"Light" protein suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions for products with a "light" dose of protein in it?

I feel like I need more protein and more moisture since I colored but the protein products I try kinda make my hair hardish and kinda rough feeling.

Any ideas?

And if you think a lighter protein is not the answer plz lemme know what you think.

I used a dudley protein, it came in a bottle, i forget the exact name.

Thanks girls!
I mix some plain yogurt with oil/s and honey. It's a light protein and leaves my coils feeling uber moisturized and smooth as well. :grin:
This a good thread!

I've lurked for a minute before actually joining LHCF so I'm a quasi-new comer and have learned a few things but what I can't seem to get right is this moisture/protein balance thing. Even though it's said that protein is good for our hair, my hair acts like I'm feeding it arsenic whenever I use a protein conditioner! It practically chokes and gags and then it just starts breaking off! I guess it didn't get the memo. :rolleyes:

Right now I'm using ORS Mayo and even though that's touch and go sometimes, I have to use something because I have to balance out the moisture or else my hair will still rebel against me. :perplexed

Who knows.
My hair is just weird.

So, thanks in advance to all of those that answer!:yep:
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MSA beat me to the AO GPB. Now that I have a lot more natural hair, ORS Replenishing (original formula) is NICE. I know some say it isn't protein but for ME, it is a light protein/moisture balanced conditioner.
a mixture of plain yogurt and 1 egg is a really great light protein treatment. i'm a colored natural as well. i try to use this every two weeks-keeps my hair strong.
I'd Try Giovanni Nutra-Fix for a "light" protein treatment.

Giovanni 50:50, Aubrey Organics GPB (which will give you a balance of Protein/Moisture) and also Ion Intensive Reconstructor is also the perfect balance of Protein & Moisture in one product.
I like the Silk Elements MegaSilk Olive Oil treatment with Silk Amino Acids. This product was reviewed by Traycee at "Keep It Simple Sistah," and it was great.


I take a protein condish like Garnier L&S and mix it half and half with a moisture con.

I cannot bring myself to buy one more bottle of anything.