down to APL, regimen or no. Now, getting past APL? That's when the regimen becomes super important.
I voted, "Neither Y/N." I can grow my hair pretty effortlessly to MBL, but this is my first time getting past MBL (due to cutting, relaxing, illness)...and I had to really stay on my regi to get to WL. I'm sure I will have to continue putting in work to get to HL and beyond. "Work" for me is making sure to keep the manipulation UBER LOW (my hair does not like constant styling and washing), conditioning/moisturizing (most important), and taking vitamins. Applying topical growth aids is also a large part of my regi b/c I'm anemic and have slow growth periods here and there.
I'm an effortless grower. I've learned my hair just likes to be left alone & loves moisture:lick:. It's only when I used to manipulate my hair daily trying to be "cute" that it would break off.
It's effortless to me because I've created a regimen that works for me. To others it may be considered work. I've learned what to do to retain.

Sure wish I could get an inch a month. If that was possible yall wouldn't be able to tell me nothing!
I am an effortless grower. I used to work hard for every inch but as it gets longer you find you do ALOT less. Almost nothing sometimes.
Effortless grower. My hair grows pretty fast. However, maintaining my hairs fullness and getting it as thick as I would like is where the effort comes in.
It grows without problem. It's maintaining that is a struggle. My hair gets dry easily and splits easily. It probably would grow better with low mani regimens but if I don't comb everyday it'll knot like crazy.
I would say that I'm an effortless GROWER, but retaining that growth is a different story. As long as I wash, DC, tie it up at night, and limit the heat, it will grow and retain. When I was relaxed my hair was always at least a few inches past SL or APL. At its longest, it was probably BSL/MBL. I used gel and spritz, but I knew how to properly take care of my hair using those products (i.e. no manipulating it). I would say in some respects my growth is faster as natural but retaining is not as effortless as it was when I was relaxed- or maybe I'm just a little more obsessed and pay more attention that I did before.
when i was relaxed i didn't do sht with my hair lol, like no oil no moisture NADA but my hair got up to APL OR MBL. the only type of product my hair would get was when i went to the salon (i went every 2 weeks and they sprayed it up and oiled it down, they told me i had a very dry scalp but i still didn't care much to do anything about it cause i thought my hair looked fine) after much badgering from my hairdresser the only thing i would do though was grease my scalp with Dr. Miracle but that was like towards the end of my journey with relaxed hair so i know it didn't do much. as soon as the grease was done i got a sew-in and began to transition.

now that im natural and use the internet as an outlet to find out what's good for my hair and what's not ive kinda become a level 1 product junkie so im VERY much so into hair care and it's maintenance. idk if i should acquire my growth to just natural growth or growth because of my sudden discovery of the natural hair community. but it seems to grow just fine.nothing super, just the regular half an inch a month. im 10 months and i measured my hair and it's either 4 1/2 or 5'. that doesn't mean much because i didn't measure my growth before when i was natural so i have nothing to compare it too but i think it was the same.

I'm trying to get 1' a month though, any tips hair sisters. :)
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