Itchy/Flakies - your advice


New Member
I am getting a bit frustrated and need some help. I have a bit of a problem with my scalp and sweatiness. I wash my hair every 3 days because I either want to get rid of sweaty smelling hair, or to get rid of the flakes from my scalp. The flakes are fine, very tiny and sorta creme in color. At one point, I thought it was product buildup, so I cut back tremendously (just leave in (and or oil). Still dealing with it. Any ideas on what to do as far as the scalp, or changes to routine to keep from washing so much.


Hair is natural -4a:

shampoo twice per week with diluted jason sea kelp
Condition with sea kelp conditioner
Seal moisture with castor oil or nothing at all
Twist with ORS twist and lock gel
I spritz daily with water, island oil (1 tsp) and lavender oil

I just started replacing one shampoo per week with co wash (suave coconut co).

Should I try greasing my scalp? What should I do?



Keracare Dry Itchy Scalp poo and cond. worked fine for me. Shampooed Saturday and haven't itched since. Will do it again tonight.


New Member
I used Nizoral to treat my ithcy scalp. It got to the point after shampooing the flakes were still on my scalp. I was washing every three days to keep it at bay, but it was still itching. Nizoral is very drying so follow up with a good moisturizing deep conditioner. Also, I used it 3-4 times and it completely cleared it up :)

ETA: I bought Nizoral at Wal-mart.


Well-Known Member
I started taking Evening Primrose Oil. My skin looked great plus my scalp was doing good too. Have you tried an ACV rinse once a week or so?


Well-Known Member
kbody4 said:
I used Nizoral to treat my ithcy scalp. It got to the point after shampooing the flakes were still on my scalp. I was washing every three days to keep it at bay, but it was still itching. Nizoral is very drying so follow up with a good moisturizing deep conditioner. Also, I used it 3-4 times and it completely cleared it up :)

ETA: I bought Nizoral at Wal-mart.

I second Nizoral. They also sell it at Walgreens and When I use Nizoral, I focus solely on my scalp. Don't treat it like a regular shampoo and put it all on your hair. It is drying like kbody said! I usually follow up with a moisturizing shampoo and then deep condition.

You may also want to add some tea tree oil to your favorite oil (mine is emu) and oil your scalp every few days. I do this especially while in braids (cornrows) and it truly works miracles! My scalp feels great!


Active Member
There are some threads here on it. I will post it for you. I found a lot of good info in them.

BUT....I hate putting grease on my scalp. (I itching so bad that I wanted to try anything) I found some Better Braids Medicated spray at the BSS. (no bad stuff in in. like mineral oil) I havent itched since. That was about 2 weeks ago. You will see the date on my post. I cant really remember for sure.

I only paid 3.69 or so. No more than 3.99.


New Member
I just wanted to come back and share what I did:

I am currently wearing twists. I greased my scalp initially with a light hand just to see if this is a dandruff problem. That was soothing, then I worked out.

So with the sweatiness, I my hair was even more dry. I used an ACV rinse with a high concentration of peppermint, and rinsed the twists, concentrating on the scalp. Next, for moisture, I made a spritz with coconut oil, lavender EO, and bottled water. My conclusion is that this is buildup, and I am feeling great now. When I take these twists out, I am either going to use Paul Mitchell Tea tree, or clarify with baking soda (I am on the fence about going CG again). Your posts were really helpful!


Well-Known Member
I haven't been bothered with flakes or dry, itchy scalp since I started using MTG oil twice a week. I have to wash my hair frequently also since I work out 4-5 days a week, so I wash my hair twice a week once with poo the other time with condish only and afterwards I apply the MTG to my scalp. I started using the MTG for the growth benefit and just happened to notice that my scalp health has improved also :)