Law of Attraction/The Secret

God is always the main reason for my practises of the LOA

its strengthened my faith in god

i also use semi precious stones, un earthed from gods green earth it helps me remember nature and focus.

i've never been so full of energy and joy in my life

the LOA helped me to understand the way that I relate to god...which is through nature and meditation

my aunt who is a great Christian taught me about the spirit throughout my teens and energy, the chakras

i think when it comes to repligion we will ALL have very strong views, but my personal understanding is that you are to relate to god in your own special and positive (personal) way.

i'm so much more happier, i thank god every day (Christian god!) for the knowledge i have aquired. I was on such a spititual path, i was confused, i feel as though i have reached a special level in my beliefs

thanks for this thread!
I have never read the secret but I do know that God is the creator of all. There is no secret, allow God as the head of your like and he will bless you how he sees fit. It is not all about prosperity and it is not all about being dirt poor, in everything we do let us give God the glory.

The visionboard concept is someting that I have done before this book was even published. Many times throughout my life I have written down goals and made collages about things I wanted to accomplish in life. I prayed over these projects and asked God to let his will be done. It helped me to stay focused and offered a visual reminder of my goals. I will continue to do this because God instructed me to write it down and allow him to let it come to pass. When he tells me to do something, then I must listen.
:clap: I know i am late, but i am so glad this was posted because I left the board for 6 months when I saw everyone jumping on the bandwagon of this hot mess...anyway, here's another scripture (short and sweet) for consideration!

Psalm 106:13-16:

13They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel: (but consulted the universe instead!)

14But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.

15And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.

So scary! God would let us have what we want! With the sinful nature of man, I would be afraid if all of us got what we want! His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His ways our ways (Is. 55:8-10)!

What more can you say? Looks like law of attraction is really "lust" of attraction!

Thank you OP (and the saints who spoke truth)! In the future I will be more bold about calling a spade a spade!

This post was so good, I had to read it 3 times.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This entire thread is FULL of God's word. I'm so blessed by each of you who have not 'waivered' in this issue. You just don't know. Yet God is faithful...oh yes He is. God is faithful and just to bring forth His word and not allow the enemy to prevail.

2 years ago, I went through hell with this issue and Christianity, as to how it did not belong in a Christian's life. My thread was closed and God just had me wait. Another thread was raised up in here by one who was trying to defend the loa being okay with Christians. Yet God.......

Yet God has prevailed and He always will. I'm so thankful for those of us who know 'our' God and that it is HIS principles, not the world's who have taken his gifts and called them their own.

But God........ But God....... But God who is and was is still to come. :love2:

Praise the name of Jesus... Praise Him.

Angels, God bless you... with all of my heart, God bless you. :kiss:
God is always the main reason for my practises of the LOA

its strengthened my faith in god

i also use semi precious stones, un earthed from gods green earth it helps me remember nature and focus.

i've never been so full of energy and joy in my life

the LOA helped me to understand the way that I relate to god...which is through nature and meditation

my aunt who is a great Christian taught me about the spirit throughout my teens and energy, the chakras

i think when it comes to repligion we will ALL have very strong views, but my personal understanding is that you are to relate to god in your own special and positive (personal) way.

i'm so much more happier, i thank god every day (Christian god!) for the knowledge i have aquired. I was on such a spititual path, i was confused, i feel as though i have reached a special level in my beliefs

thanks for this thread!
Oh Precious one....

the loa does not celebrate God. :nono: It's the Holy Spirit that gives us the understanding of God and not spirits of the unclean nature of this world. satan has you just where he wants you...deceived.

God reveals Himself to us and lead us to Him and gives us the understanding and closeness of Him by way of Him and Him being in the form of Himself by His Spirit and none other.

satan is a master deceiver. he could not de-throne God, so he has made himself god among those who will follow him upon this earth.

There is only ONE way to God the Father, by HIS spirit and by the way of Jesus Christ. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.

Jesus made it plain, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father except by me."

Don't let satan fool you precious love of God; only God, by way of Jesus Christ and by way of the Holy Spirit can and will give you the TRUE understanding of God; not the devil's way called loa. the loa whom you believe are simply:

f the

It's an add-on that persons who fear letting go and letting God; those who are saying, 'I'll do it myself -- my way.'

Before the loa, God still was and still is and always will be.....'God.'

Oh Precious one....

the loa does not celebrate God. :nono: It's the Holy Spirit that gives us the understanding of God and not spirits of the unclean nature of this world. satan has you just where he wants you...deceived.

God reveals Himself to us and lead us to Him and gives us the understanding and closeness of Him by way of Him and Him being in the form of Himself by His Spirit and none other.

satan is a master deceiver. he could not de-throne God, so he has made himself god among those who will follow him upon this earth.

There is only ONE way to God the Father, by HIS spirit and by the way of Jesus Christ. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.

Jesus made it plain, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father except by me."

Don't let satan fool you precious love of God; only God, by way of Jesus Christ and by way of the Holy Spirit can and will give you the TRUE understanding of God; not the devil's way called loa. the loa whom you believe are simply:

of the

It's an add-on that persons who fear letting go and letting God; those who are saying, 'I'll do it myself -- my way.'

Before the loa, God still was and still is and always will be.....'God.'


Excellent, excellent post, sis!
Excellent, excellent post, sis!

Precious Wavy, I just don't 'get it'. :nono: God doesn't need help from the devil to make Himself known to us. satan cannot produce God, yet he has successfully seduced so many into his way of thinking.

Precious Wavy..... Sis' ... thank God you 'know me' outside of this forum. Thank God! Cause I have to share this.

What it all comes down to is this. There are Christians who are trying to justify their faith in loa by saying it brings them closer to God. Again my question is, '...since when does God need satan to teach us of Himself?" If a person wants a closer relationship with God, then go to the direct source, which is .............. 'God'. God has given us an open invitation to come 'boldly' to His throne of Grace to obtain mercy in time of trouble.

He says that '...whosoever will, let him come and drink the waters of life.'

God says that anyone who comes to Him will in no wise be cast out or down. No one is one. That's just how much God loves us.

Trust me, I understand exactly what's going on here. I've been there! And I've learned that there are no 'short-cuts' and no substitutes and no other gods above God, Himself. O' bless His Holy Name... Jesus!

