Not enjoying your hair (vent)


Well-Known Member
Ladies, do you ever get to that point where you think your hair is just too much to handle and you're not enjoying it anymore?
I washed my hair this morning and somewhere between rinsing out the conditioner and flat-ironing I got really tired and frustrated.
I mean it literally is no fun anymore. I guess that's the reason why I keep cutting my hair back to a certain length.
I just DO NOT want to do anything to my hair anymore. I don't want to comb it. I don't want to wash it. I'm just tried of dealing with it. Because of this, I find my self just tugging through it, not really caring if I hear snap, crackle or pop.
I just hope this feeling is short term because I don't want to wake up one morning and realise what a hair abusing fool I've been!
I feel you. I just snipped off an inch out of frustration. Now with the summer humidity, it's just huge all the time. I like being at brastrap, but sometimes it's a lot to handle. I want somebody to come to my house every 5 days to do it for me!
I felt like that last week. I was running late and gently combing through wet hair was the last thing on my mind. I started to snatch the comb through it, new growth and all. I just took a deep breath, and now this week I'm so glad I didn't. Now I'm fighting the urge to pull out the flat irons!
Try to leave your hair alone as much as possible. I bet it was that flat-ironing that really got you tired. I tried to flat iron my natural hair a few days ago and only got half way done and it wasn't even straight! I sometimes don't like when it comes time to wash my hair too. I was washing/rinsing it daily but now have decided to cut back on washing so often and just leave it twists so I don't have to fool with it. Even though it can be frustrating sometimes, I still enjoy my hair. You'll be alright... take care! :)
I am frustrated also. My hair is only shoulder length, but I am so tired of the wash condition and set routine. The humidity is really getting on my nerves, because my styles do not last. I am seriously thinking about going to my stylist everyweek, I have a great stylist but I hate the expense :ohwell:
bluejay47 said:
I feel you. I just snipped off an inch out of frustration. Now with the summer humidity, it's just huge all the time. I like being at brastrap, but sometimes it's a lot to handle. I want somebody to come to my house every 5 days to do it for me!

Maybe that's the problem. I need someone to do it for me. It's been about 15 years since someone's done my hair. I guess it's time for me to find a good stylist.
Now I feel you on this because I'm a natural 4a and it's tough dealing with my hair. So what I do is have an emergency hair buddy and when I don't want to do it, I call her up and have her hook my hair up. It worked for me yesterday. It can be a sister, a friend or a hairstylist, but I try to make sure there is someone I can call if I can't stand my hair anymore and don't want to treat it right. Have you thought of this? It might help...but if not, hang in there. It always feels better the next day.
Poohbear said:
Try to leave your hair alone as much as possible. I bet it was that flat-ironing that really got you tired. I tried to flat iron my natural hair a few days ago and only got half way done and it wasn't even straight! I sometimes don't like when it comes time to wash my hair too. I was washing/rinsing it daily but now have decided to cut back on washing so often and just leave it twists so I don't have to fool with it. Even though it can be frustrating sometimes, I still enjoy my hair. You'll be alright... take care! :)

I only flat ironed the front part of my hair. I just couldn't do the rest. Then I tried to wrap it so that the back would get straight. You could guess how that went.
I just wish there was a simpler way.
lana said:
Now I feel you on this because I'm a natural 4a and it's tough dealing with my hair. So what I do is have an emergency hair buddy and when I don't want to do it, I call her up and have her hook my hair up. It worked for me yesterday. It can be a sister, a friend or a hairstylist, but I try to make sure there is someone I can call if I can't stand my hair anymore and don't want to treat it right. Have you thought of this? It might help...but if not, hang in there. It always feels better the next day.

