It's Official, I'm HL (Hip Length)!! sorry for the big pics

Wow! Congratulations!!!

Your hair is so beautiful and thick. Your pics are really inspiring! :) Have you reached your goal length or do you plan on continuing to grow it?

Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
wow beautiful THICK hair. loves it.
meanwhile, when i first started my hair journey and wanted to chop all my dry hair off, i reached out to you after seeing your fotki and you were the one that talked me out of chopping it all off. you suggested co washing instead. lol. still grateful for that :)
Congrats! I have watched your prgress for the last two years and I am simply amazed. Off to stalk your Folki again.
:thud:Oh My Dayuum, I nearly fell out of my seat. YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL DREAM HAIR. Great job. How long are you growing it?

Your hair is just ABsolutely Beautful!:yep:

Way to go girl!!! (Now, don't think about anything foolish - like cutting it!):nono: Keep it up girl!
Very little heat, like, once a month, if that.

Lots of con washes and braidouts.

Stretch between 10 and 16 weeks.

oil, oil and more oil

i have the bomb vitamin reggie which gives me enery to work out which gives me good circulation.

My main staples are Lekair cholestorol, CON shampoo and any clairifier. Anthing else is extra.

I'm kinda low maintenance.

thanks yall

Update: Sorry, just saw the vitamin reggie. Thanks!
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