I love what the prophet Elijah says in I Kings,

"How long will you halt between two opinions?

[Woooooo :wow: I'm ready to shout -- I love that Word --- "How long will you halt -- be paralized -- be deceived --- between two opinions ? "]

I love the rest of this Word... Look what Elijah says further and it the TRUTH! Wooooooooo Jesus! Look at this,

If 'baal' be god, serve him (however) If God be God, serve Him."

You know, there are simply no in betweens. :nono: NONE! You cannot mix loa (lies of the adversary) with the Truth (being God) and still have Truth.

Look, if someone wants to use loa, then fine, go for it. But to the Christians, please don't put God in it, just to excuse the use of it. Call it what it is, which is the world's worship of self gratification. Just don't call it God. For if God be God....Serve HIM -- make a complete commitment to Him and not baal.

There is good thing that God will uphold from us. None. For all we have to do is ask God and He will deliver. Just believe and take Him at His word. God never fails. He loves us just that much and more. :heart2:
Amen sister Shimmie - thank you for this thoughtful and loving rebuke.

Lord help us to see that You alone are more than enough.
This post was so good, I had to read it 3 times.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for breaking it down. You see a lot of people into the Secret/LOA are focused on obtaining things. They want to manifest a new job, a car, money etc. But God requires more of us. I always tell people that if you take care of God's business, He will take care of yours. Sure it is good to have things here on earth but these teachings are taking people's focus on what really matters and is removing God as the source from the equation. We need to focus on the things that will ensure our spot for eternity in heaven. None of the jobs, money, cars etc will matter in heaven or in hell. In all we do as Christians, God has to be first. I don't want anyone else to get the credit or the glory for the things He has done for me. If folks would put as much attention into seeking the Lord as they do into these teachings, they would be blessed beyond measure. Thanks again because reading this blessed me. Q

Thanks, isn't it amazing how God was able to put everything we needed for life and godliness in the Bible for us?

I also like the bolded statement.
Precious Wavy, I just don't 'get it'. :nono: God doesn't need help from the devil to make Himself known to us. satan cannot produce God, yet he has successfully seduced so many into his way of thinking.

Precious Wavy..... Sis' ... thank God you 'know me' outside of this forum. Thank God! Cause I have to share this.

What it all comes down to is this. There are Christians who are trying to justify their faith in loa by saying it brings them closer to God. Again my question is, '...since when does God need satan to teach us of Himself?" If a person wants a closer relationship with God, then go to the direct source, which is .............. 'God'. God has given us an open invitation to come 'boldly' to His throne of Grace to obtain mercy in time of trouble.

He says that '...whosoever will, let him come and drink the waters of life.'

God says that anyone who comes to Him will in no wise be cast out or down. No one is one. That's just how much God loves us.

Trust me, I understand exactly what's going on here. I've been there! And I've learned that there are no 'short-cuts' and no substitutes and no other gods above God, Himself. O' bless His Holy Name... Jesus!

I love what the prophet Elijah says in I Kings,

"How long will you halt between two opinions?

[Woooooo :wow: I'm ready to shout -- I love that Word --- "How long will you halt -- be paralized -- be deceived --- between two opinions ? "]

I love the rest of this Word... Look what Elijah says further and it the TRUTH! Wooooooooo Jesus! Look at this,

If 'baal' be god, serve him (however) If God be God, serve Him."

You know, there are simply no in betweens. :nono: NONE! You cannot mix loa (lies of the adversary) with the Truth (being God) and still have Truth.

Look, if someone wants to use loa, then fine, go for it. But to the Christians, please don't put God in it, just to excuse the use of it. Call it what it is, which is the world's worship of self gratification. Just don't call it God. For if God be God....Serve HIM -- make a complete commitment to Him and not baal.

There is good thing that God will uphold from us. None. For all we have to do is ask God and He will deliver. Just believe and take Him at His word. God never fails. He loves us just that much and more. :heart2:

WOW!!!! Now, that's a word straight from the Lord!

There isn't anything left to say.....thank you sis...thank you!!!
Precious Wavy, I just don't 'get it'. :nono: God doesn't need help from the devil to make Himself known to us. satan cannot produce God, yet he has successfully seduced so many into his way of thinking.

Precious Wavy..... Sis' ... thank God you 'know me' outside of this forum. Thank God! Cause I have to share this.

What it all comes down to is this. There are Christians who are trying to justify their faith in loa by saying it brings them closer to God. Again my question is, '...since when does God need satan to teach us of Himself?" If a person wants a closer relationship with God, then go to the direct source, which is .............. 'God'. God has given us an open invitation to come 'boldly' to His throne of Grace to obtain mercy in time of trouble.

He says that '...whosoever will, let him come and drink the waters of life.'

God says that anyone who comes to Him will in no wise be cast out or down. No one is one. That's just how much God loves us.

Trust me, I understand exactly what's going on here. I've been there! And I've learned that there are no 'short-cuts' and no substitutes and no other gods above God, Himself. O' bless His Holy Name... Jesus!

I love what the prophet Elijah says in I Kings,

"How long will you halt between two opinions?

[Woooooo :wow: I'm ready to shout -- I love that Word --- "How long will you halt -- be paralized -- be deceived --- between two opinions ? "]

I love the rest of this Word... Look what Elijah says further and it the TRUTH! Wooooooooo Jesus! Look at this,

If 'baal' be god, serve him (however) If God be God, serve Him."

You know, there are simply no in betweens. :nono: NONE! You cannot mix loa (lies of the adversary) with the Truth (being God) and still have Truth.

Look, if someone wants to use loa, then fine, go for it. But to the Christians, please don't put God in it, just to excuse the use of it. Call it what it is, which is the world's worship of self gratification. Just don't call it God. For if God be God....Serve HIM -- make a complete commitment to Him and not baal.

There is good thing that God will uphold from us. None. For all we have to do is ask God and He will deliver. Just believe and take Him at His word. God never fails. He loves us just that much and more. :heart2:
I too love what Elijah said so I had to make the font even bigger. God is so clear in His message to us. We seem to want to have one foot in heaven and one in the world.
WOW!!!! Now, that's a word straight from the Lord!

There isn't anything left to say.....thank you sis...thank you!!!
Precious Wavy, I made a typo in my post :blush3:

"There is no good thing that God will uphold from us..........

