The Official Mane 'N Tail Users Club

My hair is loving the Original Mane n Tail. Wow!! I used it as a leave in and twisted my hair. My hair feels stronger, straighter (amazed at that) and moisturized. I'm sticking with this until July and maybe forever after that. Hopefully it's just enough protein to give my hair the strength and thickening that it needs.
I use the mane and tail shampoo and i love the smell and how clean it gets my hair after too much product build up. I see no reason to buy or use any other shampoo at this point.
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I hate that I jumped on this thread so late. My hair loves the leave in. Not sure about the shampoo. I hate shampoos with sulfates.
Feels sooo good. Haven't read thru this thread completely, but has anyone noticed thicker, stronger strands?
Hey everyone. Still debating if I only want to use natural products only or MNT. I had to get back back on MNT because my hair was so bad (environment+neglect). My hair started looking better in one week. I currently use MNT Original Conditioner. I used to like their shampoo too but the PJ in me told me to get Coloresse Shampoo instead (it was only 2.99). I really want long, healthy hair again!
i have the shampoo. I used MNT about 10 or so years ago when I had a relaxer. It was great then. I know it will be great again. I'll get the condish when I run out of the condish I have now.
I absolutely love the conditioner !(I never used the shampoo.. but Have a whole lot of it stocked up) I've been using it for about 6 months now..and it definitely thickens my hair and it feels so much stronger.. The only thing I think may be an issue is how moisturizing it is for my hair. I usually follow it with a moisturizing conditioner like Tresemme and it works fine..
Love it love it love it!!!
Okay, if anyone read this far... (lol) I went back to Mane & Tail Conditioner and I'm going to use it weekly on Saturday night, sleep in it and wake up and do my hair Sunday morning before worship.

The reason...BECAUSE IT WORKS!

I thought back to when I was natural and first started Texlaxing, I hadn't heard of Keracare and I was using M&T Conditioner regularly because my girlfriend in Chicago told me that she had to STOP using it because it kept growing her Bob haircut out to shoulder length way too fast. She used to apply it like a relaxer and steam with a hot towel while she cleaned up. Anyways her hair was growing way too fast from M&T. But the truth was, it was actually RETAINING all the length.

So I'm going back to M&T and I'm going to use it weekly until forever! I want to grow my nape out (after breakage from whatever) and M&T is going to help me retain my length. I'll report back with my progress.
I'm glad you ladies bumped this thread up. I had a bottle sitting WAY in the back of my closet. I loved it and used it often until I started getting the BKT done. MnT contains sodium chloride which is a no no for BKT. For some reason I just didn't toss it out. I used it (the original conditioner only) for the last 2 days and it is AMAZING! It does thicken the strands. I'm still doing BKT but I don't care, I'm still using MnT. That stuff is the BEST! So cheap too.

PS. Oh and I only use the conditioner as a rinse out and I still get great results!
I'm still using Mane & Tail and my nape is catching up to my length. However, I decided not to trim the length since it's growing so well. I'm juts going to let it keep on growing out. My nape is colar bone now...5/13/2010 and the rest of my hair is APL with only two inches for BSL.

I'm also rollersetting instead of using a blow fryer. I hope that helps me retain length. Last wash day I only lost about 10 strands of hair from my rollerset and flat iron touch up of roots. It's way less heat than I was using, but I'm tempted to start relaxing completely so that I can rollerset and be done with it. (Instead of needing to flat iron). I may need to start a thread.
I seriously slacked off with MnT. Guess other conditioners caught my eye. No more. I'm putting myself on a 6 month MnT challenge. Thanks for bumping this thread ladies.
I'm still using Mane & Tail and my nape is catching up to my length. However, I decided not to trim the length since it's growing so well. I'm juts going to let it keep on growing out. My nape is colar bone now...5/13/2010 and the rest of my hair is APL with only two inches for BSL.

I'm also rollersetting instead of using a blow fryer. I hope that helps me retain length. Last wash day I only lost about 10 strands of hair from my rollerset and flat iron touch up of roots. It's way less heat than I was using, but I'm tempted to start relaxing completely so that I can rollerset and be done with it. (Instead of needing to flat iron). I may need to start a thread.

