What's the Longest you Hid your Hair


Well-Known Member
I've been under a series of wigs since December, 2007 -- 6 long months! I'm really sick of them now (all 6 of them). But I'm gonna perserver til I get to WSL.

What's the longest you've hid your hair. Tell me about it. I want hope or to commiserate in the blahness!
I hid my hair for a whole year. I had a bald spot and wore wigs.

Unfortunately it was pre LHCF so I didn't really know how to take care of my hair well and it was still jacked up when I was done hiding it.


Since then I did an almost six month hide your hair and didn't retain a lot of growth but at the end my hair was a lot healthier.

THe longest I did it was for about a month using half wigs but I got tired of wearing them. I originally wanted to do it for the entire winter.
I have been hiding my hair for about 7 months, I wear caps, hats, silk bonnets my mom said do you wear that bonnet everywhere? lol Most people who really don't know me thinks I'm bald headed. December 2007 I went to get my hair press (I'm natural) and when my hairdresser was done. The lady in the waiting room who I was talking too said girl you have long hair under that cap (I was apl then) but no one will deter me from my goal of getting to waist length . Dam do I sound a little hair crazy:lachen:anywho, pray for me lol
6 months - it wasnt too bad. What's going to hurt is hiding it for the next 8 months ... everyone's hair is out and swanging .. but i have a goal to meet and im going to be hiding my hair til i get it
I am rounding the corner to a year in October I think? Same as all of you, I am not going to stop until I reach full fledge, I know for sure it is MBL (stretched) dangit!:lachen:

May even go to WL depending on my next check in date which is Dec. 08.

Patiences is a pain in the keester but alas it is a virtue. Shoot!