I didn't add the 'no' before good thing. :cry3: I'm sorry. :blush:
I too love what Elijah said so I had to make the font even bigger. God is so clear in His message to us. We seem to want to have one foot in heaven and one in the world.
tmichelle, I love that scripture. And it's the truth regarding Christians who are involved in the loa. They are split between two opinions; two gods.

God says choose one or the other, not both. :love2:
As for myself I bought the book last year and read it and almost if not fell for it ...and I prefer to stay away simply because I was focusing ON MYSELF and I always had this feeling deep down inside that I was turning away and far away from what I was thought at a young age. I had this guilt deep down inside....simply because I guess I was taking the glory for every thing that would happend positive by not thanking GOD for everything in my life. It happend without even me being conscious about it until I realized whoa why did I let go of all my habits such as my daily prayers or pulling out my bible once in a while to read.. thats when I knew it was time to put that book down and stop reviewing it everyday and that if theres a book that I need to review frequently its my bible. Everyday is a challenge but I will continue my path and keep LORD JESUS-CHRIST first regarless who comes my way trying to disrupt my faith.
Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers is an excellent read. It's LOA with a Biblical perspective. Everything is supported in the Bible.

LOA is not the 'devil.' All it says is you get what you think. That is exactly the same as "For as he thinks in his heart, so it he." Proverbs 23:7. We can be Christian and follows God's word, but if we don't have the right mindset, then our blessings will be blocked.

I'm Christian who is trying to reform my thought. I would pray to God and have faith, but still my life would be miserable because I didn't have any faith in myself.

As Christains, many of us are taught to "suffer." That's what I was taught at my church growing up. I learned that Christians should suffer, and if you are not suffering now, then be prepared, because you will suffer soon. So if things were going well in my life, I would self-satotage because that's what I thought God wanted for me.

But I was wrong, God wants us to be happy and prosper. His Will is to encourage us and to prosper us. So to me, the law of attraction is God's law. God can't prosper us if we are thinking negatively, or think that we don't deserve God's blessings.

I agree with the above. I wasn’t going to come back in and post, especially after seeing so many great responses, but I feel I must put my point of view out there.
I totally understand where people are coming from regarding their view of the LOA vs the bible. Just because I understand it, does not mean that I totally agree with it. My issue, however is when people say that if you practice it you’re going against God, listening to the word of the devil or what have you. I’m not referring to anyone in this post. I’m just saying in general, because this is not the first time I've heard this. I am a religious person and believe in God. I pray several times a day and don’t think I’m a horrible person. However, I take offense to people telling me that because I practice the LOA that I’m following the devil. No one knows anything about me or where I’ve come from, so how can you judge me? I thought the whole purpose of Christianity was NOT to judge. Yet in still, when there’s a point of view that conflicts with “typical Christian thinking” then it’s the devil’s work. I have never understood how people who claim to be so “Christian” don’t think that’s judging.
I think the LOA is a good thing. Some may agree, some may not and that’s fine. We can agree to disagree. Quoting what I put down and then trying to “prove your point” by quoting scripture or what have you is not going to change anything for me. If you think that I’m practicing the devil’s word then so be it. When it comes down to it, I don’t answer to you. I answer to GOD. When I practice the LOA and things go well for me, I thank G-O-D and NOT the universe. I know that God loves me regardless as long as I’m living my life the way he planned for me to. Somehow, I don’t think God is going to love me any less because I practice the LOA (which in MY opinion only) is similar to what God’s message is. I’m not putting anyone or anything before God. However, if someone not knowing me wants to assume that about me, then so be it.
Like I said, we can agree to disagree. Someone can come in here, quote what I have just written and try to convince me otherwise to make a point. Like I said, I understand everyone’s point of view. I just may not agree with it totally, and you know what? That’s just fine. I've been doing pretty well all this time (with the LOA and God), so I must be doing something right.
I don’t think any differently of anyone else or think they’re following the devil because they have an opinion that is different than mine. Like I said, only God will judge me. Period.
I agree with the above. I wasn’t going to come back in and post, especially after seeing so many great responses, but I feel I must put my point of view out there.
I totally understand where people are coming from regarding their view of the LOA vs the bible. Just because I understand it, does not mean that I totally agree with it. My issue, however is when people say that if you practice it you’re going against God, listening to the word of the devil or what have you. I’m not referring to anyone in this post. I’m just saying in general, because this is not the first time I've heard this. I am a religious person and believe in God. I pray several times a day and don’t think I’m a horrible person. However, I take offense to people telling me that because I practice the LOA that I’m following the devil. No one knows anything about me or where I’ve come from, so how can you judge me? I thought the whole purpose of Christianity was NOT to judge. Yet in still, when there’s a point of view that conflicts with “typical Christian thinking” then it’s the devil’s work. I have never understood how people who claim to be so “Christian” don’t think that’s judging.
I think the LOA is a good thing. Some may agree, some may not and that’s fine. We can agree to disagree. Quoting what I put down and then trying to “prove your point” by quoting scripture or what have you is not going to change anything for me. If you think that I’m practicing the devil’s word then so be it. When it comes down to it, I don’t answer to you. I answer to GOD. When I practice the LOA and things go well for me, I thank G-O-D and NOT the universe. I know that God loves me regardless as long as I’m living my life the way he planned for me to. Somehow, I don’t think God is going to love me any less because I practice the LOA (which in MY opinion only) is similar to what God’s message is. I’m not putting anyone or anything before God. However, if someone not knowing me wants to assume that about me, then so be it.
Like I said, we can agree to disagree. Someone can come in here, quote what I have just written and try to convince me otherwise to make a point. Like I said, I understand everyone’s point of view. I just may not agree with it totally, and you know what? That’s just fine. I've been doing pretty well all this time (with the LOA and God), so I must be doing something right.
I don’t think any differently of anyone else or think they’re following the devil because they have an opinion that is different than mine. Like I said, only God will judge me. Period.

While I don't know if any one is judging you or not, please be careful in all your beliefs as we all must. As you stated only God will judge you, and He will indeed by His Word. So I know you said you don't care if people quote scripture or not, that it won't change your mind, but let the scripture (not the people quoting it) dictate to you your beliefs. Don't write off what the Word of God says because you disagree with someone's beliefs, let the Word become your belief.