This sounds so good. My best friend is really good with hair. The problem is she's in FL and I'm in NY. We spend a lot of time lamenting over the fact that we're too far apart to do each other's hair. That would have been the perfect solution.
i used to wish i was bald..yeh i get those days when i juss wanna put on a durag and leave it for 5 days. i sometimes do. Sometimes u gotta just have a break
You know I find it interesting that we work so hard to achieve a length or level of health yet when we finally get it we see how hard it is to maintain. Now I am no where near my goals since I have only just embarked on my journey a month ago; however, the other day I was thinking about how I just want long, healthy hair...but I don't know if I feel like actually having to maintain it when I get there. It's like every goal you set for yourself may be achieved, but once you get it you still have to work just as hard. Like losing weight. Even after all the healthy eating and exercise, once you reach that goal weight you still have to continue to work hard, that's why sooo many people just give up and fall back into old habits. All this work I'm doing just to grow my hair a certain length will never stop. Even at APL or BSL I'm still gonna find myself Co-washing, stretching my relaxer, deep conditioning, etc... All the never stops, perhaps having unhealthy hair really is easier, but remember, no pain no gain...
I was actually thinking about this today when I was thinking about everything I have to do over the next few days (before the weekend) and also how I have to squeeze in 3-4 hours just to do my hair! With my schedule the way it is now, I know that when I do it, I am going to be up past 12 midnight this week and I am just not looking forward to it. I get tired just thinking about it! So, yes, I have been not feeling my hair all week long b/c I know that I need to do it before the weekend and it's going to be a long, drawn out process:(
sweetcashew said:
I only flat ironed the front part of my hair. I just couldn't do the rest. Then I tried to wrap it so that the back would get straight. You could guess how that went.
I just wish there was a simpler way.
You hit the nail on the head. I feel one of the secrets to continously enjoy our hair is finding the simpler way. :yep:

I still enjoy my hair and at the same time, I am always learning to improve on my regimen to make it simpler. That's why I love LHCF, I always learn something new, even a little tip that helps me in big ways.
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I agree with what everyone says. Sometimes it is worth the money to have someone else fool with your hair. I go to the beautician one or twice a month. Sometimes I wash myself. I go with my feelings only to a certain extent because emotions can get you in big trouble.When I really get fed up I bun.:)
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I remember going through this in one point of my life. I would suggest trying a new style like cornrows, or french braids...something like that. Those kinds of styles always revive my hair rutt.
Girl I used to feel that way. That was one of the reasons I started doing no heat. You have that length where I would just put it in one big braid and leave it like that for a whole week, using a spray moisturizer to moisturize of course.

Long hair is a bit of work but it's suppossed to be fun. I think you should try washing, airdrying and putting you hair in 2 pochohantas braids or one big braid, or a pony. It really works.

Sometimes I get SOOOO tired of thinking about my hair. It may not seem this serious to some ladies but some nights I go to bed with a headache thinking about my hair. Sometimes it just get to be too much!
MizaniMami said:
Girl I used to feel that way. That was one of the reasons I started doing no heat. You have that length where I would just put it in one big braid and leave it like that for a whole week, using a spray moisturizer to moisturize of course.

Long hair is a bit of work but it's suppossed to be fun. I think you should try washing, airdrying and putting you hair in 2 pochohantas braids or one big braid, or a pony. It really works.

Sometimes I get SOOOO tired of thinking about my hair. It may not seem this serious to some ladies but some nights I go to bed with a headache thinking about my hair. Sometimes it just get to be too much!

I am feeling you!:perplexed
I agree with you ladies. When I first started this forum my goal was brastrap but as my hair gets longer and thicker I decided that brastrap length would be a little to much for me to handle so I know I will be completely satisfied at armpit length.Don't get me wrong I love seeing women with beautiful brastrap length hair but I know that it would be a struggle for me personally. My hair is a few inches away from apl and it already feels like a second job.
sweetcashew said:
Ladies, do you ever get to that point where you think your hair is just too much to handle and you're not enjoying it anymore?
I washed my hair this morning and somewhere between rinsing out the conditioner and flat-ironing I got really tired and frustrated.
I mean it literally is no fun anymore. I guess that's the reason why I keep cutting my hair back to a certain length.
I just DO NOT want to do anything to my hair anymore. I don't want to comb it. I don't want to wash it. I'm just tried of dealing with it. Because of this, I find my self just tugging through it, not really caring if I hear snap, crackle or pop.
I just hope this feeling is short term because I don't want to wake up one morning and realise what a hair abusing fool I've been!

