I hurt so bad....


Well-Known Member
I just lost a relationship of 13 years. This man was my best friend and I felt he was my soul mate. Please those of you that know the words of prayer keep me in them. I hurt so bad... I've been crying all week. :(
I'm praying for you!!! Remember God said he would work all things for the best for those who love Him. I have taken comfort in that, maybe you can too.
Sorry to hear that you have to go through this. About a year and a half ago, I found out that my boyfriend/soulmate/best friend of 13 years had been secretly seeing another woman for about two years. It was the most difficult situation that I had ever <and am still> going through.

I will say the first two months were like hell, but it did get better each day. I just recently got over the hate and anger I had for him.

To help with the pain, I really leaned on my family and friends and I kept myself busy


My dear, I am praying for you, for healing, for faith and for growth. When I lost my bestfriend of 8yrs and relationship of 5yrs, the only thing I knew how to was to get on my knees and pray. Outside of personal life, it was God and I, I filled myself up to the max with Him, noone but u knows how much your heart is hurting, we may all offer words of encouragement but at the end you need something bigger. Let Him be that strength, let Him heal you from within, and let you smile again. I know it seems like a mountain is before you, I know you feel like you'd much rather dig a hole and bury yourself, but u know what dear, life continues. It continues because God has something even better planned for you. This is the time to turn completely to Him, let Him lead you, let Him help you grow, let Him make it right. god does not delight in seeing you hurt, or shed a tear, it breaks His heart as you do so, let Him be your comforter. Remember your steps are ordered, let Him be your guide, and He'll take you to a place where you'll look at the old you and smile. At that point, you'll fully understand why you had to go through this, you will be on higher ground, and then you'll thank Him for blessing you, and realize that this breakup might have been the best thing that ever happened to you. Dont lose your faith, let Him show Himself to you.
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I just lost a relationship of 13 years. This man was my best friend and I felt he was my soul mate. Please those of you that know the words of prayer keep me in them. I hurt so bad... I've been crying all week. :(

So sorry you've lost your best friend. I have realized that we go through stages at a loss, sadness and anger are two of them. I always think of the time I should have walked away and didn't......only to tolerate crap for too long then to be dumped. Your story, I don't know who walked away but if he walked after thirteen years well....it may be because it was time for you to go on to greater things. Think of the good times, and the awful ones too, cry if you must, as long as you must until it is time to smile again. Seek, search, beseech God's great comfort through the change and believe me, Luvsmuhgrass, God will never, ever leave you as long as you make HIM #1 ALWAYS and He will deliver the one who is truly meant to stay till death do you part. My Dear One...you have my prayers.
I love you dear sister. The pain is fresh and you will cry and that's normal and acceptable. I've heard Bishop Jakes say that anyone that is part of your destiny, cannot/will not walk away. Anyone who is not, we can't stop them from leaving. I know that provides little comfort right now. But as the clouds begin to clear along with your perspective on the situation--those words may indeed mean something.

I wish there was more I could say to comfort you, but many of us have been through this and the truth is that at first, there's just not much anyone can say to help.

But we're here for you. Thank you for being honest enough (and not prideful) to let us know that you're hurting. I've said a prayer for you. :kiss:
Please believe me when I tell you that you will get better.

I have been there more times than I care to remember. The pain would be so intense that at times I felt light-headed and short of breath. Each day that I went to work, church, etc., I begged The Lord to help me act "normal" cause it hurt even to speak. I would be so glad when my day ended so that I could crawl into my doorway, read the Bible and pray. I NEVER felt that I would ever feel joy or peace again.

Others begain to tell me that I was looking really good. I had lost alot of weight. They wanted to know what my secret was. :eek: Of course it was my broken heart.

I began to promise God that I would never again allow myself to be taken advantaged of, lied to, cheated on, blah, blah, blah, and stay around to take it. I would either be loved and treated with decency, dignity and respect, or I would not stick around at all. My happiness would never depend on another person or thing, but on God and He alone.