No one should disregard scripture (God) because they think that they are above it and in the end God will say, "Well, she was basically a good person, I know that she never followed what I told her to do but I like her anyway." I mean God can say that, but I wouldn't stake my eternal soul on it, that is doing what I want to do and not what God has put in His Word.
While I don't know if any one is judging you or not, please be careful in all your beliefs as we all must. As you stated only God will judge you, and He will indeed by His Word. So I know you said you don't care if people quote scripture or not, that it won't change your mind, but let the scripture (not the people quoting it) dictate to you your beliefs. Don't write off what the Word of God says because you disagree with someone's beliefs, let the Word become your belief.

No one should disregard scripture (God) because they think that they are above it and in the end God will say, "Well, she was basically a good person, I know that she never followed what I told her to do but I like her anyway." I mean God can say that, but I wouldn't stake my eternal soul on it, that is doing what I want to do and not what God has put in His Word.

Hmmm I understand totally but I NEVER said anything about disregarding His word. I read the bible and go by His word. If I didn't then that would make me a hypocrite. I only said that we all can have different points of view, and that I don't think I'm following the devil because I practice the LOA and believe in God.
Hmmm I understand totally but I NEVER said anything about disregarding His word. I read the bible and go by His word. If I didn't then that would make me a hypocrite. I only said that we all can have different points of view, and that I don't think I'm following the devil because I practice the LOA and believe in God.
You cannot serve two masters. For you will serve one and hate the other.

The loa is your 'back-up' actually your substitute for God. Don't be fooled, you ARE serving two masters. One is of the world who has chosen to leave God out of their life decisions and also to use God as justification or to shadow the truth regarding their lack of TOTAL and Complete faith in God and God alone.

Look if you wish to follow the loa principles than that is of course your choice, and your right to make that life decision. However, do not put God in it where He is not. The examples of trusting God and only God have been placed before us in His word. The word of God plainly and without error, shows us how His chosen served Him and trusted Him and Him alone.

When David called upon the Lord, God answered. Not loa.

When the three Hebrew children chose not to bow down to the idols of King Nebercanzzer (sp?), it was not the loa that they trusted in, but God who delivered them in the fiery furnace.

Daniel wasn't saved from the Lions den because of the loa, it was God whom He trusted in which stilled the mouths of the lions who would have killed him otherwise.

If you read your Bible, it was the world's system and choice of other gods, that these men chose not to serve. They refused to bow to any other god, no matter what the price. They didn not succomb to the world's belief system.

It was God who opened the wombs of barren women, not the loa.

It was God who raised Jesus from the dead, NOT the loa.

God is not a fool. He knows who believes in HIM totally and those who waiver and are mixed in the world's concepts of unbelief.

If you believe God than Believe God. You have no need of any witchcraft to 'bring forth' the material things which you desire.

Did you know that loa is indeed the root of witchcraft? I know what I'm talking about. You can disagree until Jesus comes. But dear one, it is the practice of witches who focus and meditate and 'bring forth' from the universe the material matters which they desire. Again, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

You have been greatly deceived...greatly. And if you are truly a follower of God and His son the Lord Jesus Christ, you will fall on your face and ask HIM and not the loa for the direction of your life.

Don't think for one minute that the loa is going to deliver you from the paths of destruction. The devil has you and other Christians hood-winked.

You, the biggest deception of the loa is that it has the same principles of the Bible. Here's an eye opener. the loa has taken credit for what the Bible has proclaimed since it's beginning.

If the loa is Bible, then why not use your Bible ... period? What do you need from the loa? You have lost your committment to God alone. You can deny it, but you've gotten a taste of something, the delusions of having what you want without prayer and waiting on God to manifest the answers in HIS time as opposed to YOUR time.

satan knows what he's doing. he's seducing those who would be committed to God with the lusts of the flesh, of the eyes, and of the heart which has been deceived into thinking they can bypass the real responsibilities of a real relationship with God.

You've been deceived and hood winked. If not, then walk away from the world and give your heart to God and trust Him and Him alone. Otherwise one day, you are going to come to the end of yourself and as a balloon deflates, so will your strength, and the only thing you can do is look to God and say, 'have mercy on me' for not allowing you to be Lord of my heart, Lord of my desires, Lord of my life.

Let's be honest, if you truly followed Jesus, there's no room for anything else. God is not mocked; He cannot be revised or dethroned.

loa.... lies of the adversary.
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To address believing/serving/pledging allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ while simultaneously practicing loa:

James 1:5-8 (Amplified):
If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of [b]the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. Only it must be in faith that he asks with no wavering (no hesitating, no doubting). For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind. For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything [he asks for] from the Lord, [For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides].

Upon discovery of being "a man of two minds", instruction to RESIST the enemy (the enemy being anything and everything contrary to the Lord Jesus Christ, including loa) and PURIFY oneself of that double-mindedness:

James 4:7-9 (Amplified):

So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you. [Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [of your spiritual adultery]. [As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame [for your sins].
Ha! loa = SPIRITUAL ADULTERY?! :yep:
I agree with the above. I wasn’t going to come back in and post, especially after seeing so many great responses, but I feel I must put my point of view out there.
I totally understand where people are coming from regarding their view of the LOA vs the bible. Just because I understand it, does not mean that I totally agree with it. My issue, however is when people say that if you practice it you’re going against God, listening to the word of the devil or what have you. I’m not referring to anyone in this post. I’m just saying in general, because this is not the first time I've heard this. I am a religious person and believe in God. I pray several times a day and don’t think I’m a horrible person. However, I take offense to people telling me that because I practice the LOA that I’m following the devil. No one knows anything about me or where I’ve come from, so how can you judge me? I thought the whole purpose of Christianity was NOT to judge. Yet in still, when there’s a point of view that conflicts with “typical Christian thinking” then it’s the devil’s work. I have never understood how people who claim to be so “Christian” don’t think that’s judging.
I think the LOA is a good thing. Some may agree, some may not and that’s fine. We can agree to disagree. Quoting what I put down and then trying to “prove your point” by quoting scripture or what have you is not going to change anything for me. If you think that I’m practicing the devil’s word then so be it. When it comes down to it, I don’t answer to you. I answer to GOD. When I practice the LOA and things go well for me, I thank G-O-D and NOT the universe. I know that God loves me regardless as long as I’m living my life the way he planned for me to. Somehow, I don’t think God is going to love me any less because I practice the LOA (which in MY opinion only) is similar to what God’s message is. I’m not putting anyone or anything before God. However, if someone not knowing me wants to assume that about me, then so be it.
Like I said, we can agree to disagree. Someone can come in here, quote what I have just written and try to convince me otherwise to make a point. Like I said, I understand everyone’s point of view. I just may not agree with it totally, and you know what? That’s just fine. I've been doing pretty well all this time (with the LOA and God), so I must be doing something right.
I don’t think any differently of anyone else or think they’re following the devil because they have an opinion that is different than mine. Like I said, only God will judge me. Period.

