2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I wonder if we would cry out to YOU if we had no problems, enough of everything, all our bills paid, great jobs, good health, great relationships with our spouses and children, all that we wanted, no trials no tribulations would we pray, would we cry out, would we read your word?

Because I'm usually somewhere....

Why no one will help me
I am too dumb I am too smart
They'll not understand me
I am lonely
They'll hate me
And there is not enough time
It's too hard to help me
And god wants me to work
No resting no lazy

These excuses how they served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me stoic
They've kept me locked in my own cell

I'm too far from home
It takes far too much energy
And I cannot afford to
No one will ever see me

These excuses how they served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me stoic
They've kept me locked inside my cell

These excuses how they're so familiar
They've kept me small
They've kept me blocked
They've kept me safe inside my shell

Bringing this into the light
Shakes their foundation
And it clears my side
Now my imagination
Is the only thing that limits
The bar that is raised to the heights

No one can have it all see
I have to they want me to
And I can't let them down
I'll never be happy

These excuses how they served me so well
They've kept me safe
They've kept me small
They've kept me locked inside my cell

These excuses how they're so familiar
They've kept me small
They've kept me stoic
They've kept me locked inside my cell

Excuses, Alanis Morissette
I fear nothing is worse than being set free, but yet we continue to be bound and speak bound, is safety in bondage or is it familiarity???

who the SON sets free is free indeed!!!
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^^^^^Freedom from bondage comes from transparency about one's true inner self. If we don't come to terms with that, there is no healing. Too many of us believers want to present public perfection and overcoming, even convincing outselves, when we've not overcome where it counts most. The human condition remains always but true freedom comes to those who are honest with themselves and see through it all as imperfection.

I'm just reflecting from this past year(s) and happy about the freedom I've just found to be simply imperfect. I hope no one miscomprehends that, though. Whether I leave this planet the best, better or just mediocre...it's, well, it's what it's gonna be. I've taken myself off the hook. There is just this place you find through the pains of life that says, "I knew you'd come to this realization about your imperfection and it's "ok" cuz I knew it was gonna be. Now, you can move on." Letting oneself off the hook.
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I had a dream where I was in a worship service. It was not in a church, but looked like what could have been a gym. I woke up with a song in my heart and tears in my eyes. I just had praise and worship in my sleep!
The skies and the earth belong to you.
You made the world and everything in it.
You created the north and the south.

Your arm has great power.
Your hand is strong; your right hand is lifted up.
Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair.
Love and truth are in all you do.

Psalm 89:11-13

Oh, I'll run with that...thank you, [URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=15036579&postcount=508"]Shimmie[/URL]. If God, our Father, created the north and the south, surely He can give lil ole me directions in life. Powerful stuff, God's Word is. :yep: whew!
The skies and the earth belong to you.
You made the world and everything in it.
You created the north and the south.

Your arm has great power.
Your hand is strong; your right hand is lifted up.
Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair.
Love and truth are in all you do.

Psalm 89:11-13

Oh, I'll run with that...thank you, [URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=15036579&postcount=508"]Shimmie[/URL]. If God, our Father, created the north and the south, surely He can give lil ole me directions in life. Powerful stuff, God's Word is. :yep: whew!

Laela... I love the Word of God. And this scripture about the North and South is just plain 'Rhema'. God doesn't place things in random. It's for a plan and a purpose.

North and South means it's not the end; it means we're not 'stuck' in place with no where to go; we're not done. We have a clear direction of more paths to follow and the guidance is fully there, set in place before we were even conceived, given birth to and before we entered into the realm of this earth's atmosphere.

I'm looking ahead to fulfill God's directions in my life. I've got blessings above my head and beneath my feet. . . North and South.
Transparency a beauitful thing to very few and a ugly thing to most..If one could truly pull their mask off society would be a better place.

God I haven't been the best christian.At times I doubt I am.Sometimes I say things that contradict your word.God you show me at times even while going through the valleys and the low parts you will still provide.This job offer I got today just really made me smile.Im so happy right now I could cry but I have another interview at 1 on the phone..but your so awesome and amazing.I call you when Im mad,sad,hurt,feel like giving up.I want to call you when Im happy,smiling,feeling lifted..Thank you God.Please allow me not to take baggage from my former to this new phase..I await Feb 13,2012..
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Today, it is so pressed on my heart to see the answer only. Not how I am going to come up with the funds to do it, not imagine the ways God will assist me but just see the fullness of the answered prayer I have prayed. Nothing else just the answer, feel the joy and peace of the answer, not work my mind on process of how it will get done, just consider it done. To believe it before I see it.

I checked my email and my devotional from Joseph Prince ministries, spoke about this very subject. I feel like I am on the right track with God right now at this very moment.

Believing Is Receiving
Mark 5:28–29
For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” 29Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction.

You have heard people of the world say, “I will believe it only when I see it.” Generally, that is the way the world thinks. But God’s ways are not like the ways of the world. The world says, “If I can’t feel it or see it, I cannot believe the miracle is here.” God says, “If you believe it before you feel it or see it, you will see your miracle.”
Believing first before seeing the evidence of what we are believing for is called faith. Faith is like a spark and Jesus is the dynamite powder.
In the story of the healing of the woman with the issue of blood, there were many people who touched Jesus (Mark 5:31), but nothing happened to them. They didn’t touch Him in faith. But when the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came to Him and touched Him in faith, He felt power leave His body (Mark 5:30), and it sparked off an explosion of healing in the woman’s body!
Hearing about how good, kind and loving Jesus was fired her faith to believe that He could and would heal her. So convinced was she (even when the condition in her body was still evident) that she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Did she experience her healing first before she believed? No, she believed first in Jesus’ goodness and power, acted in faith and only then felt the healing in her body.
In the same way, God wants you to believe in His goodness and love toward you. He wants you to know how willing He is to act on your behalf to bless you, and how, with Christ, He will freely give you every good thing. (Romans 8:32)
He wants you to declare by faith that all is and shall be well with you, and to expect to see just that. And then, no matter how long you have had the problem, no matter how bad the experts say it is, an explosion of healing and restoration will take place, and you will receive what you are believing for!
Everything is seemingly perfect here, but it just doesn't feel right. The best way to describe it is like my soul is being pressed down upon.

I believe in the reality of geographic callings, but I don't know what to make of this. All the logical reasons say "Stay," but everything within me is saying "Go."
Whirlwind...in front of this peaceful blue beach with gentle waves. I've arrived like a mack truck on virgin beach. Day One...step One...all over again...look at the calm and bath myself in it, dig my feet into this cool, wet and packed sand. I've got to see beyond all the noise and feel the calm.
Going through + PRAISE = Getting through

There is POWER in praise.

I saw the Lord.... He was high and lifted up and His train filled the Temple...

All through praise, I could see the glory of the Lord in all of His finest...

Have you ever seemingly had every indication that something was of God, but have it fall through? How long do you keep going on a path when you truly thought it was Him, but the manifestation of His purpose has not been brought to pass? Not a rhetorical question at all.

Sigh. I need to hear something true.
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Really grateful right now.Even with the very simple manner this church I was at tonight I can get their praise.I know its not a church for me I still can praise God at how sold out they are for God.

God I really wonder if something is really wrong with me.There a thought that keeps coming up and has been there for years.Its about what I like and how we were designed to only be one way.I wonder if it's bc my lack in the last 5 years in this area is starting to make me doubt things.I know it can't be true but why is the thought there? I wish at times I was like some of the sweet ones here like my beloved sister @Shimmie,@Tracichannel and @Iwanthealthyhair67.But I guess you need to be a vetran saint who has gone through some major battles to really stay with this thing.I look at many of you and see so much that it keeps me seeking his faith.I want what so many have here which in my eyes is self-love,peace,acceptance,purpose,grace,humility,and drive.

Lord I'm not even mad that things at the church didn't pan out.I pray those young adults suffer no issues.I guess maybe it was my focus on doing something great instead of you..or maybe it was from you but its not time..too early.I would love to help youth but I want youth who want to go places.
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Have you ever seemingly had every indication that something was of God, but have it fall through? How long do you keep going on a path when you truly thought it was Him, but the manifestation of His purpose has not been brought to pass? Not a rhetorical question at all.

Sigh. I need to hear something true.

You hold on and ask Him to speak to you in a way you will absolutely know that it is Him...unequivocally Him. Even after you receive that answer and are well into your journey/new place, you will begin to doubt that you truly heard from Him due to circumstances. I pray He sends you tidbits of confirmation. But you must move as it's part of the process. Tell him honestly and openly all you feel, just like you would your dad or mom. I don't think that G-d usually gives us those distinct visions that some of the saints and prophets of old or preachers of today have. With most, imho, it's that you move based upon your goals and desires, talents and feasibility. If we live for Him, then we're in His will.

One of my confirmations was seemingly insignificant at the time...but in the spiritual realm, I'll never know until then what my obedience has brought. Still ask Him for the continuing revelation. I went through that and going to be going through it again. I truly think I know exactly how you feel!!
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This is yet another lie amongst the many lies that enemy keeps torturing your mind with...

The moment that you can confront all the pain and hurt of all the wrong that has been to you, the minute that you can let go I mean really let go forgive THEM and forgive yourself, healing will take place, for you this may take longer than it took me or someone else...(this is one of the reasons why you need to be where you can get the help that you need, it's beyond medicine, I wish I could hold you until that dam breaks but I'm praying that the Lord will send someone and that you will accept them)...