I had the exact feeling towards the end of last year. I had bra strap hair and I chopped it all off to because I felt it was becoming too high maintenance and my life was getting really busy at that point.

Im back to my old hair length now but it was a good change.
My hair is only shoulder length, but I do get frustrated with it sometimes. The worst is during the winter after I wash it and cold water drips down my back. I have to make sure I throw on a conditioning cap until I get ready to do it. I KNOW wet hair on my back will annoy me when I get to APL and longer.
Wow sweetcashew, what a shock to hear. i have admired your hair for a while now, it always looks so beautiful. I'd probably enjoy styling my hair more than i'd enjoy having sex with Will smith, if i had your hair. :grin: Well i'm sorry you are feeling this way, but i know it'll pass. Maybe put your hair up in a low maintenance bun for a week or 2 until you feel like seeing your lovely locs again....
*Dee* said:
I remember going through this in one point of my life. I would suggest trying a new style like cornrows, or french braids...something like that. Those kinds of styles always revive my hair rutt.

I do this. Currently I am wearing a cute wig. I am getting alot of compliments on it. It is styled like teh hairstyle Halle Wore in Swordfish. Really cute, really snazzy, really quick. I cornrow my hair underneath, maintain the moisture and I have no bad hair days. My problem solved....
I know how you feel. That's why I go for a wash and set every weekend, I just can't do it myself (my arms aren't long enough to do the middle rollers) and I'm exhausted, sweaty and pissed by the time I'm done. I hate thin ends so I cut and inch out of frustration a few few weeks ago, by the next week it felt like it had grown back, sometimes it feels overwhelming. *sigh* that's why I love ponytails.
I am about to start rockin a lacefront for the summer for this very reason. The stylist that took my measurements and is placing the order for my unit was looking at me like i was crazy...i get TIRED of doing my hair just like the next person. I have been doing rollerset just so that i dont have to do my hair for about 4 days but even thats exhausting.
Glad to know this is happening to other people to. I used to want to be waist length, but now I don't really know if it's worth the effort. If I could get away with wearing my scarf through the week to work, I definitely would. Heck, I barely take it off on the weekend!!! My husband has come to hate it. I don't know, I still love hair products, I just hate doing my hair-washing, drying, flat-ironing---ugh!! I even stopped rollersetting cause it was just too much. Whenever our budget permits I plan on going back to the hair dresser for roller sets!!!
I'm feeling the doorag idea. What do you call the things that Muslim women wear to cover their heads? I wish I could wear one of those EVERY day.
sweetcashew said:
Ladies, do you ever get to that point where you think your hair is just too much to handle and you're not enjoying it anymore?
I washed my hair this morning and somewhere between rinsing out the conditioner and flat-ironing I got really tired and frustrated.
I mean it literally is no fun anymore. I guess that's the reason why I keep cutting my hair back to a certain length.
I just DO NOT want to do anything to my hair anymore. I don't want to comb it. I don't want to wash it. I'm just tried of dealing with it. Because of this, I find my self just tugging through it, not really caring if I hear snap, crackle or pop.
I just hope this feeling is short term because I don't want to wake up one morning and realise what a hair abusing fool I've been!
I was going through this exact same thing. I ended up cutting close to 3" since Dec because I was sick and tired of it. I decided a time out in braids would help and it does. They have been in braids for 5 weeks. I'm started taking them out last night and I'm not pissed at my hair I think the daily management is just too much for ME. I need something LESS involved.
Faith said:
I was going through this exact same thing. I ended up cutting close to 3" since Dec because I was sick and tired of it. I decided a time out in braids would help and it does. They have been in braids for 5 weeks. I'm started taking them out last night and I'm not pissed at my hair I think the daily management is just too much for ME. I need something LESS involved.

I really wanted to do braids but just the thought of braiding all the way out to the ends stopped me. I think it would be fun to have braids. I've never had them before except for my real hair as a child.