I Finally Can Straighten My Natural 4b Textured Hair...


Active Member
I finally got my hair basically bone straight. It was a long process and took a lot of time, but I think I can cut the time in half next time. What I did was:

1.Seperate my hair in about 10 sections and I washed and conditioned it, detangling each section.

2. Then I applied some diluted Lottabody setting lotion, some botanicals oil(the one you can spray), and a little light moisturizing protectant to my soaking wet hair. I combed each section with a regular comb, then with a fine tooth comb, and afterwards I put a rubberband pretty tight on each section to straighten my roots. I then twisted each section around my finger, making sure my ends were straight, and I secured each section into a bantu knot.

3. I sat under the dryer for about an hour and half to two hours.

4. I blowdryed with a round brush, starting at the roots and making sure it was dry then working my way down to the tips. The brush was similar or the same as this one:

5. Using the brush gave my hair body and straightened my ends, so the last step was to flat-iron, which I did with my Sedu Iron.

I know it seems like a lot, and it is a lot, but my results were pretty good. I can comb my hair from roots to tips with a fine tooth comb and I'm 100% natural with bra-strap length hair so that says alot.:lol:

I think the most important steps are using the setting lotion, putting rubberband around each section, and most importantly, using the round brush to blowdry.


New Member
that's not too bad. i do exactly what you do... section, wash/condition/detangle, add product, comb with wide-tooth comb and then fine-tooth comb, pull the roots tight (less work to straighten them that way :D )... i usually braid instead of bantu knot, but i think next time i'll try knots and see how it turns out. i don't usually blowdry either... but you say the brush technique also helped to get your ends straight (which is the hardest part for me cuz they try to coil up so much). so you gave me 2 good tips to try next time...

do you have pics of your style? i would love to see :grin:


Well-Known Member
Bantu knots are a good idea. My hair gets "Rudy Huxtable" straight from just drying in bantu knots.