hair grow into a v shape?


does anyone here have hair that grows into a v-shape? no matthe how blutnly I trimmy ends by the next time I'm ready to trim my hair is forming a v...what causes this?
Yeah mine does it. My stylist hates it. Thats why she is always cutting me up! My sides (the hair above my ears) grows slower than my nape. Thats how you end up with a V shape.
My hair grows in a v-shape too, which make my ends look too thin. Since I seldom wear my hair down/straight, I have learned to accept my "V".
My hair is V shaped and I love it. It allows your hair to have alot of movement. My sides grow slower than my nape also.
My hair grows in a V shape and I love it!

When your hair grows in a V shape that just means that your hair is all one length. The nape is the lowest down so it just seems to be growing faster/longer.
I hated it for a while and considered trimming a lot off but I'm over it now. I don't like blunt ends but I don't like an extreme V (which I had a few months ago) either. I'm content with it now.
my hair grows in a V but Im not cutting it anymore because it will end up in the same shape as it did before I cut it anyhow.
I like blunt cuts it holds curls better. Mine just started growing in a v shape after I had my daughter, so weird that pregnancy could change that.
I trim my own hair straight across/blunt, but the v always returns. I don't mind the v at all, but there's no way I know of to trim and still leave the v... like I said it always comes back anyway.
Mine grows in a V, it drives me crazy. I wish it would grow in a U. When I reach my goal of waist length, I will definitely trim it away