I pray that you will be healed, delivered and set free so that you can live in the peace of God through Jesus Christ!

Really grateful right now.Even with the very simple manner this church I was at tonight I can get their praise.I know its not a church for me I still can praise God at how sold out they are for God.

God I really wonder if something is really wrong with me.There a thought that keeps coming up and has been there for years.Its about what I like and how we were designed to only be one way.I wonder if it's bc my lack in the last 5 years in this area is starting to make me doubt things.I know it can't be true but why is the thought there? I wish at times I was like some of the sweet ones here like my beloved sister @Shimmie,@Tracichannel and @Iwanthealthyhair67.But I guess you need to be a vetran saint who has gone through some major battles to really stay with this thing.I look at many of you and see so much that it keeps me seeking his faith.I want what so many have here which in my eyes is self-love,peace,acceptance,purpose,grace,humility,and drive.

Lord I'm not even mad that things at the church didn't pan out.I pray those young adults suffer no issues.I guess maybe it was my focus on doing something great instead of you..or maybe it was from you but its not time..too early.I would love to help youth but I want youth who want to go places.
I have come to the realization that I don't know ANYTHING......God has been quiet for so long, when I need a break the most, things seem to get a lot worse. I just don't understand..........I'm trying my hardest to be a good mother, friend and good woman of God.....
I have come to the realization that I don't know ANYTHING......God has been quiet for so long, when I need a break the most, things seem to get a lot worse. I just don't understand..........I'm trying my hardest to be a good mother, friend and good woman of God.....


You are not alone... :love2:

You are not alone... :love2:
for always being there for me......all of you ladies....you don't know how many times your encouragement has talked me off of the ledge....
This is really the only place where I get that.....
There's a verse in a Jill Scott song that sums up everything for me right now........
Here I am again,
Asking questions,
Waiting to be moved....
I am so unsure
of my perception,
What I thought I knew,
I don't seem too.....
Feeling chipper.

God confirmed something for me yesterday and today. He is awesome.

Can't wait to get on the prayer line tonight. I so look forward to it each week.
Really grateful right now.Even with the very simple manner this church I was at tonight I can get their praise.I know its not a church for me I still can praise God at how sold out they are for God.

God I really wonder if something is really wrong with me.There a thought that keeps coming up and has been there for years.Its about what I like and how we were designed to only be one way.I wonder if it's bc my lack in the last 5 years in this area is starting to make me doubt things.I know it can't be true but why is the thought there? I wish at times I was like some of the sweet ones here like my beloved sister @Shimmie,@Tracichannel and @Iwanthealthyhair67.But I guess you need to be a vetran saint who has gone through some major battles to really stay with this thing.I look at many of you and see so much that it keeps me seeking his faith.I want what so many have here which in my eyes is self-love,peace,acceptance,purpose,grace,humility,and drive.

Lord I'm not even mad that things at the church didn't pan out.I pray those young adults suffer no issues.I guess maybe it was my focus on doing something great instead of you..or maybe it was from you but its not time..too early.I would love to help youth but I want youth who want to go places.

Dearest Love...

You have the most beautiful wide eyes of innocence and innocent you are indeed. Keep living for you bring more beauty and joy to far more lives than you will ever know. There are those who have pain far deeper and this is not said to minimize any of the pain you've endured in this life.

It is said, instead to inspire you in knowing that your life makes a difference to more people than any of us will ever know. Because you live, you give others in deep, deeper pain more hope that they can live too.

Keep trusting God, Babygirl. Keep trusting God's unending love for you. :love2:
for always being there for me......all of you ladies....you don't know how many times your encouragement has talked me off of the ledge....
This is really the only place where I get that.....
There's a verse in a Jill Scott song that sums up everything for me right now........
Here I am again,
Asking questions,
Waiting to be moved....
I am so unsure
of my perception,
What I thought I knew,
I don't seem too.....

Somethings are good to not know. It clears the path for the things we will know and need to know.

Now I know that doesn't seem to make any sense, however it will. :yep:
I feel calm today..not even worried about what will happen later.Getting inspired by watching my sisters here..knowing that God is breaking one of our sisters so she can be used the way she was designed..that may be some of my issue too..
Somethings are good to not know. It clears the path for the things we will know and need to know.

Now I know that doesn't seem to make any sense, however it will. :yep:
I guess I really mean things about myself, who I am, who I should be, what I want....what I have learned....I don't know. I'm so confused about EVERYTHING.
I guess you can say that Elijah and Enoch were so heavenly minded that they were no earthly good (which by the way it not 'scriptural', lol)

obviously there was no 'balance' in their lives