It's YOUR HAIR - Do You!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I never ever start a thread (well, I probably started one) but I digress...

I just saw this video and besides the fact that I just love her videos because they are always funny and often go off on random tangents (which I like), I think this video has a positive message. I think all of us (well maybe only some) have engaged in certain practices/use of products/methods/ of hair care which have of us :cheers:
YouTube - whoissugar's Channel
LOL! Loved it.

This is the thing we have to be careful about: placing too many "rules" on how to take care of natural hair. Before we know it, we can find ourselves believing that deviating from unwritten "rules" is always bad.

Remember when the norm was:
-Only wash your hair twice a month
-Lather your hair with grease
-Comb from root to tip
-Relax every month

And once we deviated from these "rules" we were told our "hair was going to fall out."
What I love most about her is that she practices what she 'preaches'. She seems to have done it all: relaxed, natural, locs, short hair, long hair, wigs, braids, etc and doesn't seemt to give a toss what people thing. I always burst out laughing when she says: "Don't send me messages saying xyz..." LOL
I luv whoissugar. She keeps me laughing but I totally agree with her stance on things regarding hair and that is why I luv'd this video. Who am I to knock what you are doing with your hair? If it works for you, why do I need to get personally invested in your hair decisions? Ya know. These natural nazis make it not fun anymore sometimes. It really is just hair. Live and let live and do what you want to do with your hair.