MTG mix


New Member
I made my own version of princessIcan'tremembertherestofhername mother's secret. I used:

1/2 cup of MTG
a couple of spoonfuls of mn
wonder 8 oil
castor oil
a couple of drops of wg oil and peppermint oil
I did not have biotin pills so I used a couple of spoonfuls of biotin conditioner
and Africa's Best Supergro
and a few other thngs I can't remember

It really helps the MTG smell a whole lot!

It is a shame that I already had all of the ingredients and then some, I am such a PJ. I put it in the fridge and used it Thursday, Friday, and today. I like the texture because it is not too runny and I like the cold feeling on my scalp. I really do like the tingle it gives and hope it will help me edges. My natural hair is super thick but my edges seem thinner.
I honestly thought and still think its a pretty good recipe if you use a sulfur oil. I even have a jar of Always super gro grease that I mixed a few spoons of sulfur powder with already b4 her recipe was posted. I havent used it yet. I might mix the other stuff with it and see what it does after I do this MT thing.