Hmmm I understand totally but I NEVER said anything about disregarding His word. I read the bible and go by His word. If I didn't then that would make me a hypocrite. I only said that we all can have different points of view, and that I don't think I'm following the devil because I practice the LOA and believe in God.

Oh good. What you wrote that I bolded had me thinking that no matter what scripture said, you weren't going to listen. I'm glad you clarified. Also, be careful not to judge others too harshly calling people "Christian". I used to do that all the time until I realized that I just didn't know.
You cannot serve two masters. For you will serve one and hate the other.

The loa is your 'back-up' actually your substitute for God. Don't be fooled, you ARE serving two masters. One is of the world who has chosen to leave God out of their life decisions and also to use God as justification or to shadow the truth regarding their lack of TOTAL and Complete faith in God and God alone.

Look if you wish to follow the loa principles than that is of course your choice, and your right to make that life decision. However, do not put God in it where He is not. The examples of trusting God and only God have been placed before us in His word. The word of God plainly and without error, shows us how His chosen served Him and trusted Him and Him alone.

When David called upon the Lord, God answered. Not loa.

When the three Hebrew children chose not to bow down to the idols of King Nebercanzzer (sp?), it was not the loa that they trusted in, but God who delivered them in the fiery furnace.

Daniel wasn't saved from the Lions den because of the loa, it was God whom He trusted in which stilled the mouths of the lions who would have killed him otherwise.

If you read your Bible, it was the world's system and choice of other gods, that these men chose not to serve. They refused to bow to any other god, no matter what the price. They didn not succomb to the world's belief system.

It was God who opened the wombs of barren women, not the loa.

It was God who raised Jesus from the dead, NOT the loa.

God is not a fool. He knows who believes in HIM totally and those who waiver and are mixed in the world's concepts of unbelief.

If you believe God than Believe God. You have no need of any witchcraft to 'bring forth' the material things which you desire.

Did you know that loa is indeed the root of witchcraft? I know what I'm talking about. You can disagree until Jesus comes. But dear one, it is the practice of witches who focus and meditate and 'bring forth' from the universe the material matters which they desire. Again, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

You have been greatly deceived...greatly. And if you are truly a follower of God and His son the Lord Jesus Christ, you will fall on your face and ask HIM and not the loa for the direction of your life.

Don't think for one minute that the loa is going to deliver you from the paths of destruction. The devil has you and other Christians hood-winked.

You, the biggest deception of the loa is that it has the same principles of the Bible. Here's an eye opener. the loa has taken credit for what the Bible has proclaimed since it's beginning.

If the loa is Bible, then why not use your Bible ... period? What do you need from the loa? You have lost your committment to God alone. You can deny it, but you've gotten a taste of something, the delusions of having what you want without prayer and waiting on God to manifest the answers in HIS time as opposed to YOUR time.

satan knows what he's doing. he's seducing those who would be committed to God with the lusts of the flesh, of the eyes, and of the heart which has been deceived into thinking they can bypass the real responsibilities of a real relationship with God.

You've been deceived and hood winked. If not, then walk away from the world and give your heart to God and trust Him and Him alone. Otherwise one day, you are going to come to the end of yourself and as a balloon deflates, so will your strength, and the only thing you can do is look to God and say, 'have mercy on me' for not allowing you to be Lord of my heart, Lord of my desires, Lord of my life.

Let's be honest, if you truly followed Jesus, there's no room for anything else. God is not mocked; He cannot be revised or dethroned.

loa.... lies of the adversary.

Okay. I'm going to say this as tactfully as I can. I don't deny that you obviously have strong beliefs. More power to you.

However, I FULLY RESENT YOU TELLING ME ABOUT ME WHEN YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ME. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. When you came into this thread and quoted scripture to everyone when they had an opinion about something, I didn't come in here, quote you and say that YOU and YOUR beliefs were wrong. Why? Because I know that God loves you regardless of what I feel. I am very happy that you follow the word of God to the letter, but when was the last time that you were with me when I went to church? When was the last time that you were with me during the day and prayed? When was the last time you were with me I did read my bible? You weren't. So I fail to understand how you (or anyone else in this thread who feels the same as you), not knowing me one day of the 34 years of my life is such an expert in MY belief of God. I understand that you say that you know of what you speak, but who said that YOUR way was the only way? So essentially, you're saying that if no one believes God and the bible the exact way that you do, then we're all sinners? I'm sorry, but I don't understand that.

The bible is interpreted in many different ways by many different groups. Everyone interprets the bible in their own way. However, because you interpret the bible in one way does not mean that you're any better than someone else and their beliefs. That is the way you're coming across whether you mean to or not. The way it's coming across is you, as an "Christian" person, judging me. Once again, I thought the whole purpose of being a TRUE CHRISTIAN was NOT judging people. Yet in still, here you are condemning me and telling me that what I think and believe is wrong and the work of the devil.

I don't need you, someone who has never had any dealings with me what-so-ever coming onto this forum and telling me that I'm using the LOA as a substitution for God. Quite frankly, I resent it and don't appreciate it.

We can "argue" about this until we're both blue in the face. Once again, we can agree to disagree. However, if you're a true Christian, then you need to let me live my life the way that I am. If I said I believe in God, then I believe in God. I NEVER said that I was using the LOA to manifest material things. LOA is positive thinking. That's what I use it for. I don't put any material thing over God because that is a sin. Once again, when you have personal dealings with me and see me do that, then you have all the right to come and attack me.

