Abstinence Challenge 365, 24-7

My first post EVER on this site :) i am joining this thread. I want my husband to truly experience our "love" for the first time on our wedding night and i am going to need strength and prayer to get there!
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Hi ladies! I'm all in for this challenge,I've already been celibate 14 months at this point. I am currently single and just recommitted myself back to the Lord. My previous relationship was with someone who I loved very much things just didn't work out. Perhaps in time the Lord will see fit to restore our relationship that way he intends for it to be. So far there's no one that I'm interested in and I suspect it probably makes it easier to not dwell on being with anybody. Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm content with my love life or lack thereof. Just keep me in your prayers as I strive to be the woman God intended for me to be.
in an effort to stay faithful to the Lord and prevent lust, etc, etc, I actually napped with a pillow between my boyfriend's "manhood" and my bum today lol he didnt say anything but he was probably to tired to care lol
I have remained faithful to my word. However I feel the desires and temptation creeping in. I have remained prayerful about the situation and know that by the grace of God I will not succumb to sin. I am trying to hold ever thought captive and give evil no area of weakness in my armor. I told a friend that I have to stop being around him so much because even though I don't want to be intimate with him, his presence awakens the flesh and feeds the feelings that sometimes arise. Lord is my strength. Thank you God!
Im 6 months in already and i have no real thoughts of giving it up at all this is the best ive feel in a long time
granted now and again i do feel like it but after i couple hrs the feelings goes away
I'm in again too. :yep: It's been about 9 months and I'm determined to stay that way until I marry the man God chooses for me.
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I've been celibate for over 5 years. The challenge for me came in my mind & thoughts. What really helped me was confessing 2 Corinthians 7:1 severals times a day or when the sexuals thoughts would come in my mind.

What you are doing is replacing the thoughts with the word of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1 KJV

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

The promises can be found in the previous chapter 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18.

You can confess it in 1st person:

I cleanse myself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

I love the post from Hair2Here. It's about accepting God's love.
I also got rid of those 'friends'. You know the ones I'm talkin about? Guys who are your friends.. but not REALLY your friend?? The ones that care a lil too much, hug you a lil too long and have expressed in one way or another they feel for you but are either A. not christian B. not really your 'type' or C. Not ready to make the same committment you are.

I read this months ago and wasn't ready to receive it. But I've been beaten over the head with it for that entire time. I'm finally ready to accept it instead of just blazing right through it. :nono:

Thank you for this message! Especially the bolded. You just don't know how much this helps, comforts me.
[size=+1]“Challenge for Christian Single Ladies”[/size]

This challenge is to encourage my sisters to stay celibate & live for God. I feel that we as Christian women, we should respect our bodies and hold it sacred. Sex is a special gift that should be shared in marriage and it should not be dragged in the mud (like pornagraphy, videos, etc.). The Christian is called to live a life of unselfish love. Abstinence should always seek to glorify God and buildup fellow believers in the faith.

The Rules are:

1) No late night dates when initially meeting someone-especially if you are not a strong christian yet. No clubbing and no living together.

1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 - Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2) No type of sexual contact (having sex, impure thoughts, oral sex, masturbation, etc.) and no sexual immorality.

Colossians 3:5 - Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Ephesians 5:5 - Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure man, or one who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

The Apostle Paul was never married. He followed Christ and used God’s teachings. Apostle Paul said, “The Believers body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should not be polluted by unclean things.”

1 Corinthians 6 19-20 - Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Paul also exhorted the church of Thessalonians to “abstain from sexual immorality.”

1 Thessalonians 4:3-For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication;

Holy Spirit Check---Also your Holy Spirit will let you know when you are not doing God's Will. :yep:

FINAL NOTE-The only reason for breaking this challenge----
[size=+2]IS IF YOU GET MARRIED!![/size]:dinner:

Genesis 2:23-24 - Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.

:angel:I will pray for all of you that this challenge will make you stronger in your faith, closer to God, following Jesus's path, and I rebuke anyone and anything that will try and stop you from getting the Prize.