I had to accept that no so-called lover could or would do the things to me that I allowed them to do to me. It's funny, but when I came to this decision, they started to call me and wanted to resume the relationship(s). Needless to say, they were stunned when I told them to never call me again:mad: . I had to go to the police and file a stalking complaint on one, and threatened another that I would do the same thing to him!!!

Luvsmagrass, you deserve to be loved. Don't settle for anything less!

So, when your tears have dried, and they will, and The Lord heals your broken heart, and He will, look in the mirror and remind yourself that if you are a woman of God, you are somebody's "good thing."
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Im so sorry.:(

Meekandquietspirit, those were some words of wisdom, and couldnt have been said better.
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My sistah:) ,
My heart feels for you but know that there is a Balm in Gilead and He will heal your heart.
The Lover of your soul will not sit still and watch you weep, you are engraved in the palm of His hands and like a dew in the morning His love and calm will gently rest upon your heart.
I send out a prayer for you right now that what the enemy meant for evil God has already turned it around for good.
Dry your weeping eyes and set your face as a flint before God-He will speak to you, only listen..........
You're in my prayers, and this to will past.

Take time to grieve and cry but then wipe your tears and decide that God is just making room for the right friend/soulmate/husband/.

God sometimes can't give us what we truly need because we're holding on to someone/something that he has not given us.

Be encouraged.
Supergirl said:
I love you dear sister. The pain is fresh and you will cry and that's normal and acceptable. I've heard Bishop Jakes say that anyone that is part of your destiny, cannot/will not walk away. Anyone who is not, we can't stop them from leaving. I know that provides little comfort right now. But as the clouds begin to clear along with your perspective on the situation--those words may indeed mean something.

I wish there was more I could say to comfort you, but many of us have been through this and the truth is that at first, there's just not much anyone can say to help.

But we're here for you. Thank you for being honest enough (and not prideful) to let us know that you're hurting. I've said a prayer for you. :kiss:

These words mean a lot to me SuperGirl. I just lost my partner after 10 years & 2 kids. It has been rough, but fasting, praying & literally getting on my face have all helped. And reading the Word is so comforting.

It's hard sis, but lean on us :kiss:
Remember, All things are working together for our good
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

I know a lot of people on the board aren't into the Law of Attraction but you are in control of how you are feeling and you can make the choice to go from devastation to happiness instantly if you redirect your energy and focus on finding and identifying 1 thing at a time that will make you feel a little better and lifts your spirits each time. Each time, try to reach for a better feeling. You can go through all of the stages of loss in 1 month or 10 years. It's up to you, how quickly you want to be in control of your emotions again and move through them. Ex. If you know that one stage of loss is anger and blame then start being angry now so that you can move on to the next step towards being happy. Of course you will still love him but you don't have to suffer in the process. Much love!!!:rosebud:

Jerry and Ester Hicks talk about and teach this in their book "Ask and It is Given - Part II."
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
I just lost a relationship of 13 years. This man was my best friend and I felt he was my soul mate. Please those of you that know the words of prayer keep me in them. I hurt so bad... I've been crying all week. :(
I couldn't walk away from your post. I felt your hurt and pain and while I have no magical words or potions to make the pain go away, I do have God's promise, that 'joy' WILL come and replace the pain your are feeling.

What I can offer you is the heart of a 'sister' who cares. No one should ever have to hurt, but I can say that it shows how much love you have as a loving person. For the more we love the more, we feel the loss of our 'beloved.'

I can say that I bless your heart, but even more God blesses it. For you love as He loves. God loves us all the way to hurt and back again...all the way to the cross, into hell and into heaven. In heaven, where He loves and holds you dear.

Be strong precious one. :kiss: Your heart will indeed heal in time. And through this process, never forget how wonderful you are to love this man so much, that you hurt as much as you do. For that is how God loves...all the way.