I'm not going to be coming in to this particular forum anymore. I shouldn't have even come back, but I take personal offense when someone attacks me about ME, MY BELIEFS, and MY INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE. You can respond back to this or not, either way it's fine. I guess I need to ask, did YOU actually read "The Secret" or any of the LOA books? I just want to make sure that people, before they actually condemn somthing have actually read and/or researched it for themselves. I'm going to assume that many people have not read them.

In any case, you can come back in and quote scripture to this post if you want. I'm not going to respond any more to this particular post and I'm not bitter or mad. I'm not going to follow anyone into any other forums and attack them, because that's not my style. I just pray that you be tolerant of others and their interpretation of God, even if you disagree with them.

Good night.
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You cannot serve two masters. For you will serve one and hate the other.

The loa is your 'back-up' actually your substitute for God. Don't be fooled, you ARE serving two masters. One is of the world who has chosen to leave God out of their life decisions and also to use God as justification or to shadow the truth regarding their lack of TOTAL and Complete faith in God and God alone.

Look if you wish to follow the loa principles than that is of course your choice, and your right to make that life decision. However, do not put God in it where He is not. The examples of trusting God and only God have been placed before us in His word. The word of God plainly and without error, shows us how His chosen served Him and trusted Him and Him alone.

When David called upon the Lord, God answered. Not loa.

When the three Hebrew children chose not to bow down to the idols of King Nebercanzzer (sp?), it was not the loa that they trusted in, but God who delivered them in the fiery furnace.

Daniel wasn't saved from the Lions den because of the loa, it was God whom He trusted in which stilled the mouths of the lions who would have killed him otherwise.

If you read your Bible, it was the world's system and choice of other gods, that these men chose not to serve. They refused to bow to any other god, no matter what the price. They didn not succomb to the world's belief system.

It was God who opened the wombs of barren women, not the loa.

It was God who raised Jesus from the dead, NOT the loa.

God is not a fool. He knows who believes in HIM totally and those who waiver and are mixed in the world's concepts of unbelief.

If you believe God than Believe God. You have no need of any witchcraft to 'bring forth' the material things which you desire.

Did you know that loa is indeed the root of witchcraft? I know what I'm talking about. You can disagree until Jesus comes. But dear one, it is the practice of witches who focus and meditate and 'bring forth' from the universe the material matters which they desire. Again, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

You have been greatly deceived...greatly. And if you are truly a follower of God and His son the Lord Jesus Christ, you will fall on your face and ask HIM and not the loa for the direction of your life.

Don't think for one minute that the loa is going to deliver you from the paths of destruction. The devil has you and other Christians hood-winked.

You, the biggest deception of the loa is that it has the same principles of the Bible. Here's an eye opener. the loa has taken credit for what the Bible has proclaimed since it's beginning.

If the loa is Bible, then why not use your Bible ... period? What do you need from the loa? You have lost your committment to God alone. You can deny it, but you've gotten a taste of something, the delusions of having what you want without prayer and waiting on God to manifest the answers in HIS time as opposed to YOUR time.

satan knows what he's doing. he's seducing those who would be committed to God with the lusts of the flesh, of the eyes, and of the heart which has been deceived into thinking they can bypass the real responsibilities of a real relationship with God.

You've been deceived and hood winked. If not, then walk away from the world and give your heart to God and trust Him and Him alone. Otherwise one day, you are going to come to the end of yourself and as a balloon deflates, so will your strength, and the only thing you can do is look to God and say, 'have mercy on me' for not allowing you to be Lord of my heart, Lord of my desires, Lord of my life.

Let's be honest, if you truly followed Jesus, there's no room for anything else. God is not mocked; He cannot be revised or dethroned.

loa.... lies of the adversary.

I most vehemently agree with this entire post Shimmie especially the bolded. This brings me to an interesting point - I feel that the reason why God had to destroy the tower of Babel and create a rift between the men of those days via language barriers was because of the high imaginations of their hearts at that time. They were going on the strength of their own will and God eventually had to put a stop to it. They had completely taken Him out of the equation and relied on their own will. They set their heart to do a thing that was obviously not in the will of God and He intervened.

Bottom line, there are consequences for every action we choose to take. Thank you OP for creating this thread for those of us who have gotten tricked by these subtleties of the devil. He is indeed like a roaring lion (in sheeps clothing) seeking whom he may devour.

Oh children of the living God who believe in these lies of the devil, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit concerning loa and it's subtleties. Allow your hearts to hear His still small voice as He ministers to you. Let us pray, confess, repent and be converted because our enemy the devil seeks to sift us as wheat.
To address believing/serving/pledging allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ while simultaneously practicing loa:

James 1:5-8 (Amplified):
If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of [b]the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. Only it must be in faith that he asks with no wavering (no hesitating, no doubting). For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind. For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything [he asks for] from the Lord, [For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides].

Upon discovery of being "a man of two minds", instruction to RESIST the enemy (the enemy being anything and everything contrary to the Lord Jesus Christ, including loa) and PURIFY oneself of that double-mindedness:

James 4:7-9 (Amplified):

So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you. [Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [of your spiritual adultery]. [As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame [for your sins].
Ha! loa = SPIRITUAL ADULTERY?! :yep:

Well said FoxyScholar!!!
Okay. I'm going to say this as tactfully as I can. I don't deny that you obviously have strong beliefs. More power to you.

However, I FULLY RESENT YOU TELLING ME ABOUT ME WHEN YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ME. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. When you came into this thread and quoted scripture to everyone when they had an opinion about something, I didn't come in here, quote you and say that YOU and YOUR beliefs were wrong. Why? Because I know that God loves you regardless of what I feel. I am very happy that you follow the word of God to the letter, but when was the last time that you were with me when I went to church? When was the last time that you were with me during the day and prayed? When was the last time you were with me I did read my bible? You weren't. So I fail to understand how you (or anyone else in this thread who feels the same as you), not knowing me one day of the 34 years of my life is such an expert in MY belief of God. I understand that you say that you know of what you speak, but who said that YOUR way was the only way? So essentially, you're saying that if no one believes God and the bible the exact way that you do, then we're all sinners? I'm sorry, but I don't understand that.

The bible is interpreted in many different ways by many different groups. Everyone interprets the bible in their own way. However, because you interpret the bible in one way does not mean that you're any better than someone else and their beliefs. That is the way you're coming across whether you mean to or not. The way it's coming across is you, as an "Christian" person, judging me. Once again, I thought the whole purpose of being a TRUE CHRISTIAN was NOT judging people. Yet in still, here you are condemning me and telling me that what I think and believe is wrong and the work of the devil.

