Manifested Glory Ministries uploaded a homosexual exorcism video.

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Christianity aside, I am human. And I care about other humans. God may not see homosexuality as any different than pedophilia, but I do. I'm just practical like that. I think Christian churches (especially black ones) and groups need to be spending more time and energy and dollars on homelessness, food insecurity, alcohol/drug addiction, mental health issues, health care disparities, pedophilia, STD rates, the increase in high school dropouts and whole host of other issues before they need to be worried about homosexuality.

Frankly, gay folks are last on my list of things to worry about. I'm too busy thinking about all the evil heterosexuals out there who are raping their kids...or killing folk...or stealing from the welfare system.

Well, to be perfectly honest but my church doesn't have any outreach or programs against homosexuality or to specifically help those dealing with homosexuality.

We have a delieverance ministry where people meet and talk about some really personal things from drug addiction, shopping addictions, to sexual immorality...but nothing specific to homosexuals.

We also host AA and NA meetings. A lot of the people who attend these meetings that are hosted at my church during the working week actually became members or visit often. They said they were drawn by the love of our church to open the doors for them to come and get help. And actually help w/o trying to proseltyze.

Two ministers of our church started an organization called Project Impact. Some of you may have heard of it..It was started out of my church and hte model is leased and taught to different orgs throughout the country. This program counsels and works with men and women who are first time juvenille offenders. In many different ways to help them get their life on the right track. The courts turn them over to this program based of Christian principles instead of sending them up the river (to jail). The headquarters (I think or maybe just a satelite office since they have a bigger building in LBC) is run out of my church.

Also we opened part of our church to house a small high school..filed with neighborhood students. My Pastor is active in the school as well and many of those children's parents have been blessed by our church as well.

Not to mention all the members of our church don't use the church to necessarily get involved in the things that are important to them...I'm an HIV/AIDS Peer Mentor, my friend is the Director of a very successful programthat helps get students from LAUSD into pretigious Universities...

So, I think most people have alot of bad experiences with a church at some point in their lives and have seen alot of heretic type churches and have used that experience to brand all churches. It's just not the case. I love people and I love helping people. I don't necessarily use my chuch to do everything that is in my heart to do for people. However, my church is more focused on everything I mentioned above than anything having to do with gay people or homosexual lifestyles. Maybe that's a fault of ours that we don't have or arent' developing some type of homsexual outreach program....or something.. But, there are homosexuals in the church and I know that some go to the delieverance meetings. No one is trying to change anyone or rip anyone from something they are doing. Jesus has just called us all to repentance..and we repent daily..those who want delieverance will ask for help and that's when we as brothers and sister provide assistance in that area. Of course we are praying w/o ceasing as well.

I'm of a younger generation so we are a bit more radical..a bit mroe people focused...and I think that mindset is taking over alot of the older things that may have happened in the past. We are definitely coming of age and getting into a different way to outreach and being more concerned with the least of Jesus was...:yep:

I just thought I would share the above with you..since it seems like you might not know that there are churches many churches out there that don't have a anti-gay agenda. Honestly, I don't know one personally..and I sing so I go to ALOT of different churches.
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So nice of God to give us choices. Especially considering the limitations He instilled in us.

Btw, I do have a lovely Bible based church that I've gone to for 10 years now. It's actually from studying the Bible and it's original Greek and Hebrew translations under my pastor that I've come to understand a few things about this modern day Christianity.

I'm really confused. And I'm not saying this to start an argument but just to get an understanding. You are a Christian but you don't agree with God's teachings? I'm not following, help me out :yep:
LOL. Yes I'd blame myself in that situation, because I'm only dealing with another human.

With God being the creator of everything and all, I assume His reasoning is a bit more sophisticated than "look but don't touch". Then again, maybe it's not. Either way, I'm sure He's getting a lot of laughs out of this whole situation.
:yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn: oh lord.
LOL. Yes I'd blame myself in that situation, because I'm only dealing with another human.

With God being the creator of everything and all, I assume His reasoning is a bit more sophisticated than "look but don't touch". Then again, maybe it's not. Either way, I'm sure He's getting a lot of laughs out of this whole situation.

Msa honestly from what you are typing you don't sound like you believe in God. Please correct me if I'm wrong but what exactly do you believe in it?
Msa out of curiosity are you Christian?

I never felt limited in my ability. Perhaps I'm spoiled who knows. What limitations do you believe that God has given you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you sound rather resentful towards God/Christianity.

I'm Christian.

The limitation I'm referring to is our inability to reason as He does because he only allows us to have basic knowledge (in comparison to what He has). I think it's interesting that He would give us the "choice" whether to sin or not, but then not give us the ability to completely get rid of the impulses that may cause us to choose "sin" in the first place. That's not much of a choice, IMO.
God did not create sin. :nono: Lets Believe what the Bible says. It clearly states that God does not tempt us with sin. WE are tempted by our own desires due to free will.

James 1:13-15 (King James Version)

13Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

14But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
He didnt set us up for failure. We choose to sin. All because someone puts plate if food in front of you and they tell you not to eat it. If you do you cant blame that person you can only blame yourself.

how is that since you have been saying all along that sin is the result of demonic possession? If thats true, how can it be a choice? and if homosexuality is really a sin as you say, how exactly are children who know they are gay at a very young age making that choice?
I'm confused. What is going to happen tomorrow?

