Gorilla Glue-Gate. Yall....

I’ve already mentioned this point, but I have to again... How does she have a different hairstyle from the “clap-on-my-head” video when she FIRST announced she had the glue in for a month???

how did she move the hair and change the part? I’m SO confused???

The latest videos show her hair has slightly lifted off her scalp. The original video showed the hair and scalp almost appearing like glass.

Sometimes front-facing selfie cameras on phones tend to create reversed images.

Also recently she has been through a hospital visit for treatment, use of acetone pads, and goo gone to get the hair to lift. Her hair shouldn’t be looking too shiny and glassy right about now. And any lifting is showing there is a bit of progress but still not much.
I’ve already mentioned this point, but I have to again... How does she have a different hairstyle from the “clap-on-my-head” video when she FIRST announced she had the glue in for a month???

how did she move the hair and change the part? I’m SO confused???

The latest videos show her hair has slightly lifted off her scalp. The original video showed the hair and scalp almost appearing like glass.

Do you think the part is on the other side? Or is it just a case of the image being transposed somehow?
Coz I noticed even the piercing above the side of her lip seems to be on the other side too. But who knows. People are capable of anything.
She's too old for this foolishness. SMH

Way too old.

And people are donating money?


She knew she was putting glue in her hair, she just didn’t care. She probably thought she could just wash it out in a few weeks with no issue.

Even if she really did believe she was using a hair product, that just makes it worse and proves her negligence. Who just slaps product on their hair without at least glancing over the labeling? It clearly says on the front “Spray ADHESIVE” :lol:

And I think she’s out of her ever loving mind for even considering a lawsuit.
Wait. We are talking about a 40 y.o. grown woman here. She knowingly did this herself. And waited a month before seeking professional help. She has the nerve to have a page for donations ($11,000.00 and counting) to help her. And has hired a lawyer.
Sorry no sympathy here. And why are people giving her money? Ya can't fix "stuck on stupid". Pun intended.
Wait a :angry2: minute... she 40 (ebonics implied)?! Naw sis. I thought she was younger so I was giving her a young and challenged pass. BUT if she's 40 that puts her in my age category... No ma'am. This is not acceptable at this stage of life no matter what! In pursuit of beauty or whatever. When you get to this point in the game you should have grown to not be moved by trends and opinions of others. You don't/ shouldn't let yourself go but you don't miss sleep over styles and trends either cause you don't need the people approval.

Seriously, she sounds like she needs therapy to help her have a healthy sense of self worth:sneakyhug:. That needs to be a parallel priority alongside fund raising, lawsuits, and trips to CA. I suspect this will be parleyed into speaking engagements and the like for her and that secretly she will become additional fodder for people of other ethnicities who already think all AA women have ear length, dry, unhealthy hair that won't grow and has to be covered up by weaves. Again not that we bow at their opinions but y'all know some of us be looking ridiculous with what we do to ourselves:sekret:. At any rate, I really hope she gets the help she needs emotionally.
Do you think the part is on the other side? Or is it just a case of the image being transposed somehow?
Coz I noticed even the piercing above the side of her lip seems to be on the other side too. But who knows. People are capable of anything.
It is the way
the camera
takes selfies:
they are like
mirror images.

If you look
at yourself in
your phone cam
and touch your
right ear,
from your POV
the image looks like
you are touching
your left ear.
Wait. We are talking about a 40 y.o. grown woman here. She knowingly did this herself. And waited a month before seeking professional help. She has the nerve to have a page for donations ($11,000.00 and counting) to help her. And has hired a lawyer.
Sorry no sympathy here. And why are people giving her money? Ya can't fix "stuck on stupid". Pun intended.
The waiting a month to seek medical care ,and then immediateyely going to the ER leads me to believe she doesn’t have health insurance. Lots of people in this country don’t.

No one is forcing people to give money to this woman, they’re giving out of the kindness of their hearts,which ,in my opinion,is a great thing. She’s lucky in that sense. She’ll be even more lucky is she doesn’t have to wear wigs the rest of her life from the damage she’s caused.

What’s that saying? God protects babies and fools :look:

The money will help her pay for all these medical bills...she clearly isn’t rich so more power to her
Was this already posted? Here is her interview with ET:

She is full of it. She’s offended by the title Gorilla Glue Girl, but she used that name as the title of the gofundme that she set up herself.

