Mega Tek/OCT with OTHER growth aids...have YOU done it??


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

I was wondering if any of you MT/OCT users have mixed any ADDITIONAL growth aids with your MT/OCT? I know we mix oils like castor, maybe abit of peppermint, etc for the tingle/dryness factor...but has anyone used it with say, the stand alone growth aides, such as sulfur, MN, BT and the like??

If so can you please post your experiences negative/positive/no change? I want to start but I want to know of the effects...

Aggie was kind enough to answer but please feel free to post here about your experiences if you want!!

If this has been posted already, PLEASE direct my slow behind to the previously existing thread by posting a link here so any other curious posters can access it!!

Thank you!