Salon Experience


New Member
I just got back from the salon and I must say I had a wonderful experience. First of all my touch-up went very well. My stylist even did a deep conditioner without me having to ask. When it came time to rollerset she asked me if I wanted a trim...I asked her if she thought I needed one (I wanted to see what she would say as I KNOW I did not need one because i had trimmed three inches off two weeks before getting my touch up). Remarkably she said that she didn't think it needed to be trimmed

She used a wide toothed comb and asked me what kind of relaxer I wanted to use (strength and brand.

I am very pleased as my hair is bouncy and silky and I love it. I wish I had pics to show you all but I don't have the technology at my disposal to do that yet.

A few other things I would like to mention:

I am going back to using grease on my hair as I have found that for some reason it really works with my hair.

infusium 23 worked wonders on my hair only when I diluted it with water...thank you to the member who suggested that.

I still need to find something that helps tame my new growth. I went 13 weeks before relaxing and at the end I was banging my head trying to do something with my hair
. I plan on going 15 weeks before my next relaxer because I want to get it done before new years eve. If I can make it through 15 weeks that should take me up till December 29th.

Thanks for listening
Don't laugh but I use Ultra sheen. The blue one and right now I am loving the yellow one that says hairfood. I use just a little bit and I only put it on the length of my hair. I don't put it on or near the scalp...this is why I need something else for my new growth when it starts coming in.