God Bless you ladies. :rosebud:

i'm in this challenge by default! been celebate for several years....do to non relationship status:sad::sad::sad::sad: & my extreme pickiness

don't know if my list is like (what chilli wants:grin::grin:) but it has certainly kept me from getting my hands dirty (so to speak:spinning:)

would love this time to get closer to god
Lord I haven't laid with a man in about 5 years..however the self laying is another story..I wonder if it's possible to break..scratch that I know it's possible to break I just wonder if Im ready..I mean I met a nice guy Friday not saying anything will come of it since his technically taken but he said he can only hold out for 3 months..I was like wow that doesn't match my thoughts unless we are married in that time frame..I need help ladies..
GoddessMaker, the man for you will wait forever to be able to hold you. Allow him to pass you by, it is obvious where his priorities are in regards to sex.
There has been nothing since August of 2009, and I had eight months of nothing before that, and nothing since. Leaving the challenge was so NOT worth it, and it took nine months for my cycle to get right. The paranoia, and the emotional upheaval was so NOT worth it. Never again. I am in the challenge for good. :)
Im in, its been over a couple yrs for me too. It gets easier as time goes by, plus Ive been through too much heartache to mess up now!!! (God knew what he was talking about, I just learned the hard way)
All is well with me ladies!!!:grin: This thread really inspired me to remain faithful to my Father!!! I feel so happy and free!!! As one minister put it, "Whatever you compromise to keep, you'll lose." I believe that wholeheartedly. It's not a matter of staying strong sisters; it's a matter of staying in love with Yhwh and loving the fact that the first time you and your husband come together will be a beautiful event!!! Your bodies are so precious, please remember that. No man is worth the shame of allowing an imposter to touch and violate your temple. If he can't wait then he's saying you're not worth waiting for. Know your worth. You were purchased with the precious blood of Yeshua. Love and Peace my sisters!!!:wave:
I have been trying to abstain for the past 5 years but have had three slip ups with a man who actually wanted to marry me. I felt horrible each time. I am no longer dating this man. It definitely was not worth it. I have also fallen in this area with incidents that don't involve actual sex. I still have sexual thoughts and urges. I ask God to help me control those thoughts and urges and to forgive me for the times that I have not been able to control them. I ask God to strengthen me and help me to live a holy life. I also ask God for the husband that He has for me. I ask Him to first prepare me for my husband. Lord I thank you for your love and mercy. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Tuff, I lost my virginity to a guy at the age of 16 and ended up pregnant. I still didn't learn my lesson and ended up pregnant again and again. Just looking for love with all the wrong men instead of allowing Christ in my life. I knew He first loved me but never thought about it twice because I was looking for the physical love. With the other pregnancies, I ended up having abortions. I regret so much having made those decisions.

When Christ became the center of my life, I found Love! A nice friend reminded me of a scripture I will always refer to: Hebrews: 10:17, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more. I read this over and over again until I just confessed my past sin and put it on God because I was tired of carrying it, remembering it. It was a heavy burden and His burden light. After receiving His forgiveness through faith, I went on with my life not even thinking about it anymore. I refer to my past only when I want to be a blessing or an encouragement to other young ladies.

I met my husband one year in May. We were engaged by November and married the following May. My husband did not 'know' me until our wedding night. And, gurl, gurl gurl, it was a nice night. I think men (and God) are pleased that you've waited for marriage. It was my gift to my husband. This was over 10 years ago.

My daughter I had out of wedlock will be graduating on May 15th (my wedding anniversary) with a B.S. in Nursing. I had two more busy boys for my husband. My extended (unsaved) family members told my parents that I would never amount to anything since I was a teenage mom. But they failed to realized that I had praying parents who turned me into a praying young lady. God extended His grace. I went back to school, earned my degree, worked my way up the ladder at work and my husband is doing very, very well in his job and with his own business. God has made it so that we are able to care for my parents (who now live with us). I love it when a plan of God's come together.

So, I felt good about wearing white on my wedding day. When folks asked, 'what's up with the color'. I explained to them that I was forgiven and made pure. If God is willing to forget our sins, we should do the same.

i love it when god has a plan
you are an inspiration!
Lord I haven't laid with a man in about 5 years..however the self laying is another story..I wonder if it's possible to break..scratch that I know it's possible to break I just wonder if Im ready..I mean I met a nice guy Friday not saying anything will come of it since his technically taken but he said he can only hold out for 3 months..I was like wow that doesn't match my thoughts unless we are married in that time frame..I need help ladies..
i agree with others
this guy already has a time stamp.... so let him expire already
we're here if u need to talk
i'm laughing to myself b/c I think this may be the second time i've wondered into this forum....not my direction, but in perfection....guess he intended this connection (wow, I'm a rapper) lol
let's say this challenge may be something i charge for my future. Like a few of you have mentioned... celibate YES... intentionally NO... kind of nonchalantly happened after parting from my one true love, spending my entire life thinking i am weird b/c i didn't believe in casual sex
god has to have a plan in store because the road has been long traveled---plus i'm always...always accused of being extremely PICKY. Joining a challenge to remain celibate (until marriage?) is very serious, something I've never weighed, but its been several years, and i think it's time.
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Still hanging in there. :) I went looking for purity rings to celebrate one year of abstaining in less than 2 months. I needed something to encourage me to keep going. I am excited to get it. As someone who was married most of my adult life, this has been a hard road, but it has gotten easier, praise God!
I've been lurking around in this thread for the past 2yrs and I must say that I'm finally ready to surrender my life, my will, and my body which is the temple of the holy spirit, entirely to God. I thank God for His Spirit and pray for strength and direction as I embark on this new journey of celibacy until marriage. I've been a Christian my whole life but I've finally committed to a personal relationship with God that involves following all of his commandments, rules and regulations lol. I submit my life to Jesus Christ and will no longer defile my body in the name of Jesus. Amen!!! Stay encouraged everyone :)
It will be one year in 13 days. I am really committed to doing this. No going back now. I am not giving myself to anyone without the promise of marriage. Period. When I think about time I lost with a man that I knew wasn't going to marry me, but I had to prove everyone wrong; I get mad. I get really angry, but I hold on to faith that the right man will come along, and will want to be with me for me, and will be just what I have been waiting for. I hear moonstone is for purity. I know I am not pure or anything like that, but the symbolism is enough for me.
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ladies, sorry in advance for the long post. Ive been a lurker on this forum for 5 yrs or so and now feel the need to post. thank you for giving me insight and to be honest, hope. I'm a 20 year old rising senior in college and I have never 'known' physically in any way shape or form. In my freshman year of college, I had some thoughts (of what it would be like to lie down next to this person and feel his warmth) I'm glad it didnt work out becuse I wasn't far enough in my walk with Christ to avoid temptations had it worked out. I see alot of people, even those i considered friends giving up their body for another so readily.

The world at times seems to be so heavily drenched in sex i find myself battling the torrent. To know that there are others with such strong personal convictions who love themselves enough to wait out for something better makes my eyes widen. I'm so peaceful inside over this. I dont recall the bible verse that comes to mind exactly but it was something like " you are in the world but not of the world" I no longer feel wierd for choosing not to be of the world and I thank God for choosing me to be a Christian. It's so worth it ladies. All the girls that i know who waited are looking at a ring and a committed man. the others , i just cant say the same. there is confusion and guilt that marres their relationships. I'm going to begin my abstinence in a new light. no more thoughts, or "thats what she said" jokes or watching movies that display sex in a vulgar/unGodly manner. It's one thing to walk this walk but its quite another to know where you are and why you are on the road.
Thanks, I will give a little background about myself, regarding dis challenge. I am a proud 20 yr old virgin. Back when I was 15 yrs old, my mom put me and my siblings in a class called "True Love Waits" at our church. At the end of the classes, you pledge abstinence until u marry. My two siblings had children out of wedlock after dis, except my younger brother and dis is very common in my family. I always wanted to honor God dis way and wouldnt want to let him down. Also I want my husband to be da only one to know me dat way. Im glad to find others who are serious about dis subject, I've been following the thread since last yr.
I always wanted to honor God dis way and wouldnt want to let him down. Also I want my husband to be da only one to know me dat way. Im glad to find others who are serious about dis subject, I've been following the thread since last yr.

Amen!! I feel the same way.
All the girls that i know who waited are looking at a ring and a committed man. the others , i just cant say the same. there is confusion and guilt that marres their relationships. I'm going to begin my abstinence in a new light. no more thoughts, or "thats what she said" jokes or watching movies that display sex in a vulgar/unGodly manner. It's one thing to walk this walk but its quite another to know where you are and why you are on the road.

I wish I could say the same. :ohwell: I know couple after couple who did the do regularly before getting married and they still are, happily. Maybe they went through things I'm not aware of, but it can be discouraging to know that I waited (barely) :look: before marrying only to marry the devil incarnate and end up divorced anyway. I mean, I saved myself, and here I am, divorced.

I don't want to get anybody down but all I would say is not to look at others. When I look at others, I get angry and question God. I start wondering what was the point of waiting when I didn't get a reward for saving myself, I got a painful, horrible marriage and years of misery.

That said, I'm still saving myself for re-marriage, if only to strengthen and purify my mind and spirit. Knowing that I am sacrificing daily to resist temptation makes me less willing to fall for some dude who can't wait for me. I did buy that ring to celebrate a year and it reminds me that what I am saving is precious and valuable. Prayerfully my next husband will be my final one, and my latter will be GREATER than my former!!! :ohwell: