Naturals, have you ever had your hair trimmed by a professional without using heat?


New Member
Hey everyone,

Has anyone been to a stylist,salon,barber, etc that trims without the usage of heat? If so, what method did they use? I'm going to ask my stylist to trim my hair with no heat and I'm curious if anyone else had a professional do this.


Country gal

Well-Known Member
Yes, my first trim as a natural was with no heat. She just tooks strands that were wet and trimmed. It took her a long time.


Well-Known Member
Re: Naturals, have you ever had your hair trimmed by a professional without using hea

yeah she didn't blow dry my hair she just trimmed it. but the other hairdresser said to her that she had to blow dry it first in order to trim it.


Well-Known Member
My regular stylist trims after she washes my natural hair and then rinses my hair again and styles with curly pudding or caorl's daughter healthy hair butter. She just has wonderful technique girlfriend got skillz.