She won’t accept hair (except from Porsha) or do promotions because she doesn’t want people to think that is why she did this, but she’ll accept cash donationssss, giftssss.

She wishes she never posted it, and is over the attention, but she’s still posting multiple “updates” per day, and doing interviews.

I don’t think she did this on purpose to become internet famous, but she is clearly enjoying the attention and financial come up she’s received from it.

This exchange made me laugh. She really is slow. Lol

Interviewer: So, what made you decide to try gorilla glue?
Tessica: Well, I used it before, and it worked pretty good.
Interviewer: Oh! You used it on your hair before?!
Tessica: No, not on my hair. For um, Christmas.
Interviewer: :look:
Random thoughts about Lovelyti's super long and repetitive video

I don't have a problem with people questioning if this is a hoax. I hope this is a hoax. That helmet on her head don't look like no hoax tho.

There is something about this woman at her big age, lookin how she look, talkin how she talk and writing how she write, putting glue in her hair to slick it down that doesn't surprise me.

I know we ain't supposed to talk about black folks like this because apparently all of us have the ability to be geniuses like Kanye but um some of the kinfolk kollective are four cents short of a nickel intellectually and there's no brilliance to be found anywhere around them. It's amazing how when somebody does something unexplainably, outlandishly dumb, we shy away from the obvious answer that the person who did the dumb thing is just dumb, period. We just gotta hammer the round peg in a square hole that the person who did the dumb thing is actually smart but did a life altering dumb thing by a fluke, especially when other things about them seems to be off. :nono:

I agree that the imagery of gorilla logo next to this woman's face plastered all over the media is problematic. This is a bad look and it affects more than just her.
She is full of it. She’s offended by the title Gorilla Glue Girl, but she used that name as the title of the gofundme that she set up herself.

She won’t accept hair (except from Porsha) or do promotions because she doesn’t want people to think that is why she did this, but she’ll accept cash donationssss, giftssss.

She wishes she never posted it, and is over the attention, but she’s still posting multiple “updates” per day, and doing interviews.

I don’t think she did this on purpose to become internet famous, but she is clearly enjoying the attention and financial come up she’s received from it.

This exchange made me laugh. She really is slow. Lol

Interviewer: So, what made you decide to try gorilla glue?
Tessica: Well, I used it before, and it worked pretty good.
Interviewer: Oh! You used it on your hair before?!
Tessica: No, not on my hair. For um, Christmas.
Interviewer: :look:
In the most exaggerated southern drawl I can muster up >>>Bless her heart. :look:
Random thoughts about Lovelyti's super long and repetitive video

I don't have a problem with people questioning if this is a hoax. I hope this is a hoax. That helmet on her head don't look like no hoax tho.

There is something about this woman at her big age, lookin how she look, talkin how she talk and writing how she write, putting glue in her hair to slick it down that doesn't surprise me.

I know we ain't supposed to talk about black folks like this because apparently all of us have the ability to be geniuses like Kanye but um some of the kinfolk kollective are four cents short of a nickel intellectually. It's amazing how when somebody does something unexplainably, outlandishly dumb, we shy away from the obvious answer that the person who did the dumb thing is just dumb, period. We just gotta hammer the round peg in a square hole that the person who did the dumb thing is actually smart but did a life altering dumb thing by a fluke, especially when other things about them seems to be off. :nono:

I agree that the imagery of gorilla logo next to this woman's face plastered all over the media is problematic. This is a bad look and it affects more than just her.
Had to quote this b/c it's the truth... I really do hope she gets help but EVERTHING you said is just true whether we like it or not...
Was this already posted? Here is her interview with ET:

I was just coming on to post this. I am glad she went on to explain everything. Too bad she just didn’t do this to begin with to clear up all of the speculations. I am donating to her GoFundMe since I was hardcore not believing her. I will admit ... I feel bad for thinking this was a stunt.
I’ve already mentioned this point, but I have to again... How does she have a different hairstyle from the “clap-on-my-head” video when she FIRST announced she had the glue in for a month???

how did she move the hair and change the part? I’m SO confused???

The latest videos show her hair has slightly lifted off her scalp. The original video showed the hair and scalp almost appearing like glass.
She explained in the video that it’s black stuff to cover up the bald spots that she got from the acetone.
She said it wasn't an accident but a bad idea using the glue and now she's talking about suing? Her social media accounts will be used against her in court. Gorilla glue has already made statements about her issue, I'm sure their attorneys are ready.