That's great! I am still using this and it still works. I use it no less than 1x/wk sometimes twice.
How are you using the conditioner? Is it best to use it as a rinse and follow with a moisturizing conditioner? How long do you leave it in your hair?
How are you using the conditioner? Is it best to use it as a rinse and follow with a moisturizing conditioner? How long do you leave it in your hair?

I use it as a rinse out. I'll put it on wet hair let it sit for a few minutes then rinse out and follow up with a more moisturizing con.
I must say all the rave reviews on M&T has got me a little excited. I never thought much of M&T before this thread - I'm currently trying a natural shampoo and conditioner with jojoba oil by Nature's Gate. So - I want to stick with that for the next six months or so.

I know that the detangler is really great, so I'm thinking of trying that - but I really want to know about the M&T Herbal Gro Leave-in Creme's that working for ppl?
I love MnT as my mom used to get this all the time for my hair. I am VERY tender headed, and this stuff works great for making my hair soft and even I will comb it from the root to the end. I only use the conditioner (the original one) as that's the product I'm most familiar with. Plus I love the smell of this conditioner...and man, I wish my mom hadn't stopped buying this product over the years. It did help my hair with growing a lot, but it's b/c of how it moisturizes it.
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Anyone DC with this? Is the shampoo stripping/drying?

Still been off and on with the condish. I use it as a leave in, so I guess I'm still using it. Love this with a little mango butter on top.

Anyone use any of the MnT products for twist out styles?
I have been eyeing this for about a year now. I used it several years ago and from what I remember, it worked pretty well..Now I'm using Herbal essence and Suave..I would like to try something new, so tomorrow (monday) I will be trying this....It has been a year since my big chop
I used the conditioner and detangler today.


I couldn't believe it when my comb went through my demarcation line and relaxed ends after the second pass (i had my hair in 4 sections - damp - so it was quite alot of hair). I have very thin strands but its dense up in there and really hard to comb without loosing hair.

Mane and Tale is a KEEPER and i've never said this about a product before.

(OK.....Infomercial over :grin:)
I would really love to join the Mane n Tail user's club!

The Original conditioner is all I use as my leave in and it will always be. Compared to Shea Moisture Enhancing Smoothie, Cantu Shea Butter and Regular shea butter/mixed shea none of these compare to the Original Mane and tail. this is only product I've used that does not leave hair in my hands opposed to the earlier mentioned ones.
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ok, I tried it and all I have is one word, "AWESOME"....I felt the difference in one wash..I did not want to go back to sulfates in shampoos, but there was something different about this shampoo...then I used the conditioner and there was not a lot of slip, but it did have slip...after that, I used the detangler and WOW!!!!!...I followed that up with the moisture strengthner and proceeded to twist...Got a lot of compliments....So far Mane n Tail is a keeper....I'm not sure If I'm protein sensitive or not, but so far, I have not had a problem....
I'm about to pull my poo and conditioner out the cabinet and start using it again! Is the strengthener and leave-in the same thing?
I'm about to pull my poo and conditioner out the cabinet and start using it again! Is the strengthener and leave-in the same thing?

I use the deep moisturizing shampoo, and conditioner, then I use the detangler...i use the strengthener my twist incredible shine for about a week......:yep:
Has anyone used the Original conditioner AND the Deep Moisturizing one?

If you have, can you compare the two? Which in your opinion works better? Did you mix either of the two with anything?

Somebody mentioned that they had to use Suave after the original conditioner. Was that because it contained too much protein for you? Has anyone else had to do something similar to this?
I use the deep moisturizing shampoo, and conditioner, then I use the detangler...i use the strengthener my twist incredible shine for about a week......:yep:
I CW with the detangler tonight and my hair feels like straw.:ohwell: how are you getting such great results?
As much as I love MNT original con I cannot use it alone. I get optimal results when I follow up with a moisture con like Aubrey honey suckle rose. MNT gives me just enough protein w/o going overboard.