How much do you tip your hairdresser?

I tip $5 bucks. Can't go wrong with that consideirng some folks don't tip at all.
$5. At one time, I tipped nothing because I didnt know any better.i No one I knew growing up all. I had to get away from home to see that people actually tipped. I do so no matter what now.
hopeful said:
Most of the time 20-25% percent depending on how happy I am. If it's average work or if the stylist is not nice or friendly 15%.

I do the same, 15-20% depending on the quality of services and attitude.
balisi said:
:lol: Yes, tips are very much appreciated, especially for stylists on commission.

If you're unhappy with the service, you should let your stylist know instead of just skimping on the tip without saying a word. This way, at least you gave the stylist a chance to make it right.

the only time I think I am obligated to tip if is if the stylist is on commission. Otherwise, I can't do it.
Princess Pie said:
When I was going to the salon, I tipped the stylist 20% which was always $20+. I also gave the shampoo lady $2-$5. I did this because I thought it was the right thing to do, and I was hoping to get good/better service. Never happened...

Same for me..
I must be REAL slow...I thought all stylists were on commision(except the ones that own the salon) so I tip $10-15 for any service - not including if I get a weave...that's a whole 'notha story!