Yep, this is exactly what I was thinking. She documented everything and everything she has stated would be used against her.
Interviewer: So, what made you decide to try gorilla glue?
Tessica: Well, I used it before, and it worked pretty good.
Interviewer: Oh! You used it on your hair before?!
Tessica: No, not on my hair. For um, Christmas.
Interviewer: :look:

Y'all with your comments...I broke down and watched the video. :look:

The above is what stood out for me. I'm wondering if she did some sort of light hold, thing with this glue before and it worked out fine, maybe with her ponytails, and so she went in hard core with the glue this time? Also, where was she going that she couldn't stand to embrace a bit of frizz? We really need to normalize frizz. For real.

The other lesson learned is your business does not have to be all over the internet (she says as she heads over to the challenge threads to add some length check pics). She learned that lesson, but many people don't. I think that people only consider loss of privacy in "extreme" cases, like when it involves bodily harm. Otherwise, they think, no harm no foul. She's suffering twice over...once for the glue and the other for posting about it WITH HER PICTURE. She could have easily created a throw away account to an online forum, and asked her questions, incognito.

That said, hearing her speak I did feel for her a little...
Y'all with your comments...I broke down and watched the video. :look:

The above is what stood out for me. I'm wondering if she did some sort of light hold, thing with this glue before and it worked out fine, maybe with her ponytails, and so she went in hard core with the glue this time? Also, where was she going that she couldn't stand to embrace a bit of frizz? We really need to normalize frizz. For real.

The other lesson learned is your business does not have to be all over the internet (she says as she heads over to the challenge threads to add some length check pics). She learned that lesson, but many people don't. I think that people only consider loss of privacy in "extreme" cases, like when it involves bodily harm. Otherwise, they think, no harm no foul. She's suffering twice over...once for the glue and the other for posting about it WITH HER PICTURE. She could have easily created a throw away account to an online forum, and asked her questions, incognito.

That said, hearing her speak I did feel for her a little...
But she said
(also quoted)
that she never
used it on hair before.
Sorry... I'm not watching the video. Is she suing or not? If so, that $11k is already in her attorney's pocket. GG may settle just to get their product out of the news for this mess but it won't be a lot of money. Less than $50k. Maybe less than $30k. There's no scenario where they're wrong. But they don't want to be associated with this.
Sorry... I'm not watching the video. Is she suing or not? If so, that $11k is already in her attorney's pocket. GG may settle just to get their product out of the news for this mess but it won't be a lot of money. Less than $50k. Maybe less than $30k. There's no scenario where they're wrong. But they don't want to be associated with this.

She said that she wasn't suing and that she used it incorrectly on her own accord.
Y'all with your comments...I broke down and watched the video. :look:

The above is what stood out for me. I'm wondering if she did some sort of light hold, thing with this glue before and it worked out fine, maybe with her ponytails, and so she went in hard core with the glue this time? Also, where was she going that she couldn't stand to embrace a bit of frizz? We really need to normalize frizz. For real.

The other lesson learned is your business does not have to be all over the internet (she says as she heads over to the challenge threads to add some length check pics). She learned that lesson, but many people don't. I think that people only consider loss of privacy in "extreme" cases, like when it involves bodily harm. Otherwise, they think, no harm no foul. She's suffering twice over...once for the glue and the other for posting about it WITH HER PICTURE. She could have easily created a throw away account to an online forum, and asked her questions, incognito.

That said, hearing her speak I did feel for her a little...

I believe her. Only because I don’t think there is a such thing as a light hold of gorilla glue. There is no amount of gorilla glue that you can just wash out of your hair.

I’ve wondered myself where the hell she was going that required her hair to be completely unmovable. Sky diving?
The average life cycle for an epidermal (top layer) skin cell is about 6 weeks. Given that Ms. Brown has had the glue on her head for just over a month, shouldn't it have started to lift on its own as many of the glue-fused skin cells start to shed and be replaced by new cells? Ironically, that tightness she'd said she felt could be caused not only by a head full of blocked follicles/pores and ingrown hairs, but also by new skin cells pushing up. But since skin doesn't shed all at once, those new cells could be trapped until all the old ones are ready to shed. I would guess that the surgeon she's with now has noticed at least some of it coming off in flaky, scaly patches, which may actually make it easier to surgically remove without further damaging/having to take off healthy tissue. I'm no medical professional, but I am curious to see how this unfolds from a scientific/medical standpoint.