Why do people black out their faces?

I know it's a hair board and about the hair. But to me those pics should only be of the back of your head. What are people doing with people's faces..lol.. so I can know to black out mine too... if need be. And the stealing of the pics from fotki..why does everyone have that under the pic..do not steal my pics? Just want to know..what do these people do with pictures of other folks hair.. I mean I guess if this was a board I was ashamed to be on .. I would black out my face.. but shoot anybody and their mama can know I'm trying to grow me some hair!

Just want to know the rationales...

I don't know about other people but I'm not ashamed. However I am a very private person. I don't want my image out there for just anyone to cut and paste away,unless I permit it. It's that simple. We're here for hair, so I don't mind people looking at my hair but that's it. In another thread about my bangs I am showing my face,but my hand is in the way so I'm okay with that. I like the annonymity of the internet. People always joke that they don't know about my life until "after the fact", and that'smy friends. So if I'm that private (and I'm not even up to anything it's just theway I am) in everyday life, it's no difference for me on the internet. No shame in getting hair advice, with all the internet sites out there posting crazy stuff!:grin:
I always thought this was pretty obvious.

This is the internet.

There is this thing called privacy. Oh and lets not forget about discretion.

Not everyone wants their face to be out there. We have careers and community activites and some would prefer that their personal care activities remain, uh - personal.

Not everyone feels like getting all pretty and made up just to show pics of what we want to see - hair.

Not everyone wants their pictures popping up on other sites without their permisson. This has happened. There is a reason why Fotki even gives the option to put a message like that under your pics.
Co-sign Cosign Cosign!
I don't show my face cause I don't feel like it. If I want to show my face on the forum, I will..but, I choose not too so......

People do whatever they want to do. If a person feels comfortable showing their whole face, then too-shay, but if they don't feel comfortable doing it, then that's ok.

I am not photogenic so I don't show my face. For others it might be the potential for mischief. For example, with a simple face shot of you, someone who knows you could cause all sorts of havoc. A good friend of mine found out that someone had set up profiles of her on several dating sites. She went through HELL when her man saw the profiles (a friend of his told him he had seen her profile). Since she had met HIM on a dating site it was easy for him to believe that she had set up more profiles. It ended their relationship.
I normally only do it if I'm really looking a HAM!! I don't like looking at those pic's so, I know ya'll dont wanna see 'em!! It's common courtesy :))!
Someone took mine and used it in a white supremacist video to show in what ways black people were ugly. It was both shocking and absurd, since I'm so fine! :blush: :lachen: So I can understand why people would not want their faces up. Don't stop me, though, but I understand.

Ohmygosh! How did you find out about it? Geez, I'm kinda wanting to take my pic down now :perplexed
I won't show my whole face. This is a public forum and any and everything can be found on the internet.

I've said it before, I've had multiple issues with people online and I'd rather keep the drama down.

1) I've had someone use my photos in their "artwork" without my permission
2) I've had an instance where someone from a forum I was a part of stood outside my house daily for weeks after I'd get off of work (related to my photo being in said "artwork" and making its rounds on the internet)
3) My car was broken into and nothing was stolen, things were just rifled through. I had a very nice stereo system and my gas credit card in my vehicle at the time. I think it was related to #2 but I can't prove it.
3) Walking through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange someone shouted my screen name at me.

I'd prefer to keep myself as anonymous as possible. I don't know who's on this board and I was linked here from a board that had absolutely nothing to do with hair and a lot of you would take down your half naked pics if you knew how I found this site. :)

There is absolutely no where on the internet where I use my government name. Not even my Facebook page nor my Myspace. I don't want people I grew up with or who are looking to employ me to see that I'm associated with people who may be associated with people with crotch shots and videos of them hitting a beer bong. I'm a professional and I prefer to keep my personal life personal.
I normally only do it if I'm really looking a HAM!! I don't like looking at those pic's so, I know ya'll dont wanna see 'em!! It's common courtesy :))!


Same here, girl ... same here. I have two photos in my Fotki where my face is covered and that was for y'alls own good. Trust me.
I won't show my whole face. This is a public forum and any and everything can be found on the internet.

I've said it before, I've had multiple issues with people online and I'd rather keep the drama down.

1) I've had someone use my photos in their "artwork" without my permission
2) I've had an instance where someone from a forum I was a part of stood outside my house daily for weeks after I'd get off of work (related to my photo being in said "artwork" and making its rounds on the internet)
3) My car was broken into and nothing was stolen, things were just rifled through. I had a very nice stereo system and my gas credit card in my vehicle at the time. I think it was related to #2 but I can't prove it.
3) Walking through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange someone shouted my screen name at me.

I'd prefer to keep myself as anonymous as possible. I don't know who's on this board and I was linked here from a board that had absolutely nothing to do with hair and a lot of you would take down your half naked pics if you knew how I found this site. :)

There is absolutely no where on the internet where I use my government name. Not even my Facebook page nor my Myspace. I don't want people I grew up with or who are looking to employ me to see that I'm associated with people who may be associated with people with crotch shots and videos of them hitting a beer bong. I'm a professional and I prefer to keep my personal life personal.

woah! ur makin me scared to show my face now!
I only black my face out when I'm not looking cute. lol. If I'm not glossed up and have my mascara on, then I gotta cover my face up. Other than that, I don't care who sees me either. As far as people stealing pics, people really DO still pics. Just like on myspace, people steal pics on fotkis and such. I don't know how many times I've seen my pics on other pages on Myspace. It's crazy I know, but it happens. I remember this one time my boyfriends uncle wanted to meet this "bad" chick he seen on Blackplanet.com. So he goes to meet this girl, and come to find out, she was just using her cousins picture and she looked like a Purple People Eater or something. So you gotta be careful. lol.
I feel that you may have personal issues that you only feel comfortable talking to other people, memebers on this forum. I would hate for someone from my school,work,group orgnization, to know that I'm having hair troubles, and for them to riduicule me if they happened to recognize my photo from this forum.

And only God knows what kind of perverts are out there . What if they were to steal your photo and use it for some deviant purpose?
Ohmygosh! How did you find out about it? Geez, I'm kinda wanting to take my pic down now :perplexed

You know how YouTube has "related videos" on the side? A member of this forum was watching a more afrocentric video and this white supremacist one was related to it. She watched it and recognized my picture and let me know. I had it removed on grounds of copyright violation (using my photo w/o my permission). It was a little disturbing at first, but it didn't really tell me anything I didn't know about the world. Just interesting that I should be one chosen at the time.
btw dont think that just cause when you right-click on a fotki pic and it says (protected), your pic is safe....there's the "print screen button" (PrtSc on my keyboard) paste the pic on bitmap or somethin.

ya'll got me scared...wanna block my face now...
I just don't understand when they just block out their eyes. Like, oh really? If you're afraid of people recognizing you, that's not gonna cut it.

I can PROMISE you if you showed me a pic of my mother with the eyes cut out, I'd still know it was her. This isn't a Batman comic book where you can put on an eye mask and noone will recognize you anymore.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I've shown my face before but in the past few months I've decided against it. If my hair was longer I would only do back shots.

Like many others have stated I do it for privacy reasons. Its amazing how easy it is to find something LHCF related by typing in random keywords in a search engine. I wouldn't want my employer, co-workers, work associates, etc. stumbling upon this site reading my thoughts on various topics or some stupid e-argument with someone about something random.

Also people are ignorant and have a lot of time on their hands. This is a case in point.

Hey guys.. I was just asking for the rationales. I hope noone thinks I'm condemning those that don't show their faces. I was just looking through a fotki and it seemed like a person went through great lengths to block out their face. As far as the photo stealing, as someone already mentioned.. people who are going to steal pics are not going to be like "oh..this person says don't steal my pics.." ok .. I won't steal the pics. They're going to right click and be on their merry way. And I show my face; just cause I like that pic.. :D and it shows my hair..lol..

I understand the privacy issues, but I personally don't care if someone accosts me on the street about growin my hair! I understand if this is not true for everyone.

A little humor:

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: *fabulosity*, you using horse products to grow your hair back?

Me: MegaTek, why yes, yes I am.

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: Where can I get some???

I'm on fb; not myspace...and I understand the privacy issues. Here's a sidetip; when people tag you on fb in a pic...other folks can still see those pics.. if it's not part of your album..

I prolly got way too much info on the net...listening to you guys..i better adjust some of my privacy settings..lol.. :D
Hey guys.. I was just asking for the rationales. I hope noone thinks I'm condemning those that don't show their faces. I was just looking through a fotki and it seemed like a person went through great lengths to block out their face. As far as the photo stealing, as someone already mentioned.. people who are going to steal pics are not going to be like "oh..this person says don't steal my pics.." ok .. I won't steal the pics. They're going to right click and be on their merry way. And I show my face; just cause I like that pic.. :D and it shows my hair..lol..

I understand the privacy issues, but I personally don't care if someone accosts me on the street about growin my hair! I understand if this is not true for everyone.

A little humor:

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: *fabulosity*, you using horse products to grow your hair back?

Me: MegaTek, why yes, yes I am.

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: Where can I get some???

I'm on fb; not myspace...and I understand the privacy issues. Here's a sidetip; when people tag you on fb in a pic...other folks can still see those pics.. if it's not part of your album..

I prolly got way too much info on the net...listening to you guys..i better adjust some of my privacy settings..lol.. :D

Hey, I am not sure if you post in the other forums, but this forum is not only about hair growing. Shoot, I do not care that much if my hair stays at its current length. As others have stated, people post everything on here. I have ranted about two or three things over my three years here that in retrospect, I shouldn't have. I will forever be "monkey face," because I do not want certain things to come back and hunt me. People often think you are lacking in the looks department if you block your face, but that's not always the case...

I even tell my students about once a month to be careful about what they post online.
I am trying to be more alert to all things talked about in this thread. For the most part I am pretty comfortable with posting my pics online. My myspace is private to only friends I chose. Facebook is not that serious to me. LHCF is my main stomping ground so all face pics are here with an open fotki. I get nervous though sometimes. This thread is making me even more nervous!:perplexed
I feel that you may have personal issues that you only feel comfortable talking to other people, memebers on this forum. I would hate for someone from my school,work,group orgnization, to know that I'm having hair troubles, and for them to riduicule me if they happened to recognize my photo from this forum.

And only God knows what kind of perverts are out there . What if they were to steal your photo and use it for some deviant purpose?

I guess it goes back to treating the internet like the real world. I wouldn't walk into a bar full of random people and start telling them my deepest, darkest secrets. So, the same rule applies online. Of course everyone can have a slip up now and then, but I don't think I've said much thus far that I would be embarassed about if someone I knew found out I was on this site, or facebook for that matter.

I also probably would never even find out if someone had stole any of my pics. I don't visit porno or fetish sites often, so someone would probably have to tell me if they saw the pic. I probably still wouldn't be too concerned, but that's just me. Those that know me will know what I post and what someone else may post, and that's really all that matters to me. :yep: But that's just how I feel right now. That could always change...
Someone took mine and used it in a white supremacist video to show in what ways black people were ugly. It was both shocking and absurd, since I'm so fine! :blush: :lachen: So I can understand why people would not want their faces up. Don't stop me, though, but I understand.

:nono: That is terrible!
A lot of you gave some good reasons why you dont have face pics. I may take mine down.
I recently deleted my entire fotki. My pics were popping up on totally non hair related websites, floating around other boards via pms and what not. Someone even made a fake myspace with pictures from my blog. I'd rather not have to deal with the perverts and crazy people. So all LHCF and any other site except my facebook will get is the back and side of my head.
Hey guys.. I was just asking for the rationales. I hope noone thinks I'm condemning those that don't show their faces. I was just looking through a fotki and it seemed like a person went through great lengths to block out their face. As far as the photo stealing, as someone already mentioned.. people who are going to steal pics are not going to be like "oh..this person says don't steal my pics.." ok .. I won't steal the pics. They're going to right click and be on their merry way. And I show my face; just cause I like that pic.. :D and it shows my hair..lol..

I understand the privacy issues, but I personally don't care if someone accosts me on the street about growin my hair! I understand if this is not true for everyone.

A little humor:

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: *fabulosity*, you using horse products to grow your hair back?

Me: MegaTek, why yes, yes I am.

Coworker/Friend/Family Member/Community person: Where can I get some???

I'm on fb; not myspace...and I understand the privacy issues. Here's a sidetip; when people tag you on fb in a pic...other folks can still see those pics.. if it's not part of your album..

I prolly got way too much info on the net...listening to you guys..i better adjust some of my privacy settings..lol.. :D

Fab, I took no offense to your post. I understand that it was an honest question.
I've shown my face before but in the past few months I've decided against it. If my hair was longer I would only do back shots.

Like many others have stated I do it for privacy reasons. Its amazing how easy it is to find something LHCF related by typing in random keywords in a search engine. I wouldn't want my employer, co-workers, work associates, etc. stumbling upon this site reading my thoughts on various topics or some stupid e-argument with someone about something random.

Also people are ignorant and have a lot of time on their hands. This is a case in point.

Those links are a trip... :nono: So sad...
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I don't know why I have tears in my eyes from trying to hold in my laughter b/c some of these horror stories are not funny. But I can't help imagining someone taking my beautiful face and photoshopping it on the body of a 800 pound man lying in bed with an edible thong on or something crazy like that :nono: ok carry on....
I took down all info and pictures,after loads of people kept silently visiting my profile...nope! no more for me.Who knows, exactly who was looking at my profile, or if they were offended. I'm not going to even show my hair once I get to BSL, or MBL.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: I don't know why I have tears in my eyes from trying to hold in my laughter b/c some of these horror stories are not funny. But I can't help imagining someone taking my beautiful face and photoshopping it on the body of a 800 pound man lying in bed with an edible thong on or something crazy like that :nono: ok carry on....

LOL at bolded:lachen:. I never thought of it like that.