Cathy Howse Now on Youtube

Ms Lala

Well-Known Member
They went to relaxed hair heaven? :look:


Oh my goodness. I tried not to laugh but this is funny :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:. I'm really being serious though, I don't understand. Unless this is her terminal length and the hair shed which I guess is possible.


New Member
Her hair looks very healthy but I would pay her to trim those ends!!! I like Kathy, but please Kathy trim those ends!


Well-Known Member
It's okay I guess. I'm actually somewhat disappointed. If she trim those ends, her hair would look much better. I was expecting a better presentation (hair wise) since she's a "guru" with her own product line. I agree BostonMaria I could name at least 15 LHCF ladies that would be more appealing.:ohwell: Not even considering length, more or less health wise. As for her age, I wouldn't call her "old" (early 50's perhaps?) and I wouldn't use age as an excuse.


Well-Known Member
????? If they didn't break off and they weren't cut, where did they go?

I guess she might say that the relaxed hair just grew out and shed. If she last relaxed in 04, that was 7 years ago, so if her growth cycle is less than 7 years (most people's is, I think???), none of the relaxed hair from 7 years ago would still be there.

All the same, doesn't change those ends. I was kind of disappointed. :ohwell: She can't have have checked out her YT competition.


Well-Known Member
im sorry but her voice is so monotone to me

I knoooowww. I was watching some of those videos wondering if Peter Francis Geraci produced them.

I had to look this one up...

here is the quote from her website:

Based on her lack of direct answer, I am assuming no.

Errr... that was a yes or no question.:rolleyes: Starting to understand all the mentions about her attitude. She seems to have a very brash personality.


Well-Known Member
lmao I find her really funny, if you ever did read the FAQs on her website, bwoy she's so caustic! :lol:

Yeah her deep conditioner is pretty good but you won't get any slip after using it, you must follow up with a proper moisturising condish. :yep:

Caustic??? She was damned rude! I swore I'd never buy her products just because of that. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't think the opinions in this thread are harsh. If you claim to be a hair guru and you're selling expensive products the first thing people are going to do is inspect your hair to see if it is on point. Duh! It's not like this is a random yt video review. I read her book a few years ago and it had some good info in it. I remember her taking shots at Wanakee and harping on the fact that clipping your ends will not grow your hair...

When I saw her picture on the cover of her book that's what sold me


SN: Thanks to LHCF I'll never buy another hair book


New Member
Good question Nonie. I don't know the answer, but looking at her natural hair my guess is that her relaxed ends are gone. Maybe she has heat damage and that's why her ends look like that.

I'm guessing heat damage because if she's been growing out her hair this long and it's barely BSL then maybe she's using too much heat, which is not allowing her to retain length. Again I'm just speculating.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I agree with the using too much heat.

I would think that heat is different for everyone but if she is using heat AT ALL and not trimming those ends, then that would explain why her ends look so dry, stringy, and damaged.

I use heat once a week after a wash and DC and I usually dust VERY little every third flat ironing session and I have noticed a difference in my length and how easily the comb goes through my hair.

But... those ends had me nearly yelling at Cathy through the screen. :fistshake:


Well-Known Member
I agree with the using too much heat.

I would think that heat is different for everyone but if she is using heat AT ALL and not trimming those ends, then that would explain why her ends look so dry, stringy, and damaged.
I use heat once a week after a wash and DC and I usually dust VERY little every third flat ironing session and I have noticed a difference in my length and how easily the comb goes through my hair.

But... those ends had me nearly yelling at Cathy through the screen. :fistshake:

Yep I was thinking this too. Someone may have answered this but I didnt read the whole thread. Does she ever wear her hair in it's natural state? Seems like she is straightening it most of the time. Her hair can pass for relaxed so she may be used a lot of heat and then combine that with no trims can be a recipe for bad ends.

But ends aside I think she has a nice head of hair.


New Member
When she was talking about her hair being hers and said, "Every last string of it..." I FELL OUT because I was looking at her stringy ends. I don't think they are that bad but it's lame for her to put in all those big curls then her ends are scraggly and straight. She should just bump the ends and call it a day...

If she clipped those ends her hair would look wonderful cause it is shiny and bouncy.

