Plastic Cap Overnight

I did this for my sis once; she had got her hair done the previous day and didn't have a sleeping cap so I gave her a plastic cap to wear--big mistake. The beauty of her newly pressed hair was gone, her hair looked as if it was under running water in the middle of the night! So I guess this is good if you're not trying to maintain a pressed hairstyle
I've never experienced sweaty scalp/fugus issues because I always keep my scalp and hair clean with regular washings, i always do this method over my cornrows (no exstentions). I don't add too much products either to prevent itching/build-up issues. Remember unfortunately this method may not is not agree with everyone's hair or scalp.
I condition my hair overnight with a plastic showercap after taking my braids down because I can't condition like I really want to with the braids. I also do that before getting braids.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
Ok I started doing this at the beginning of the week and my hair has been super moisturized, but starting about mid-day today my hair start to ITCH soooo bad!!!! And it hasn't really stopped ever once in a while it itches so bad that I am just clawing at my head all over. I'm still going to try this again tonight, but I am a little worried. What does everyone think???????????????

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It could be coz it's time to wash or it could depend on the products you're using on your hair. I am one of those pple who doesn't like products on my scalp...although EO's and oils like jojoba don't seem to bother me much. Anything like grease would give me serious itches. So if I use a serum on my hair, I DARE NOT try sleep in a plastic cap or I will claw my scalp off. I use very little products on my hair (all natural) and wash my hair more often than not. But if I'm not mistaken, if I went three days without washing my hair, I believe I'd get the itches too with the plastic cap.

As far as fungus is concerned, I don't doubt this could happen too, esp if you're one of those pple who breaks out in a rash in the presence of mold or mildew. Moisture and warmth are the ideal conditions for fungus to thrive. But I think washing often so that your hair and scalp are clean all the time, and using EO's might help. Tea tree oil and coconut are supposed to be I wonder if using them in your "treatment" might deter fungus growth if that's a concern.(?)
i tried this last night and just took the cap off. my hair is DAMP.. good thing i slept in a ponytail... even better thing that i have the front of my hair braided so i can leave it that way and avoid puffiness... yall got me scared with this fungus thing though... i dont think i'll try it again.
Just a word of caution, some of that 'moisture' is sweat. So I would suggest only doing this if your gonna wash your hair the next day.
Well, I do plan on washing my hair sometime this week, so I won't be doing it again for probably another couple of days because my hair always looks pretty after washing it.
RUBY said:
Just a word of caution, some of that 'moisture' is sweat.

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That's what I was thinking, too. Whenever I leave the conditioner on my hair, my hair is moisturized, but I can also tell my scalp has sweated up a storm.
A plastic cap on my head = sauna.
Thanks ladies! I guess I wasn't thinking clearly and ended up mistreating my poor lil ol hair. I normally wash my hair every other day. But I have skipped out on it this week because I haven't had the time. I haven't washed it since Monday. I think I is due for a washing. Actually, I'm getting off this computer right now and washing it. Thanks again ladies!!!