Hair Sins: What do you do that your hair seems to be growing in spite of

I blowdry. Majority of the drying is done on the lowest setting, but I hit it with high for a second or two before I move on to the next section.

Rollersetting takes over an hour. I just don't have that kind of time lately.
GeechyGurl said:
Have you tried blowdrying it in sections with the large comb teeth and then the small comb teeth? I used to do this because I wanted my hair bone straight and it worked. Maybe my mindset is changing but I use the large-spaced comb teeth to get it semi straight/managable. I like it wavy. But my goal is to get closer to where you are with the airdrying...:perplexed

Girl, NO! :lol: Well, I used to so that and that is what broke my hair off. Everytime I did it, I had hair ALL OVER my bathroom!!! It took a few months of the hair loss for me to realize that I needed to give up on that!!

I do feel more comfortable airdrying and flatironing but I wish that I could narrow it down to once a week or master rollersets.
I'm 100% natural and try to condition myself into using natural products almost always. And, for the most part I do. Except when i'm too cheap to buy them and wait for them to get shipped so I revert right back into using "that crap from the pharmacy" that usually makes me break out all over, makes me sick and wheezing, and dries my hair and scalp out horribly. I KNOW I shouldn't but damnit I can't help i'm cheap..... I get it from my momma... lol :lol:
Comb and brush my hair several times a day
Use heat 3 times a week
Trim every 8 weeks
I don't use any daily moisturizers
I wear my hair out every single day. I never do protective styles
And I have hi-lites.
Oh and I don't stretch my relaxers

I think I break every cardinal hair sin:eek:
sweetcashew said:
Comb and brush my hair several times a day
Use heat 3 times a week
Trim every 8 weeks
I don't use any daily moisturizers
I wear my hair out every single day. I never do protective styles
And I have hi-lites.
Oh and I don't stretch my relaxers

I think I break every cardinal hair sin:eek:

Sweetcashew!:eek: Wow!
Your hair looks great!:D
sweetcashew said:
Comb and brush my hair several times a day
Use heat 3 times a week
Trim every 8 weeks
I don't use any daily moisturizers
I wear my hair out every single day. I never do protective styles
And I have hi-lites.
Oh and I don't stretch my relaxers

I think I break every cardinal hair sin:eek:

SC, I think about you all the time. I remembered that you wear your hair down everyday. I do,too. Well, I have a LOOONNNGGG way before I am even close to your length, but it still makes me feel good knowing that some DO enjoy their hair and wear it down. I think Sylver2 wears hers down, as well.
I use a fine tooth comb whenever I wear a bun but the last time I did that was Oct 06.
I trim just about every 8 weeks even though I shoot for 12.
I don't use heat often but when I do, I get on a roll. I won't use heat for 7 months but then I will use it 1 time in both the 7th and 8th month and I am planning to use it in the 10th month.
I am not faithful to growth aides. Oh well.
I use a product with cones and one with mineral oil....way down the list but I know so much more is expected of me seeing as though I have natural hair.