How Many Times Have You Tried to Go Natural?

How Many Times Have You Tried Going Natural?

  • This is my second time and it's working better this time.

    Votes: 35 50.7%
  • This is my second time and I still can't get it right!

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • This is my third (or more) time and I finally got it right!

    Votes: 24 34.8%
  • This is my third (or more) time and I give up!

    Votes: 8 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is my 1st and last !!! :yep: I cant imagine going back to the relaxer for ANY reason (but then again I refuse because my hair was falling out because of scalp issues AND the chemicals-so yeah.. I refuse.)
3 months into my first time and feel no desire to return to the creamy crack. I'm loving my curls and waves and the awesome thickness that is coming in :yep:
I tried once but it was an epic failure. I wasn't prepared for the work that came with transitioning and product selection. I'll definitely try again at some point in the future.
Now that I remember, this is my second time. I went natural in my early 20s then relaxed again. Now that I have hair boards, I can doing it right this time! :yep:
first time transitioning and i'm pretty sure it I will never relax again because my scalp just cant take it. Straight hair is great, but having to get there with daily flaking, scalp sores and constant itching is not so great...
This is my second and last time.

My first time transitioning was my Senior year in high school, and I went natural my freshman year in college. My transition was by accident, I had realized I hadn't relaxed in a long time, so I just didn't anymore. However, I was not confident and didn't mentally transition. I was natural from 2004-May 2009.

Now, I am transitioning for the last time. I think it is more enjoyable because I am intentionally transitioning. Additionally, I know for sure relaxed hair is not for me. I aslo know how to take care of my hair because I was natural for 5 years and could not get past SL.
This is my second time.

The first time I attempted to go natural was in June 2008. I transitioned for 5 months but couldn't deal with the new growth and relaxed again in December 2008 (which would be my last relaxer).
I voted 2nd but my journey is convoluted. For the duration of my relaxed "hair life", I always stretched my relaxers for 3-6 months because I hate, hate, hate the relaxer process. It was stinky, it burned, and my hair was always so limp afterwards. So 6 months into my last stretch I made a conscious decision to transition.

However, I couldn't get my moisture/protein balance in sync and so against my better judgement, I texlaxed last April.

I'm so thankful for this forum b/c all the help and tips and learning and product reviews (pushers LOL) have me on track for a very successful transition. I am loving my natural hair and I can't wait to get rid of the relax ends. I will keep transitioning until I feel comfortable about cutting the last of the relaxed hair off. I have no idea when that will be :).
My second time..
I was going strong and decided to have a check the length
this was BEFORE I knew anything about blowing out the roots or using other means to straighten my 4C ...or whichever is the tighest curl

well the "stylist" and I use the word loosely
slathered on relaxer..with both hands.. without parting it...or pre-oiling the edges
or smoothing it on the roots... all because she was completely overwhelmed with my hair
in its natural unblown's super-thick
superwild...and she thot she cld manage it by dumping on the relaxer
she was a beginner

ohhhhhhhhhhh Just thinking about it:bat:I refused to pay for it either:nono2:
but it effectively
KILLED any desire to EVER be relaxed again
i spose i oughta thank her for that~

it's been about 6 years and my hair ought to be longer
:ohwell:but I am very lazy and careless w/it
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2nd time and I'm so close to the edge to perm it that I don't know what to do..I want swang like some of the other ladies have but then I will be natural 3 yrs in Nov..Im so confused.
One time for me - August 2001 - almost my 9 year anniversary!! It was on a whim, but I fell in LOVE with my natural hair, so I never thought about relaxing again. I think I wanted to go nautral ever since I was 13 - so when I was old enough to do it and not get yelled at, I did, lol.
This is my second and final attempt because this time I will become Natural!!!! :yep: So far im further now then I was then and I have everyones help and knowledge to guide me toward my goal!

Thank you LHCF!
The first time I tried to go natural I was using the wrong products (joico which was protein bssed) and could not put a comb thru my newgrowth during my transition, so I relaxed until I could do more research.

The second time was a breeze and I never looked back. This was 8 years ago.
Im on my 4th try now but I've actually gone natural twice. You guys just dont know. Once my hair gets past 8 months of being totally free i want it to be something more than just an afro. I want to have the ability to just slap it into a ponytail or have beautiful loose curled wash and gos. That is why I couldnt stay natural for more than a year. I never had enough length to be lazy and still have my hair look good. Wanting my hair to do more than it could and wanting my hair to be something that it was not were my downfalls. To top that off I always did very short term transitions.

If I knew what I knew now I could have hair down my back at this moment. I dont know why it didnt dawned on me to just do a long term transition. Why cut off all your hair just to want to put them in braids or cover them up with a weave or wig. I could have easily done those things without cutting off all my hair. During transitioning is actually the only fun time I ever have with my hair.

Currently im on an indefinite transition. To be honest im not concerned about being defined as natural. i've been off that natural nazi kick for awhile and dont plan on going back. So I just plan to grow my hair out without the use of a chemical straightener and keep all of my ends as long as it is not detrimental to the perservation of my length.

What made me want to go back natural each time was the fact that I do actually like my natural texture. It is so strange to me almost exotic. I love the feel of it. I like that I can manipulate it to look like any hair texture I want without permanently altering it. I never have to deal with the dreaded new growth look. When fully natural i get even tension when i pull my hair back. So my hairline is easily smoothed back into looking like first day relaxed edges anytime i want. Im tranisitioning again because I never have split ends when natural. I only ever got knots after letting others do my natural hair. I want strength and fullness to my hair. I also want to achieve a certain color that requires the use of bleach and know that my hair can take it. I like the fact that if I wash my hair and let it air dry my hair it is a style and not a blob of frizz like my relaxed hair. I dont have to worry about telaxing my hair and trying to get the same result as the time before.

Overall i know my natural hair has potential. I never really gave it a chance. I never tried out braid outs, twist outs, bantu knot outs and such. I just wanted loose curls. I was so one track minded on getting the perfect wash and go and curl definition that I could never be satisfied.

What have I leaned so far? Well when I get frustrated or get the "do something to my hair" bug, I know that it is time to put my hair up and away from myself. My natural hair loves moisture and seems to be indifferent about protein while my relaxed hair loves protein and just likes mositure. Keeping my new growth stretched really does cut down on the tangles.

And the two most important things I've learned are 1. figure out the proper way to do a style and follow directions. Those two things have really helped me out. I never have to deal with bad looking hair or damage my hair trying to achieve a style. This means if you dont have the time, the tools and the technique to do your hair then dont experiment. You will wind up either messing up your hair or a potentially cute style.
First time and I'm sticking with it..

I could not imagine trying to BC or trying to "go natural" without the forums!!
I've "tried" at least 3 or 4 times. It's hard and I'm not willing to BC. I want enough hair to pull back in a ponytail/bun.

Gets harder to do as my hair gets longer too b/c I have to decide between dream length relaxed hair or short natural hair.
Just once and I've been successful so far. I decided to transition shortly after joining this site thanks to my hairspiration (Nikstar). What I did "fail" at was a long term transition. I only lasted about 8 months and then I chopped. It's been a great journey and I can't wait to add some length so that I have more style options.
Just once, and this is it. My last relaxer was almost 3 years ago. 6 months ago I cut off the remaining relaxed hair that I had.

I have no interest in relaxing again.
Tried to do it freshman year of college, made it through the first semester and then relaxed.

Same thing for junior year.

Now I'm done with school and I'm transitioning (or maybe just super long term stretching depending on the day) for the third time. I'm almost a year post :drunk:.

Not being in school and having the HBCU pressures helps.
Twice. The first time I went 4 months and relaxed.
This is my second time and I will be celebrating my 6 year aniversary in September
Only once; however I have cut my hair 5 times in two years due to not knowing how to take care of it. Despite the frustrations and cutting I couldn't look back to relaxers, I had learned hard enough! Through the journey I lost, but when I loose I don't loose a lesson. I lost battles but I wont loose the war. I am happy with where I am with my hair now. The last cut was december, 2009 and no more cuts, no more looking back. I've got the basics :yep:
Technically 2. I stopped relaxing and decided to that I was done relaxing. Then about 6 months into the "transition" the boyfriend decided that he wanted me to travel down south to meet his family. I didn't want to meet them with my crazy hair (and it was crazy) so I relaxed. :lachen: That was the only reason I didn't transition earlier. But as soon as I came back, I was back to the transition and cut it all off 5 months later.