Mini update...and fallen curls


Well-Known Member
Flat ironed after 6 months and my stylist only had to take off an inch. I've been sealing my ends sooo I guess I can say it works? And I was cowashing all summer, sort of sad that I can't do that once it gets colder.

Shrinkage is a ****:

Before trim:

After trim:

Fallen no-heat curls using the purple flexi-rods

more pics here:


Well-Known Member
OMG!! More reasons to be your Stan!!!:love:...:laugh:...can't wait til the day i'm completely natural and my hair looks as glossy as yours!:tantrum:


Well-Known Member
Your shrinkage is ridiculous! Regardless, if only I could have hair as thick and beautiful as yours :love: :laugh:

ETA: Did you ever find the key to your stash? I'd love to know if the curls held up w/ the hair spray.
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