Why does the FHI RUNWAY cost $450??!!

Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

For those who have received their flat iron, can you please post a review? Thanks:grin:
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Thats pretty pricey. I cannot justify spending that kind of money on a flat iron Though I would like to have a high income profile, I' ll stick to my middle class status.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

I got my Runway, but have only been able to do a strand test. I have not done my whole head yet, but I plan to do so soon. The few pieces that I did were very smooth and silky!!
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

My hairdresser uses it and it is the BOMB. She didn't pay 450 though. She went to a Bronner Brothers hair show at the very end and the FHI booth was trying to unload their last ones. She got it for 150.


Ok, will look for this at hair show.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

I tried to resist the urge, but now I want a Runway as well
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

the one at amazon is sold out, they are out of stock and don't know if and when they will be getting more in stock.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Yes, I think you could get it directly from her. Her website is www.pinkcorset.com. I spoke with the owner, Maribel. I got her number and address directly from FHI. The Fhi iron isn't on her website though. She told me my iron would be here Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. (She ordered it for me). I asked her how she was able to give it to me for such a low price, and she said that it was b/c she sells corsets too. When it gets here, I'll be sure to post an update with a review of her customer service. She asked for a deposit of half the price, which I gave her over the phone so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do the same thing. :yep:

Hi there,

Have you received your iron, yet? If so, how is it?

Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

I got my iron back in December and I love it! It works great, only caveat is you have to make sure you clean the plates when they are cool because they are white they show use.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Can someone please answer this? Why is this flat iron SOOOOO expensive? Is it magic? Does it straighten by just waving it over your hair like a magic wand? Does it grow your hair while you are using it? I can't seem to find out what it does that is soo different from the others?
Does anyone have this iron? Do tell? What are the results? Show pics. Something...

Check it out here: http://www.fhiheat.com/fproduct.aspx?groupname=Flat Irons&shortname=runway&sku=r1

Sorry Everyone, the name of this post should read, "Why does the FHI RUNWAY cost $450. The FHI Platform is not as expensive.

alot of times its the name an the fact that they put in more advertising dollars than some lesser named just as good quality flat irons. Just like why do people pay $30 for shampoo b/c a celebrity hair stylist created it when you can find a shampoo with teh same ingredients for less than $10?

I personally would never spend that much. But hey more power to them if they can get people to pay that much.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

they're using the fact that it's used by professionals in the modelling world and the 6-layer ceramic plates to sell the iron. it's not enough though, imo.

eta: oh, it also dawned on me that fhi probably aren't banking on your average consumer to buy this iron. it's probably for salon stylists. this kind of iron would put up with a lot of usage for quite a while. so this is a good investments to them.

Yup :yep:

Alot of these flat irons, blow dryers, curling irons, etc that are upwards of a couple hundred or several hundred dollars are meant for professional use, although they are sold to the general public they were initially for professionals. So when alot of people see these prices they are shocked. But if you look at drug store brands that may not be as good or last as long they are ususally under $40.

It would make sense for them to spend that much money once every 3-4 years on something that they are most likely going to a couple to several times a day for most of the week. Whereas a regular person may use their flat iron once a day once every few days or once a week. Its just like if you were a chef you would pay the money to get a professional industrial grade stove/oven but it wouldn't make sense for a regular person to have that especially if cook every so often.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

WOW!!!! If you don't mind my asking, where did you come across a deal like that for $250 that also included the Fhi Nano blowdryer for FREE? :grin: My sister is a hair stylist as well and she could sure use a discount like this one and so could I! :lachen:(I know you bought it 2 years ago, but does that deal still exist?)

Alot of times professional stylists get deals like that from professional only stores and hair shows where vendors show their newest, latests, and sometimes never viewed by public eyes products for professionals to look at.

I have a license and I can tell you I see alot of packaged deals (CHI FHI PAUL MITCHELL SALONO etc) advertised that are $50-$100+ less than buying them seperately or for the full retail price that is often given to the public.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Even though I understand all the great technology and what not behind it, I would never buy one. 450 is too much for an iron especially when it isn't the best in terms of heat conduction and distribution.

The only reason it is 450 is because other ceramic iron companies don't have one comparable yet. If Chi, Solia, and Sedu came out with one using the same format, it wouldn't be 450.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Even though I understand all the great technology and what not behind it, I would never buy one. 450 is too much for an iron especially when it isn't the best in terms of heat conduction and distribution.

The only reason it is 450 is because other ceramic iron companies don't have one comparable yet. If Chi, Solia, and Sedu came out with one using the same format, it wouldn't be 450.

You mention that it isn't the best in terms of heat conduction and distribution. Do you know one which is?? I wouldn't mind getting a better one than what I have now. Thanks.
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

You mention that it isn't the best in terms of heat conduction and distribution. Do you know one which is?? I wouldn't mind getting a better one than what I have now. Thanks.

Um, can I find that out too? :look:
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Well, I ordered mine today! And it was not 450.00 - Nope I would never pay that.
I paid 271.00 - on Amazon.....

=) I hope it is worth it all.

I have the Sedu, Maxiglide and the Solia. I am ready to toss them all out.....
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Well, I ordered mine today! And it was not 450.00 - Nope I would never pay that.
I paid 271.00 - on Amazon.....

=) I hope it is worth it all.

I have the Sedu, Maxiglide and the Solia. I am ready to toss them all out.....
don't toss them...sell me that sedu and/or maxiglide...
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

Well, I ordered mine today! And it was not 450.00 - Nope I would never pay that.
I paid 271.00 - on Amazon.....

=) I hope it is worth it all.

I have the Sedu, Maxiglide and the Solia. I am ready to toss them all out.....

Yay, Sam!!! That's where I got mine and that's my price!! You will LOVE this flatiron :yep::yep:
Re: Why does the FHI PLATFORM cost $450??!!

I'll be ready to hop into this thread with some valid input in 2010! :lol: