Suggestion Sub-topic for parents of teenagers/college age children


Well-Known Member
I try to ignore my 15 year old daughter's alien invader, invasion of the body snatcher attitude but sometimes, man. Plus I'd like to get other's experiences with how much freedom should they have. What's okay for them to wear and how to actually tell them that without a huge fight. I don't know. I'm sure there are other people dealing with The Teenage Angst.
With this economy, more children are moving back home with their parents - mine included so a subtopic for parents of boomerang children and those caring for their grandchildren due to tragedy or various addictions. There are just so many of my peers dealing with these issues that the pregnancy conversation isn't inclusive enough.
apemay1969 I was just telling my coworker I was going to start a tread for her for tips on dealing with her teenage daughter. Every morning she comes into work so defeated and complaining how her daughter is getting on her last nerves. I try to tell her not to give up on her child, but I don't know what else to say.