I don't need you, someone who has never had any dealings with me what-so-ever coming onto this forum and telling me that I'm using the LOA as a substitution for God. Quite frankly, I resent it and don't appreciate it.

We can "argue" about this until we're both blue in the face. Once again, we can agree to disagree. However, if you're a true Christian, then you need to let me live my life the way that I am. If I said I believe in God, then I believe in God. I NEVER said that I was using the LOA to manifest material things. LOA is positive thinking. That's what I use it for. I don't put any material thing over God because that is a sin. Once again, when you have personal dealings with me and see me do that, then you have all the right to come and attack me.

I'm not going to be coming in to this particular forum anymore. I shouldn't have even come back, but I take personal offense when someone attacks me about ME, MY BELIEFS, and MY INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE. You can respond back to this or not, either way it's fine. I guess I need to ask, did YOU actually read "The Secret" or any of the LOA books? I just want to make sure that people, before they actually condemn somthing have actually read and/or researched it for themselves. I'm going to assume that many people have not read them.

In any case, you can come back in and quote scripture to this post if you want. I'm not going to respond any more to this particular post and I'm not bitter or mad. I'm not going to follow anyone into any other forums and attack them, because that's not my style. I just pray that you be tolerant of others and their interpretation of God, even if you disagree with them.

Good night.
Don't be upset. You're allowing your 'offense' to be your defense.

Knowing you is not what's presented here. Is the god you are serving. Christians who are involved with the loa are literally committing spiritual adultery. They've chosen to serve and depend upon a god outside of God, who is our Father, Provider, Healer, and Guide in Heaven here on earth.

Christians who are involved with the loa have simply chosen satan as their 'sugar daddy'. Afterall, what are they doing in loa? Asking the universe, (not God) to supply their desires.

And I am speaking of those who profess to be Christians. As Christians we are here to 'follow Jesus Christ' and to follow no other. Jesus said, 'Follow Me". We are here to seek His face and His hand and not the hand nor face of another.

Being offended does not change the Truth. Your faith is not solely dependent upon Jesus Christ our Lord. For me to sit here and sugar coat it, would be a lie.

And it's not 'my' belief or opinion, it's God's word completely. Read the book of Hosea, was this not about God's example of His children seeking other gods. It's all through the word of God.

My words are not against You nor anyone else personally who in involved with the loa. It is the loa -- period -- that I am coming against and it's deception and its hold upon Christians who have become caught up in it. Christians are losing their grip on Jesus Christ and are self-willing 'things' into their lives. Self-will is witchcraft.

I know what it's like to seek after 'alternative' helps to get my needs met. But I've also learned that only God is my Master and Saviour and My Lord. When I gave my heart to Him, it was solely to Him and I have no other need for 'outside' gods.

God has never failed me. And He never will.

For the sake of love, I ask you to challenge yourself. Leave the loa and place your faith Totally upon God and God alone. Jesus Christ. Come on, challenge yourself. Better than that, make a solid decison, a quality decision, a life or death decision. Drop the loa and all of it's hold upon you, and Follow Jesus Christ and depend upon Him for your needs and desires and Him alone.

What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? You'll lose your soul with loa, but with Jesus, you will have an everlasting life with Him.

Leave the loa... leave it. Give it all to Jesus and trust Him for all of your needs. What are you fearful of?

If you can't let the loa go, or if you are unwiling then it's proof that you are seduced into satan's deception. It like being a herion / crack addict. It has you hooked and you hunger for it. If this is not so, then let it go. Stop defending what's destroying your faith in God.

God calls us to serve Him and Him alone.

Which God will you serve? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

God bless you and I mean this with all of my heart. :heart2:
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Disclaimer: have not read this thread.

Creflo Dollar is preaching a series called "How to get your harvest" which is the christian version of LOA/Secret.
Disclaimer: have not read this thread.

Creflo Dollar is preaching a series called "How to get your harvest" which is the christian version of LOA/Secret.

Once again, there is NO Christian version of the loa/secret. The loa has taken God's principles and have made them their own.

Don't be deceived in making the wrong connections. God is NOT of the loa. I don't care what Creflo Dollar is preaching. He better have it right and in line with God's word and only God's word. Just because a preacher is preaching / teaching something does not make it gospel or God's word.

My comments are not about you gn... :kiss: I'm attacking the subject the loa....which is not God. There's a big mess and a lot of confusion going on with this mess. Christians who are hungry and desperate for having things in their lives, are getting swooped up in the mass of confusion.

Bottomline: Serve God and only God. That's God's word and His law. There is no other for Christians to follow.

Hugs and blessings.
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I have nothing to add to the thread, but once again, I will post one of my favourite scriptures; Romans 14

Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. 10You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord,
'every knee will bow before me;
every tongue will confess to God.' "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother o fall. So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

'tis all saints :hug2::couple:

Back to lurkville
Ooh, I love it when scripture is quoted! If only LOA/The Secret were as benign as food or celebrating a special day to the Lord.
I have nothing to add to the thread, but once again, I will post one of my favourite scriptures; Romans 14

'tis all saints :hug2::couple:

Back to lurkville

Don't run back to lurkville.

I declare, I declare. The word/concept of "judgement" should not even be discussed WITHOUT each and every single poster who uses the term to INCLUDE a definition/their definition of the term "judgement" because CLEARLY: there's no sound agreement on what this term means or when is should be RIGHTFULLY and ACCURATELY applied. I mean that WHOLEHEARTEDLY just like I said it.

Fundamentally, there are some things that any and every Bible-believing, Lord Jesus Christ-professing Christian ought to agree on: and the MAIN thing is that it is the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is LORD OF ALL and that NO OTHER gods should come before Him and NO IDOL WORSHIP! And further, when we see a fellow Christian going down that path, we are to ALERT, INFORM, CALL OUT/SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE, that person back to the LORD... gently...but firmly....

It is a worse offense to see your fellow brother going down the wrong path and not say anything. That person's blood is on YOUR HANDS.

