Which of These Best Describes Your Length?

This list has everything.......for the front I'm shoulder length and for the back it's Can I call this armpit length?
I think I am in between past shoulder length and welll past...The front is shorter and the back is kickin butt.
When I joined LHCF I was fully relaxed and "middle of the neck" length.
Now 21 months later I am 90% natural and "longish shoulder length"
JazzyFLPeach said:
Front: Mid-forehead :(

Back: Somewhere between "Just brushing the shoulders" and "Shoulder length"

Okay.... I finally got my re-touch (19 weeks post relaxer) and balisi has informed me that the above statement is no longer accurate.

Front is now: "Just reaching the eyebrows" and "eyebrow length."

The sides are :"Can I call this shoulder length."

The back is now between "Past shoulder length" and "Well past shoulder length"

I think I may just reach APL length by my birthday next year after all! :) Balisi and I are on a mission!!!