What if I regret it?


New Member
Is there anyone here that went through the trouble of growing your hair out only to realize that you look better with shorter hair?

See... thats what I'm afraid of. I go through this cycle of growing my hair out to shoulder length (like it is in my avatar) then cutting it to a chin length bob. The last time I cut it my sister raved about how great I look with shorter hair. Then just yesterday my BF and I were talking and outta nowhere he started talking about how dope my hair was when we went to NewYork. It was chin length then.

Im just afraid gonna do all this work to growing my hair out and it's not gonna be as cute as my short cuts. What if I look funny with long hair...

Is there anyone that has experienced this?


Well-Known Member
Of course this won't be the same as your own hair, but how about trying on some long wigs just to give you an idea of how you'd look?

If you do decide to grow your hair out and don't like the way it looks, then just cut it short again. It's much easier to get short hair than long.

Plus, it's not the same as regretting having your hair short. Hair can become short all of a sudden. If you don't like it, then you're stuck. But growing your hair out takes so much time, you're gonna have an idea way in advance of how it will eventually look. You won't wake up one day and say "I hate it!" If you hate it, you'll have been hating it for all those months/years leading up to it.


Well-Known Member
Cutting is alway easier than growing out your hair. When you want to cut, snip-snip. When you want to grow it out - 3 months, 1 years, etc.

I think I look better with shorter hair. I figured this out awhile ago so I use to keep my hair chin length. Right now I am in a sew-in which is right below my shoulders and I must say it has grown on me. However I still think I look better with a shorter length.


New Member
The whole point of my haircare is the joy of the journey. It doesn't matter what other people think, I and only I must love the whole process and the way my hair looks, no matter what the length. Therefore, there is nothing to regret if I'm only doing what makes me happy.

If you are worried you won't be happy with the way you look in long hair, MizAvalon's advice about trying on a long-haired wig is a good one. You'll have your answer right away.:)