Here's a reference that gets at what I'm doing my best to articulate.... Disclaimer: while this speaks to a person who is in ACTUAL SIN, my point is that there are plenty of other steps that lead to sin (or the iniquity that leads down the path to sin. I am not (necessarily) saying that practicing loa is sinful, but it is DEFINITELY on the path toward sin, e.g., idolatry/spiritual adultery): (my emphasis in RED)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The "spiritual" are to "restore". Restoration is the process of returning something to a previous state; mending or repairing what has become damaged. Nowadays, any time we speak of confronting or exposing sin, we are barraged with the "don't judge" clichés. The Bible most certainly commands us not to judge in a way that is hypocritical or unloving, but to declare that we are not to judge is both illogical and unBiblical. It is illogical because we "judge" things every day to be right or wrong. Rape, murder, child molestation... we have no problem "judging" those as wrong because it doesn't apply to most of us. However, when we start "judging" lust, covetousness, gossip, laziness or stealing, that starts to step on too many toes, so the cries of "judgmental" start ringing loud and clear.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Judging" is not about what occurs in our private thoughts [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](because every human instinctively and continually judges [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]what they observe moment to moment), [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]but more about how we ACT on that judgment. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In reality, the whole argument about judging is insincere and misplaced to start with. The fact is, that EVERY ONE, in the privacy of their own minds and thoughts constantly judges the behavior, decisions and actions of others as "right or wrong" instinctively. We call it "opinions" to make it more palatable to our politically correct and "tolerance-first" culture. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The real argument about "judging" does not actually pertain to the judging that occurs in the privacy of our minds, but whether or not we are willing (or obligated) to act on that judgment. What people are really saying when they say "don't judge" is "don't act on your judgment, just let me do what I want and don't interfere in any way".[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Paul disagrees. And so did Jesus (Matt 7.1-5). Believer to Believer, we are commanded to judge sin, and to act on it. However, we are not to act out of our own sense of righteous indignation, nor for personal reasons. We are to act on our judgment of sin to 1) restore the sinner to holiness, 2) keep the Lord's family pure and free from sin, and 3) to guard and protect the reputation and name of our Savior. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The spiritual Christians are to restore the person caught up in sin; the motive behind judging and confronting the sin is love for the sinner, and the desire to repair and make whole their relationship with God. This restoration is to be done in a "spirit of gentleness"... in other words it is to be done in love, and on God's behalf, not for personal reasons of self-righteousness or control. As the restoration occurs, the spiritual Christian is to be careful how they proceed so that they themselves are not tempted. Tempted with what?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Judging sin, confronting sin and restoring the sinner involves the possible temptation of spiritual pride, and even the possibility of being caught up in the very same sin. For example, if I were confronting and restoring another Brother over some sin he is committing that I personally am not prone to commit, I could be tempted to become spiritually proud, and have a "look at how good I am" attitude. Or, I could be tempted into the very same sin. For example, if I was attempting to restore someone who had been "caught up" in pornography, I would need to be very careful about what I allowed my eyes to see, and ears to hear, lest I be tempted by the very same thing.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Taken all together, Paul is commanding us, without apology/explanation/excuse: "If you are discover a fellow Christian who is caught up in sinful behavior, then the spiritually mature Believers should gently confront them with the idea of restoring their relationship with God, and their place in the Body of Christ; but be careful and alert when you do it so that you will not be tempted to sin yourself in some way, whether in attitude or action."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I don't want to get involved" and "I don't want to judge others" [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]is not only unBiblical, it has caused us to lose [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]valuable accountability and purity. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Gentle restoration" should be a basic practice among Christians. It's how we look out for each other, and maintain the purity of the Church body. It's a shame we don't practice it more, and that we bow to the pressure of "tolerance" and the cries of "don't judge." No doubt the Church would minister with much more effectiveness, and individually we would not be as engaged in sinful behavior if we had the GOOD peer pressure of mutual accountability. How much deterrence and assistance would it be if we all knew that our fellow Christians would not hesitate to "gently restore us" if they saw us engaging in sinful behavior? But all to often we hear "I don't want to get involved", "it's none of my business", "I don't want to be judgmental", "well I'm not perfect, who am I to say anything?". [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The purpose is the gentle restoration of someone who has fallen into sin. We should NOT be hypocritical about it, but neither should we go to the other extreme and wait until we are "perfect" before practicing this loving confrontation and restoration. Gentle restoration is a blessing that we are robbing ourselves of. This also answers the question 99% of time of how we are to respond when we are personally wronged by other Believers. Our first inclination is to punish, teach a lesson and get even. Our spiritual duty is to "gently restore" placing the care of their soul above our need for personal satisfaction. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Are you a Believer? Then you are commanded to participate as, or with, the "spiritual" Christians in gently restoring a fellow Believer who has been "caught" in sin. Paul said it, not me. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lord God, Help us to learn the benefit of gentle restoration of those caught in sin. Help us to be on of those who are spiritual that can cautiously confront and gently restore. In Jesus' Name, Amen.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Contemplation: Have you ever confronted another Believer about sin they were caught up in? Have you ever been confronted? Do you see it as beneficial or "judgmental"? Could you explain to others the concept of "gentle restoration" and why Christian should practice it? [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Application: Paul is commanding us, without apology/explanation/excuse: "If you are discover a fellow Christian who is caught up in sinful behavior, then the spiritually mature Believers should gently confront them with the idea of restoring their relationship with God, and their place in the Body of Christ; but be careful and alert when you do it so that you will not be tempted to sin yourself in some way, whether in attitude or action." [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]James 1:22 - But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (NKJV)[/FONT]
^^^ This is a bit off topic but it pertains to your post above Foxy Scholar. What you said about the definition of judgement reminded me about what our Bible School teacher constantly emphasizes in class. He says, we are not to usurp the Word of God and impose on it our meaning of words/concepts/ideas but we are to let the Word of God formulate and dictate to us its meaning and glean our understanding of words/concepts and ideas from it, not vice-versa. I hope I said this clearly. You are right in the concept that we need to be careful what definitions we put on God's Words.
:imo::deadhorse: :endworld: :giveup: Can we just agree to disagree. those who believe the LOA/Secret is ungodly(me included) we can believe that and once we speak what we believe to be the truth about it, we have to leave it in God's hands. For those who don't believe that LOA/Secret is ungodly, then it still is in God's hands, no need to explain yourselves to anyone.