2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

God you have been soooooo good to me..... Truly you've been so good to me, I look back and see your hands at work from the beginning. I look back and wince at some of the situations I got myself into because of disobedience. Yet you still covered and protected me. Jesus you ate just do awesome. Words cannot express your grace and mercies.
More on prayer (and faith). I've been impressed lately with the fact that we are not to be like the worshipers of Baal who worked themselves into a frenzy, even unto cutting themselves, in calling on their god and hoping that he would answer. The Spirit may fill us, and we may find ourselves in a state of spiritual exuberance like in Acts--but we do not work ourselves up in order to get God to hear us or to make our prayer more effectual. The Baal worshipers were trying and trying, but could not reach their god because he was only an idol and he wasn't hearing them.

But Elijah is our example. Completely calm, completely confident. He knew he only needed to ask the Lord to consume the offering. God wasn't going to hear him better if he became emotionally frenzied--had he done so, that would have been a lack of faith. Afterall, if God is present, then He hears the first time. But Elijah knew 100% that all he had to do was ask in accordance with His will and He would act. And the Lord sent fire down after one simple prayer.

The centurion who met Jesus in the Gospels had similar faith. He told Jesus that he knew Jesus didn't even have to go all the way to his house to heal his servant. He knew that Jesus was Lord of all and all He had to do was simply speak the word just where He was standing, and the servant would be healed all the way back at the home. There was no anxiety or distress on the part of the centurion--he knew who he was speaking to. He knew he was being heard. And Jesus was very impressed with his faith.

Our Lord told us that if we have faith, all we have to do is speak to the mountain and it will be moved. A lot of times when we think we have to do more than simply ask or simply speak it's because we are in some way relying on our own strength or our own fervor to accomplish the task. But it is not at all of us and is only of God. The Lord told Moses to simply speak to the rock, but Moses chose to strike it. Moses added in his own actions and effort to the word of God.

It's okay to have simple, quiet prayers so long as they're prayed in true faith. Knowing the Lord's will and being confident that He indeed hears leads to peace and confidence in presenting our requests to Him.

This doesn't take away the need for perseverance in prayer--after all Jesus initially challenged the Samaritan woman when she came to him. We also know from Daniel that fallen angels resist the work of God and so we must continue to push through in prayer. But prayer is answered from heaven, God earth, from God's strength and not our own.
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Integrity is so important. Whatever I do, wherever the Lord should send me in this life, I MUST be integral. I must be a woman of God that will not compromise! There is nothing in this world that I want, absolutely nothing. Material gain, position of authority, none of it means anything if it is not what Abba ordained for my life. I do not want ANYTHING that belongs to someone else! I do not EVER want to make ungodly alliances, just to "climb the ladder." I do not want deceitfulness in me. I don't want dishonest gain.

In my current job, this is going on all around me, people "jockeying" for position, and gain through ungodly alliances. It's nothing new, yet, it is disheartening just the same.

There have been times that I felt like I was being swallowed up by this madness ... the devil is a liar! God's Word is TRUE! There is an end to all of this ...
Integrity is so important. Whatever I do, wherever the Lord should send me in this life, I MUST be integral. I must be a woman of God that will not compromise! There is nothing in this world that I want, absolutely nothing. Material gain, position of authority, none of it means anything if it is not what Abba ordained for my life. I do not want ANYTHING that belongs to someone else! I do not EVER want to make ungodly alliances, just to "climb the ladder." I do not want deceitfulness in me. I don't want dishonest gain.

In my current job, this is going on all around me, people "jockeying" for position, and gain through ungodly alliances. It's nothing new, yet, it is disheartening just the same.

There have been times that I felt like I was being swallowed up by this madness ... the devil is a liar! God's Word is TRUE! There is an end to all of this ...

The way of the world, it's the norm in the workplace, I would love hear from you ladies how you maneuver this kind of behavior in the workplace in a Godly way.
I am wondering the same Loveisyou. While this is the norm for the world, recently, this activity has increased to epic proportions in my office. It is outright demonic, and I am absolutely unreal at times. If I haven't learned anything else from my experience in this place, it is most certainly that I am not cut out for the "shark tank."

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Today at the office I had my young babies come in.One is 14 the other is 16.The older one is having issues with her mom.She wouldn't help the baby get the little one diapers and such.I went on my lunch break and lucky Walgreens had Huggies on sale for 19.99.The other sister who is 14 came in later that day and the mother had complete disregard for her.She called her the other.It breaks my heart to hear these things.The baby was all smiles and I was like you seem happy she was like Im not happy but I smile so others won't say anything.I have been this baby so I knew deep inside she wasn't happy.

