Does anyone actually enjoy taking care of their hair?

sylver2 said:
yup, I like it now that I'm seeing progress. Seeing it grow and remain healthy motivates me.

I am right with you Sylver.
Seeing that what I am doing itsnt in vain makes me what to continue, even if its a pain sometimes

I enjoy it most of the time. I have a friend whose hair grows effortless but I am not that lucky. Detangling once I have new growth is probably the only time I get perturbed. I love seeing the results when it is healthy and getting longer. It definitely makes all the work worth it. I just wish I would have started earlier.
I actually enjoy taking care of my hair. It's my time during the week just for me. I also like seeing the results and feeling the new growth :clap: . It confirms that my efforts are not in vain.
I havent hit that stride yet since I've been natural. When I was relaxed I used to LOVE doing my hair. Roller sets, wraps, whatever. Especially wraps, I could go up to 5-7 days w/o shampooing and have sexy, swinging hair, no work. Roller sets were only good on me for 3 days or so before I would wash and do them again, and everyone would want to touch my bouncy, pretty curlz. :) As a natural, I cant just get up and leave since I do mainly wash and goes. I have to wash/cw/wet it and then scruch/shingle/stretch it into shape or look like the bride of frankenstein. (Once I get a real cut this will be less of a problem.) I like TOUCHABLE/play-in-able hair, and I get that with the wash and goes BUT I have to wait until it dries. Fros arent practical for me everyday, and besides it rubs the top of my car when I wear one. I did get sort of excited when I learned to do two strand twists, I got lots of compliments and didnt have to do anything to my hair in the morning. They were soft, springy and touchable.

I think part of the reason I'm not excited/dont enjoy it as much is that I dont get the outside validation that I had gotten used to as a relaxed person *OR* the self gratification of seeing visible growth (because of shrinkage I can only really see it when I stretch it). I know not to rely on folx for self esteem/approval but folx werent happy with my decision(mom had tears in her eyes when she noticed I cut it), I wasnt totally confident how I would look/if I could pull it off even though I knew natural was what I wanted, and it was VERY noticeable to go from several compliments a day, even from strangers, to practically none. I'm now confident with my hair, and happy with my decision to go natural, I just havent found a consistent umph/wow/sexy factor yet. I know most of it is mental because I love my hair texture and what my hair is capable of and I feel more "me" and more regal with natural hair. I just havent found a consistently easy way to deal with it and get the results I like. I know it will come together in time tho. I think I am going to have it cut earlier than planned so I can get a uniform shape to it.

::end rambling::
I love to take care of my hair now that I'm natural then when I was relaxed. :yep: When it was relaxed it was like I was "forced" to take care of it becuase it was so badly damaged. But now that I'm natural, it's easy to just "wash-n-go." :woot:
Some days, I love to set aside hours pampering my hair. Other days I wash it up, condition, twist it or put it up adn under 45 minutes! Depends on my mood.
Taking care of my hair? I love it!!! My mom laughs and says that I have a "hair fetish" since i'm always in my hair doing something to it. Sometimes, I do over-do it and i get discourged. I guess it's that "watching paint dry effect". I try to oil it every other night, but actually wash, condition it and stuff only once a week to keep my mind off of it...
I love taking care of my hair. I agree with want one of the ladies said before, it's time I spend just for me. And it is not in vain because I see results, even through the trial and errors. I am learning so much. I was just thinking, I am glad someone brought the milk treatment thread back up. Whether I use it or not, it was great learning about it.

I enjoy shampoo and conditioning treatments because they are relaxing. But I dont really enjoy wearing protective styles, they get so boring. I only continue wearing my hair up for the long term benifits.
Sometimes I do and some time I just hate it. Depends on the time.
Right now I have a part time job, so I have more time to take care of my hair.
You know it use to be second nature to it seems like a chore. I am going back to the basics. I went overboard for a while, and I had healthy hair before I joined the boards I got carried away, once I joined and was doing more harm than good...

I am just going to leave my head alone. Wash once a week, air dry...and bun....until it gets cooler.Those simple steps always worked for me...until I went bananas with a bunch of products.

To answer your question right now I don't care to even touch my hair :lol: I am just tired. Its just a funk I am in. :ohwell:
I am pretty low-maintenance when it comes to hair care, so perhaps that means that I don't really 'take care' of it the way I should. :confused: I made a post a long time ago that I was going to start deep-conditioning, but didn't. So, that is something for me to consider.

But, I will say that I do enjoy 'having' my hair and do not feel it is a chore or time-consuming to maintain. I try to do a pre-shampoo treatment once in a while with an unrefined shea and olive oil mix. But I just put that on my hair before I go to bed and put on a plastic cap and my scarf, so it doesn't really feel like I'm 'doing' anything, yet it gives great results. Other than that I mainly just wash, condition, and air dry once or twice a week, and that is fast and easy. I do my own relaxer/texturizer touchup every four months or so and that takes about twenty-five minutes and only costs about $6 per relaxer ($18 per year!), so I love that! I do a jazzing color about twice a year, I guess, and that is quick and simple too.

I like trying different styles with my hair but it's never anything time-consuming, though some people seem to assume it is. It's a bit annoying waiting for it to air-dry but at least I don't actively have to do anything to it while I'm waiting. I used to have the patience to sit under the dryer for a wet-set, but don't anymore. When I had shorter, layered cuts in high school and college, it took more time and effort to get it to look nice, so I don't know if I could deal with that again.

The only thing that ever 'bothers' me about my hair is when someone assumes I have a hard time managing it -- that it must tangle, take a long time to wash, be hard to comb, or that I spend a lot of time and money on it in salons or in front of the mirror in general because of the length/thickness, when I don't. Things like a compliment followed by, "Oooooo, 'Jane,' look at how much hair she has. Wouldn't you hate to have to deal with allll that hair? I wouldn't want to comb that (shakes head). I don't have time for all that."

Fortunately, people don't usually say such things (as far as I know). But you see how I remember it, right. :lol:

I just think to myself, 'why does she think it takes a lot of time to comb my hair? I run the comb through it three or four times -- that takes a minute, if that. So what? I mean, dag, it's not like my hair is in knots, so why would anyone look at it and assume something like that?' :ohwell:

It bothers me when someone assumes similar things about my skin, nails, make-up, 'feminine' style of dressing or whatever else as well. I am a do-it-myself, low-maintenance, 'get-ready-quick' kind of gal, no matter what people imagine in their minds, or actually say out loud. In my experience it takes as little (or less) time to take care of my long hair as short, or to put on heels and a skirt as it does for someone else to put on sneakers and jeans, so I try to impress that upon people if they suggest otherwise (if I know them well-enough to care what they think).
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At this moment I hate doing my hair. I don't know how to detangle properly so I get upset when I hear my hair breaking or getting knotted after I just finished detangling it :mad: . I hate having to figure out which styles will last and how it will look on my face.
I entered in the transition because I wanted to have wavy hair that I could wear straight when my heart desires. Now I realize its a lot of work to get there.
Before I transitioned, once a week I would wash my hair and give myself facials, pedicures, or manicures. It was very simple. Sometimes I miss those days. :(
I guess I'm the exact opposite of you MsC. I love taking care of my hair! I haven't had to many issues/ I cowash every day or every other day, brush back and tie on a scarf either overnight or until i have to go somewhere. My hair is either in a bun, a twist/braid out pony tail, or (rarely) straight. My hair has been really cooperative, no frizziness or poofing (weather permitting of course). By the way whats going on with the timers? Love ya! nubianqt86
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I enjoy doing my hair. It's like a girly ritual for me. I even get tired of braids, despite their convenience, because I miss doing my hair. Sometimes I do get lazy though and airdry because I'm too tired to rollerset.
Yes, I enjoy taking care of my hair, eventhough it takes longer to detangle now. I basically co-wash every day, tie a scarf around the fron to flatten the edges and let it air dry. I usually wear it out because my hair ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT look good in wet buns/pulled back while wet with all this bew growth...even if I tie it down and its pulled back wet it looks funny. I have no complaints...
i like taking care of my hair and seeing that the care i put in it pays off... i love washing my hair and having it smell nice all week. i also like oiling my scalp once in a while... i dont know, i really enjoy it... i'm not DYING for it to reach extreme lengths but i eventually want it get very long but there's plenty of time... i'm not even 18 yet :)
sometimes I enjoy it sometimes it feels like a chore. I havent seen any benefits yet but if I don't see any progress within a year. I'll just feel all the TLC was in vain.
YEP! I enjoy it!

  • I enjoy it because I'm not stressing over length anymore.

  • I enjoy it because I'm not rushing buying any and everything trying to make my hair grow at a rate that it wasn't DESTINED to grow at.

  • I'm enjoying it because I'm not examining the hairs falling out of my head.

  • I'm enjoying it because I'm not on any set schedule to shampoo/condition/moisturize. I finally learned how to LISTEN to MY hair and not treat it according to how everyone else treats THEIR HAIR.

I enjoy taking care of my hair becasue I'm finally at peace with it. :)

I've taken good care of my hair for most of my life, so it's almost second nature to me. And yes, I do enjoy it because the results are well worth it. I'm not "married" to a strict regimen, but there are some basics that I do no matter what, such as regular cleansing, careful combing, minimal heat and deep conditioning.
I enjoy taking care of my hair. I had to start doing it myself out of necessity and then it became a chore and now I am trying to gather as much knowlege and experience with proper hair care as I can. I learn some new something almost every week or so. I am slowly *checking wallet here* slowly coming to the realization that less is more. I am going through an experimentation phase and I can say that I have found products that work for me and some that do not work for me. I will still experiment here and there, but I would say that the eventually, I believe I will get to the point were I have staples and a pretty set regimen that produces great results.

Rememeber, success is a journey not a destination.
I do it to maintain and regain healthy hair:scratchch ...

I work 40+hours a week so:violin: .. as much as I hate to say it:orders: ... most of the time hair care sucks:barf: ... I just hope now the I know how to take care of my hair it wil become easier:fan: :user: ... but the past year has taken the fun out of it:arguing: ... I am just trying to keep and maintain what little I have gained... I am still in the learning proccess... all I can say is thanks for all the ladies for sharing and caring... but seeing out come of healthy hair takes the edge off:kissing4: ....
I enjoy it for the most part. Some days I'm just plain lazy and don't want to do anything at all, but hair is my hobby so most times I find it quite relaxing.
I do not like taking care of my hair!! That's why it's normally braided and forgotten about for the most part!:grin: