Doing Twist-Outs on Transitioning Hair


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I am nine months into my transition. I flat ironed my hair today to take family pictures and...DISASTER. So I now know that I can no longer flat iron my hair but I am going out New Years Eve and I wanna wear a cute hairstyle. I was thinking of trying twistouts.

So I was wondering how do twistouts turn out on transitioning hair that has two textures, specifically hair that is 9 months or more post relaxer? Does anyone have any tips to make it look decent? Thanks!
You may have better success doing a bantu-knot out.

I tried doing just 2 strand twists on a friends transitioning arse potato hot :lachen:
My friend that was transitioning had more success doing braid outs. I would say test it out either tomorrow or thursday so that you have enough time to decide whether or not the style works for you. It requires a lot of trial and error especially with figuring out what products yield the results you want. Good luck!
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ITA braidouts are much better on transitioning hair. It's the only way to blend the textures nicely. It was my staple style when I transitioned.

Twistouts can't hide the thicker NG and even rolling the ends doesn't help with blending or holding the pattern.IMHO
You may have better success doing a bantu-knot out.

I tried doing just 2 strand twists on a friends transitioning arse potato hot :lachen:

Thanks! I youtubed a couple videos and I just got done doing my first ever bantu knot out. Im not sure how good I did, but I will find out how it turned out in the morning!!
I did a ton of twist outs during my transition. The key for me was to 2 strand twist then wrap that twist into a bantu know. Let the hair dry overnight, take down and fluff. I've been doing it this way for a few years after accidently discovering it and never looked back.
I did a ton of twist outs during my transition. The key for me was to 2 strand twist then wrap that twist into a bantu know. Let the hair dry overnight, take down and fluff. I've been doing it this way for a few years after accidently discovering it and never looked back.

How long did you transition? And if you transitioned longer than 9 months, do you remember how twistouts on that hair turned out?

I'm really scared to try it because I think I'm gonna end up looking like a fool. :yep:
How long did you transition? And if you transitioned longer than 9 months, do you remember how twistouts on that hair turned out?

I'm really scared to try it because I think I'm gonna end up looking like a fool. :yep:

I transitioned for 94 weeks and did a bc on 12/5. My sig pix is a twist out on all natchal hair. Ummmm, I made a thread about a week ago were I re capped my year of growth. I have a few twist out pics on my transitioning hair in there but they weren't fresh. Take a look :) I'm on my phone so searching isn't the easiest for me right now.

aDo practice a run and see how you like it :)