They need things like uniforms so Im going to go to Goodwill and see what I can find for both of them.Their mom sees them as dollar signs and that essence of her is picked up by others as well.I look at these girls like my little sisters.I always wanted one and now I have 2..pray for me ladies and them even more.
Thank you Father for letting me successfully get through the work week. It was rough but He saw me through. Tomm is my day off. Have to get organized and pray for more direction.
I wanted to go to church Sun but I can't so I guess it will have to be online sermons and video broadcasts when I get off work..sigh. At least I have access to that.
today is ONE BIG FAT FAIL! I just wanna cry myself to sleep. Lord speak to me...I need you now more than ever.......I wish I had someone here that would hug me and give me encouragement.....I feel so alone...

Remember that this too shall pass. Without trials and tribulations in life, we would never be able to recognize happiness and joy when it comes.

In our darkest hour, when it feels like the world has abandoned you and the darkness will be neverending, the Lord will bring you out if you ask Him.

It may not be on your time table but it'll be right on time. Trust and believe that I know how despair feels. Been there and done that SEVERAL TIMES. The Lord has spared me even when I didn't deserve it. I have learned life lessons for every life disaster that I have had.

It's gonna be alright. Joy always comes in the morning!
If I haven't learned anything else from my experience in this place, it is most certainly that I am not cut out for the "shark tank."

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Maybe you aren't there to do the learning. Maybe you have been placed there to do the teaching. God moves us in and out of situations and sometimes it isn't so You can get a lesson but so someone else can.

By the way you carry yourself and your attitude it may have a major impact on someone else and cause a change in the way they conduct themselves. Funny thing is, you may never know that this happened.

When God has decided that your job is done at that place, He will move you.

God's work is done in a variety of ways and in a variety of places.
Are we supposed to outgrow pastors?

Answer: Yes, but we are to still listen to a variety of voices for fellowship, revelation, knowledge, and/or confirmation of something He taught you. For example, I don’t listen to Gary C. Price as much as I used to; most of what he preaches does not pertain to me. When He leads me to check Price out, I get confirmation or an answer for something I had been pondering. Uncanny…

Thank You, precious Lord, for keeping me open to Your Word. Please, continue to feed me Your Unleavened Bread. Amen.
This isn't directed to anyone.Its funny when I see people tell others oh your not ready to move blah blah blah.At times when we ask others what they think it can interfere in what we were suppose to do.At times we already know the answer but we want to be talked out of it and be comforted.Sometimes the truth doesn't feel all warm and fuzzy.Growth is good and one should always be examining oneself according to the Word.I use to listen to others but now I do with a grain of salt.Some people are self seeking thus will tell you not to do something esp when you are seeing things a bit differently.Prayer is there for a reason make sure its used.
I love love love this post. So true. So much to ponder here.

quiet, simple, faithFULL (not just faithful) prayer. :yep::yep::yep:

More on prayer (and faith). I've been impressed lately with the fact that we are not to be like the worshipers of Baal who worked themselves into a frenzy, even unto cutting themselves, in calling on their god and hoping that he would answer. The Spirit may fill us, and we may find ourselves in a state of spiritual exuberance like in Acts--but we do not work ourselves up in order to get God to hear us or to make our prayer more effectual. The Baal worshipers were trying and trying, but could not reach their god because he was only an idol and he wasn't hearing them.

But Elijah is our example. Completely calm, completely confident. He knew he only needed to ask the Lord to consume the offering. God wasn't going to hear him better if he became emotionally frenzied--had he done so, that would have been a lack of faith. Afterall, if God is present, then He hears the first time. But Elijah knew 100% that all he had to do was ask in accordance with His will and He would act. And the Lord sent fire down after one simple prayer.

The centurion who met Jesus in the Gospels had similar faith. He told Jesus that he knew Jesus didn't even have to go all the way to his house to heal his servant. He knew that Jesus was Lord of all and all He had to do was simply speak the word just where He was standing, and the servant would be healed all the way back at the home. There was no anxiety or distress on the part of the centurion--he knew who he was speaking to. He knew he was being heard. And Jesus was very impressed with his faith.

Our Lord told us that if we have faith, all we have to do is speak to the mountain and it will be moved. A lot of times when we think we have to do more than simply ask or simply speak it's because we are in some way relying on our own strength or our own fervor to accomplish the task. But it is not at all of us and is only of God. The Lord told Moses to simply speak to the rock, but Moses chose to strike it. Moses added in his own actions and effort to the word of God.

It's okay to have simple, quiet prayers so long as they're prayed in true faith. Knowing the Lord's will and being confident that He indeed hears leads to peace and confidence in presenting our requests to Him.