But her healthy hair is probably looking at those scraggly ends like the drunk uncle that don't nobody want around. :lol:


New Member
I don't know why some people are happy having hair that turns into 5 strands of hair at the ends. Is anyone impressed when your longest 5 hairs reach your waist?
Granted, I like volume more and going natural I don't care that my natural hair doesn't hang.
But if anything, hopefully anyone looking at her pictures and videos will learn that you can't get around trimming your hair. Tucking damaged ends in or covering them with product doesn't change the fact that they are nasty. I personally a not impressed by the look in her first picture either, b/c it looks like the hair is just carefully placed over her shoulders and it doesn't look that thick or healthy to me.

But you can't get your hair to "catch up." Her hair would look so much better if she got a good deep cut. And at this point, those ends are so old that she needs a real cut. She'd still have long hair, and it would look a lot better and be a better marketing tool than the look she's working right now. So many people hold on to old and damaged ends but if you let them go, you'll wind up with much better hair, and yes, it will ALL grow back. Hair is funny that way.

And I wish that people would stop confusing shedding, which is a natural process that occurs daily, and hair just breaking off. They aren't synonymous.

She might be rolling her hair every day but nasty thin ends won't hold curl. If your ends are healthy you just don't have to fight with it that much to style it.


New Member
What does her being old gotta do with a damn thing? :look: There are older women that make sure their hair is on point regardless of age. :rolleyes:

Just because there are older women on the board, that doesn't mean that is the norm or the suggested case for Cathy. As you get older your hair growth rate slows down. We also don't know what other pre existing health conditions she may have. What I am saying is her hair doesn't look damaged like your average joe walking down the hood. Well my hood that is.

I think her hair looks fine. It's not just fabulous hair as many of the ladies on here, but it's nothing majorly wrong with it either. It's just long fine hair. People just go harder on hair boards.

But I bet if she was a member and posted people would be oohing and aahing with 100 thanks lol. "It looks so nice!" "You worked so hard on it!" It's just how the world turns.


New Member
If she clipped those ends her hair would look wonderful cause it is shiny and bouncy.

But her healthy hair is probably looking at those scraggly ends like the drunk uncle that don't nobody want around. :lol:

:lachen: Seriously though...looking at her hair from root to tip, when you get to the ends the song of glory going off in your head certainly stops like a record scratch.


Chasing the Unicorn
:lol: I remember when I first joined the board one of my first posts was saying how I wasn't impressed with Cathy back then and how her book sounded like something she drew up on a Word doc and distributed to the world and boy did people have something to say to me :lachen:.

Then when she started transitioning, and she used the relaxers are bad for you spiel as her reason, I reminded everyone how she insisted on stating that relaxers weren't bad 50-11 times on her website and how she was so proud to relax for 35 + years and told everyone in that thread that she was only transitioning to sell a new product. And boy was that an unpopular opinion :lachen:.

Now, looky here in 2011.....just call me Cleo:crystalba.


Well-Known Member
Just because there are older women on the board, that doesn't mean that is the norm or the suggested case for Cathy. As you get older your hair growth rate slows down. We also don't know what other pre existing health conditions she may have. What I am saying is her hair doesn't look damaged like your average joe walking down the hood. Well my hood that is.

I think her hair looks fine. It's not just fabulous hair as many of the ladies on here, but it's nothing majorly wrong with it either. It's just long fine hair. People just go harder on hair boards.

But I bet if she was a member and posted people would be oohing and aahing with 100 thanks lol. "It looks so nice!" "You worked so hard on it!" It's just how the world turns.

I meant older women in my life too. I don't have a problem with her growth rate being hindered by age or health problems unknown to the public. What I DO have a problem with is her boasting and pushing products to possible consumers when evidently her hair isn't at its full potential because her ENDS are not up to par. It's mainly her ends that are causing all this debate. So what if her growth rate is slowed down? Her hair could still look fabulous and she'd have a pass in my book with all the blatant product pushing if she wasn't petrified of the scissors.

I'll admit, her hair is better than the average black woman on the street but her arrogance and attitude along with the overall state of her hair is what doesn't convince me and has me thinking that all this fuss about her hair is all self-delusion on her part and lack of knowledge and exposure on the consumer's.

If she was a member here, I can make SURE that I won't be the one giving her thanks and saying, "Oh I love your hair, it's amazing!" Nah, I only do that when it's deserved or when I see someone really putting in the effort in their hair. No false hope here, I'm not on LHCF to baby people.

ETA: Fixing spelling errors. :look:
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