How much money are you spending on your hair?


Well-Known Member
On average how much money do you think you spend on your hair per month? I am really curious especially with all the PJ-ism that goes on around here :grin:


New Member
Hmmm...with wig supplies, poos, cons, candies at least $50 and that's in a conservative month when I'm not doing any major hair treatment.


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
Not as much as I used to, I decided to use up all my products first before I buy new ones.


Well-Known Member
$30 at most (per month) and that's only because I like to have plenty bottles of leave-in conditioner on hand. The rest of the cost goes to re-stocking.


Well-Known Member
I don't spend monthly on my hair. I buy products once every 3 months and I typically spend about $50-$100 every 3 months on hair products.


Well-Known Member
I would say an average of $125 a month; next year will be much lighter, I think I will set aside only $200 for the year for hair supplies and have to deal from there. I have enough Cushion of staple products.
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New Member

Shampoo $8-9.00 per bottle per month ( Its three of us using one 160z bottle)
Conditioner A: Suave conditioner 2 bottles at 3.00 ( 1 month)
Condtioner B: Kerasilk 32 oz 35.00 ( should last 3 months)
ApHOGEE Essential fatty acids oil 8.00 ( should last 3 months)
ApHOGEE Protein treatment 11.00 big bottle ( 3-4 months)
These are my must haves.

So really all I should really have to buy is my shampoo and co-wash conditioner every month.= 11.00
All else is quarterly purchases


Well-Known Member
I use a lot of cheapie condishies to cowash and i don't buy products often, except mousse and cantu. I'd say $15 a month max, but I don't shop for my hair monthly. A few months back I purchased a few DCs to try out I spent about 25, and this month I spent 19 on two chi products....

I don't put too much money into my hair.


Don't worry be happy
I would say about $30, but thats mostly on re-stocking staples. This month I splurged and bought a new half wig for $30, but I don't think I'll need any products this month, apart from my ORS shampoo which is about 6-7 bucks....


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, I asked this very question and got cussed out. :look: In all seriousness I'm not spending half as much as I did initially, and now I know what my staples are I will be economical and buy big sizes so I'm not always spending.


Well-Known Member
I average about $50 a month except for this month. I spent almost $75 because I purchased a soft bonnet hair dryer, a heat cap, Lacio Lacio (for roller sets only) and a Sprush. I would like to make one big haul of my certified staples and then put it on cruise control. :yep:


New Member
I don't spend a lot, my hair responds very well to cheap products like Pantene, John Frieda and Herbal Essences. I always buy this stuff on sale at CVS, Target, any drugstore. They always have like a 3 for $10 deal or buy one get one free.

I don't order anything online for my hair and my favorite deep conditioner (Motions Moisture Plus) comes in an 80 oz tub that cost only $18 and lasts for about 3 months. I buy my favorite leave in (Paul Mitchell The Conditioner) by the liter from Super Cuts and it lasts a while.

If I spend $20 a month, that's a lot.


New Member
When I first came on here, FAR more than I should :grin:. Now, next to nothing. I'm saving up to buy some flexi-8 clips in the spring, but in terms of purchasing actual products, I'm down to $0.00. I've got enough stocked to probably last through next year. So sad.....


Well-Known Member
Way too much. But I'm finding my staples now, so my spending will decrease. I don't want to spend too much on my hair; I really don't. My goal for next year by December is to only be spending to restock.


Well-Known Member
Much More than I Plan to Spend in 2010.:look:

In 2010, I will strictly be Shopping my Stash.:yep:

I definitely agree about shopping the Stash, I also found the hardware that I need and won't have to purchase them again next year, so my stash has enough for next year and possibly the year after. So I am trying to keep that $200 for the year budget there. I also won't be lending ANYTHING out to FAMILY or FRIENDS, I had to buy a new Hooded Portable Standing Dryer due to this last year.

I will get 2 lace fronts now and have those for the summer otherwise I am not seeing a need to purchase ANYthing else. So I will take baby steps and one month at a time. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be honest with my self haha :yep: *drink truth serum*

I just started a few months ago (almost 4), think i average $100 a month including products and appliances. I had nothing not even a shampoo or a hair dryer, I was spending on average 80 a month(some months 40 if I didn't get a relaxer) on being a salon girl. I got all the products I need just need a flat iron now.

The appliances were cheap but they add up... Now it should be about $20 a month for replacements. But don't worry I'll always be a shopaholic


New Member
Too much and this is why I started the "use up your stash" challenge.

I think I was spending as follows when I was relaxed: (I am transitioning with weaves now which is also expensive if you use nice hair and don't want to look busted).

Relaxer (3 maybe 4 times a year) £50 - 100 each time

Steam & Rollerset (x2 month) £50

Shampoos/ conditioners & other PJism about £30 - 50 per month (maybe more some months when I say buy electrical goods/ get my hair weaved etc ect).

So in total about £100 or about $150 a month. :perplexed

Any this is why I strarted the "use up you stash" challenge.


Well-Known Member
I kinda go thru cycles.Lately I've been spending alot with the holidays (black friday/xmas) you have to celebrate/participate:look:.

But on a normal month I think maybe 20dollars or less. Unless I'm ordering wigs.

Mrs. Verde

Well-Known Member
It depends. November I spent about $150-200 because of the Black Friday specials. This month spent nothing. On average I spend between $24-50.
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Well-Known Member
Too much, but in my defense, I started out with no supplies. I needed applicator bottles, spray bottles, combs, rollers....that stuff adds up!
I'm ok with DCs, I have too many, but I run out of cowash conditioners
and I buy coconut oil fairly frequently and my oil stash is not yet complete (sigh)
plus I need trimming scissors


New Member
Great defense. Me Too. :grin:

Too much, but in my defense, I started out with no supplies. I needed applicator bottles, spray bottles, combs, rollers....that stuff adds up!
I'm ok with DCs, I have too many, but I run out of cowash conditioners
and I buy coconut oil fairly frequently and my oil stash is not yet complete (sigh)
plus I need trimming scissors


old head
:sekret: I'm pleading the 5th :sekret: I do know this was my splurgiest year ever. Totally worth it, though.
clutching Sedu and Kim Vo products to my chest and whispering.."it's okay, don't let anyone make you feel bad for being expensive..shhhh..mama won't leave you..."


New Member
if i include products AND the occasions i go to a salon to have my ends clipped straightened i would say i spend about 40-60 a month on my hair.

i only go to the salon every 2-3 months, and i consistently buy some products also.


Well-Known Member
For my first couple of months I spent around $75 a mth. Going into next year I will only spend $20 a mth if that. I am only going to order online if there is a sale. Otherwise my products are bought from my local BSS or drugstore.


Pineapple Eating Unicorn
Depends on the month. Last month I spent about $35 (I think) and then $5 this month. But my hair should benefit from those purchases for about 4 months, so wen you break it down, it's like $10 a month. Anyway, I hope I won't have to buy much in 2010, except for replacing staples.