This doesn't take away the need for perseverance in prayer--after all Jesus initially challenged the Samaritan woman when she came to him. We also know from Daniel that fallen angels resist the work of God and so we must continue to push through in prayer. But prayer is answered from heaven, God earth, from God's strength and not our own.
I rush ahead when I should wait and hesitate when I should run forward...or so it seems. Praying for God's timing.
I wonder if its possible to be scared of positive change.I often think that due to my bad upbringing and constant negative toxic environment,I often am not able to see the positive things I do and what is around me.I know it takes time to process all God has for you.At times its a battle mentally to remain in a current peaceful state.This isn't one of those you need a psyc issues as even the most christian person struggles to keep peace bc its something the world doesn't desire we have.I'm happy I was able to get the clothing items for my lil sisters/mentee.I hope that it goes a long way and helps them.

2012 as much as I say I don't hope for anything deep inside I pray for a calm demeanor that never changes inspite of the exterior foolishness.I know I should operate from the inside out so that nothing should be able to rattle me nor tempt me.I'm still human and mess up.At times from the christian superior community those things are frown up to say and that your just a heathen..I love the Lord with as much of my little heart that I can.One day my heart will be full grown and I will be able to operate in love and will always think if what I do or say will affect the body in a negative manner.I want to speak pure,clean and inspiring.One day will be today as a start.
This isn't directed to anyone.Its funny when I see people tell others oh your not ready to move blah blah blah.At times when we ask others what they think it can interfere in what we were suppose to do.At times we already know the answer but we want to be talked out of it and be comforted.Sometimes the truth doesn't feel all warm and fuzzy.Growth is good and one should always be examining oneself according to the Word.I use to listen to others but now I do with a grain of salt.Some people are self seeking thus will tell you not to do something esp when you are seeing things a bit differently.Prayer is there for a reason make sure its used.

I have had countless people SCREW with my plans and put a vulture in my brain through their words. I learned long ago to not ask others. I go to G-d. Of course, seek wise counsel but ...:look: some people don't comprehend what you're seeking advice and wise counsel about and are operating out of misunderstanding, fear or even jealousy. You end up insecure and if you never tried with what it was you wanted to do, disappointment you wasted some parts of your life trying to be like everybody else. :perplexed

Of course, we all seek G-d's heart regarding our vocations but please know, sometimes you have this desire cuz it's G-d's will for you to seek it out. Others simply might not comprehend or agree. I can't live the life of anybody else...I'd be bored stiff. Real talk.
Praising God for our new Lead Pastor - Ricky Temple!!!! We've been waiting for this since October 2010
Just trying to shake this despair that has come over me. Been so sick for awhile, between my fall and other things. Not being able to walk right, finances, family and job situations are pressing on me harder than ever. Today I woke up and just DID NOT want to go to church, with my phony family and so called friends......It felt pointless. So I stayed home and prayed and read and cried.
I feel like I need to begin looking for a new church home. My church is so big I just feel like I don't exist. I have never had a conversation with my pastor....The word and teachings that he brings speak to me in a way that I have never experienced before, but I feel like at this time in my life I need something different. I feel like I have no "place" there.....
Praying for guidance.
I'm determined to spend more time in the word this year as well as fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.I know there are many instructions and blessings God is trying to reveal to me. I now open my heart and spiritual ears to hear.

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@Iwanthealthyhair67 I love your post.They are always so timely and so what is the real not the fake fluff..

Lord give me compassion,patience and restraint when dealing with some folks such as my mother.I'm so about things that I sorta run over folks who are in my way.I need to be calmer even though I know I have a goal to me in my life:finally not being so without.
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We thank you Lord for another year and we thank you that the lines have fallen for us in advance in 2012 in pleasant places: The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Happy New Year Everyone! Great Things Will Be Happening For Us!

How lovely, Nice Lady! I receive it!:yep: Happy New Year, Ladies!!

Hold on to this Word and do not let it go!

Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and He [God] HATH BLESSED; and I cannot reverse it.
Numbers 23:20

God has ordered Blessings for your lives, it is what Jesus' gave up upon the Cross. Please do not lose sight of this.

No matter what you are going through and what is ocurring around you, please do not lose sight of the Truth that Jesus received the commandment of God the Father to BLESS you, and it cannot be reversed.

Receive God's Word. Receive it! Do not let go of it. For it cannot be reversed.

Thank you, Shimmie!:dance7::Rose:. I DO receive this with joy. Have a lovely irreversibly blessed New Year. I know I will.
DH and I have made an effort to have Bible study together, just us, after we put the girls to bed. It's only been two days and I feel like I am falling in love all over gain with this man of God!
