Thin ends! OOOOH NOOOO!


New Member
Hi everyone
. I am not very happy right now and here's why: I have thin ends in certain parts of my hair (in the front only, on both sides)
! When I did my last 3 rollers sets I've noticed this. But I only notice it when my hair is wet, the ends are not thin when it dries. I don't want to panic just yet, and I DO NOT want to cut my hair right now! I've come so long and I am finally 3 inches past shoulder length

Anyway, I would appreciate some advice on getting my ends back on track, I really don't know what could have caused the thinning. I treat my hair carefully and I thought that I have been doing everything right
. Also, my hair grew a lot since joing the board almost a year ago thanks to all of you! So please let me know what I should do, I'm kinda gettin' scared over here
! Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you have thin ends, and you want them thicker, the only thing that I can tell you is to cut your hair to where the thickness stopped. That's the only way you are going to get thicker ends. Maybe you should take some vitamins..I have never taken any, but many people on this board has, and I have read some good results. You should do a search on vitamins you should take...and you will be on your way to thicker ends!


With Love & Silk
Have you read my anti-scissor happy thread?
--It talks about thin ends and reasons for them. If you are taking care of your hair, then the only reason your ends would be thin is because of the age of the hair. It's normal wear and tear. If you are trying to grow your hair out longer and the ends are not split--I say leave them alone. Also, if they don't look like that when dry--leave them alone!


New Member
Thanks for the replies! I will just keep a close eye on my ends and try not too worry to much. Oh, and Supergirl, I did read your post "anti-scissor happy". I read it the when you first posted it and I looked over it again earlier. Thanks.


New Member
I was gonna tell u to find Supergirl's thread on scissor happy stylists, but I see she beat me to the punch.


New Member
I was going to recommend using Nexxus Headress mixed with your favorite oil on just your ends. Headdress thickens the hair and you can keep them moisturized and sealed with oil at the same time. Good luck and dont cut!


New Member
Yes definitely use the nexxus headress, it works wonders on thin hair. I add one drop olive and two drops castor oil to mine.


New Member
Re: Thin ends! OOOOH NOOOO!

Can someone bump up that thread regarding the scissor happy stylists thread that Supergirl is talking about? I would loooove to read it!