Cellophane or rinse on new growth?


New Member
Hi ladies! I was wondering if anyone knew if it's okay to use a cellophane, rinse, or semipermanent color on new growth? I have about an inch or so of new growth and don't plan on relaxing for another month or so. So I'm wondering if I did use it on my new growth along with the rest of my hair would I suffer any ill effects when I do decide to relax? Has anyone done this and experienced breakage or excessive dryness or shedding? TIA and happy new years!
I would think that it would be better to relax and then use the cellophane rinse. You can relax and use cellophane rinse on the same day but you always color a relaxer, not relax color. If you used the cellophane first and then relax you will take out the color with the relaxer.
I would think that it would be better to relax and then use the cellophane rinse. You can relax and use cellophane rinse on the same day but you always color a relaxer, not relax color. If you used the cellophane first and then relax you will take out the color with the relaxer.

Yeah, I've heard that coloring after a relaxer helps it take better. I don't mind if the color comes out with the relaxer since the dye I'm going to use doesn't have peroxide or ammonia. I'm just concerned about breakage and possibly being underprocessed. I'm not patient enough to wait another month or so to color and cellophanes supposedly leave a sort of protective coating which I think would be nice to have... Thanks for the info Kat! Further imput would be very much appreciated.
I would think that it would be better to relax and then use the cellophane rinse. You can relax and use cellophane rinse on the same day but you always color a relaxer, not relax color. If you used the cellophane first and then relax you will take out the color with the relaxer.
I agree with the 100 percent.
Bump... Anyone experience damage or underprocessing from apply to new growth then relaxing? I might just try to avoid the ng and get the rest of my hair....