The regulars are going to come out prowling for an argument, happens everytime. And I can see if it's an argument where people are trying to understand, but people just be arguing just cuz :lol:

Happens in every religion/alternative thinking thread :lol: I learned to stay far, far away after getting "burned" a few times. It was pointless.
I'm really confused. And I'm not saying this to start an argument but just to get an understanding. You are a Christian but you don't agree with God's teachings? I'm not following, help me out :yep:

I don't believe in the modern mainstream expression of Christianity.
I'm Christian.

The limitation I'm referring to is our inability to reason as He does because he only allows us to have basic knowledge (in comparison to what He has). I think it's interesting that He would give us the "choice" whether to sin or not, but then not give us the ability to completely get rid of the impulses that may cause us to choose "sin" in the first place. That's not much of a choice, IMO.

You do have a choice though. Why do you believe that people don't have choices? We aren't animals. God give as a brain to critically think. Most people want to blame God for their bad life choices and shortcomings but if they took the opprotunity to evaluate their life, 99.9% of the time they made bad choices and as a result had to pay the consequences for their actions. Human beings put limitations on God and what he can do. My apologies for not thinking you are a Christian but it seems like you are focusing on all the negative instead of the awesome tools God has given his people to deal with the craziness things that happen in this world. Most Christian's don't utilize the power God has given them. Instead they give in and end up miserable and questioning God.
how is that since you have been saying all along that sin is the result of demonic possession? If thats true, how can it be a choice? and if homosexuality is really a sin as you say, how exactly are children who know they are gay at a very young age making that choice?

OMG. I asked the same exact question on the Christian forum. Apparently, kids can sin even if they don't know what sin is. And being gay is a sin even if you don't know what sex is. It's all because the sin is in the attraction, not the act.

Other people did have a different view of it though.
how is that since you have been saying all along that sin is the result of demonic possession? If thats true, how can it be a choice? and if homosexuality is really a sin as you say, how exactly are children who know they are gay at a very young age making that choice?
sin is a choice. You choose you be around situations where a demon can posses you. you choose not to go to church get yourself saved live right and sheild yourself from possession. When you are covered by the blood of jesus no weapon against you shall prosper.
God created sin and temptation to differentiate the true believers from the non believers.

No He did not create sin. He created free will and sin is a spin off of that if you will. God did not create temptation nor does he tempt anyone. God does not not test our faith for his differentiation because he does not need to. He is all knowing. He allows free will so that our faith can be tested for our knowledge.
sin is a choice. You choose you be around situations where a demon can posses you. you choose not to go to church get yourself saved live right and sheild yourself from possession. When you are covered by the blood of jesus no weapon against you shall prosper.

So I allowed for a demon to possess me as a child?
You do have a choice though. Why do you believe that people don't have choices? We aren't animals. God give as a brain to critically think. Most people want to blame God for their bad life choices and shortcomings but if they took the opprotunity to evaluate their life, 99.9% of the time they made bad choices and as a result had to pay the consequences for their actions. Human beings put limitations on God and what he can do. My apologies for not thinking you are a Christian but it seems like you are focusing on all the negative instead of the awesome tools God has given his people to deal with the craziness things that happen in this world. Most Christian's don't utilize the power God has given them. Instead they give in and end up miserable and questioning God.

I think people have choices, but they are limited by certain constraints imposed by God.
So I allowed for a demon to possess me as a child?


Remember all those times you were disobedient when you were 1, 2, and 3 years of age? You allowed sin to put a stronghold on your life. Homosexuality is just the result.

Remember all those times you were disobedient when you were 1, 2, and 3 years of age? You allowed sin to put a stronghold on your life. Homosexuality is just the result.

Maybe I kicked my mom too hard in the womb?
I do agree with Morton where some church members more harshly criticize homosexuality. I see it often. I think some judgemental people need scapegoats and need to condemn others to feel more "holy." It's sad, Jesus tells us whomever is without sin cast the first stone.

I don't think anyone on this thread, at this time, is doing that now though.

What is it about modern Christainity that you don't agree with Msa?
Maybe I kicked my mom too hard in the womb?

Yup and probably gave her heartburn and forced her to get up in the middle of the night to pee.

And lets not forget all the pain you purposely caused by trying to come out of her vagina. That's probably when the demon jumped on you.
I think people have choices, but they are limited by certain constraints imposed by God.

Help me out here. Be more specific. What constraints are you speaking of? If you make an assertion, please provide evidence to back up your claim. So what are these constraints imposed by God? Is it that humans can't fly? Please be specific. I'm curious about your thought process and why you feel the way you do. Believe it or not you are educating me so that next time I encounter someone with a similar thought process I might provide some meaningful dialogue with them.
What is it about modern Christainity that you don't agree with Msa?

In general, I think there's too much of a focus on getting saved (and random details like which day you go to church) so you can go to heaven and not enough of a focus on living right and treating other people well so that we can all live well enough that it would feel like heaven on earth.

Your foolish explanation, the fact that you don't know Bible verses or how to adequately interpret them, the fact that you are listening to a "mother" about B.C/early A.D psychology when she has no training tells me all I need to asses this situation about your beliefs.
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