Noxin hair products


New Member
Have u used this product n if so what was the difference. I hv read several reviews online n ppl say they hv seen a difference after about a month. It also talked about the follical booster.

Should I try it? My hair is thin n my nape n edges r thin also my hair is thin from relaxing n bleaching.
I just bought some Nioxin Bliss (heat protector) about 30 minutes ago. I have never tried the follicle booster but I am taking Phyto Cap 'Energy and Joico Clinicure for about a month now. I will be doing a length check tomorrow but I can tell that it is helping.

I will bump this for you for more responses.
I use the Nioxin Cleanser (poo) and Conditioner. I love the "minty and tingly" sensation it gives my scalp. I also used other poos and conditioners, so I can't attribute the increasing health of my hair strictly to the Nioxin. However, this is a product that will remain in my rotation. It is on the expensive side (for me), so I purchase it on sale or clearance at JCPenney's. I am also taking their hair, nail and skin vitamins intermittently with my other supplements.
From my personal experience Nioxin worked wonders for me. A couple of years back I experience major breakage at the nape of my neck. When I looked in the mirror I could see straight through my hair (and I've never been able to do that). I had heard about Nioxin, so I purchased the shampoo, conditioner, follicle booster, and vitamins.

I have to say, it worked wonders for me! I'd made the snap decision to cut my hair into a chin length bob and start over. I used all of the nioxin products as my reggie, and I have to say, within 4-5 months, my chin length bob was now shoulder length, full and healthy!

I don't have anything bad to say about Nioxin.
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From my personal experience Nioxin worked wonders for me. A couple of years back I experience major breakage at the nape of my neck. When I looked in the mirror I could see straight through my hair (and I've never been able to do that). I had heard about Nioxin, so I purchased the shampoo, conditioner, follicle booster, and vitamins.

I have to say, it worked wonders for me! I'd made the snap decision to cut my hair into a chin length bob and start over. I used all of the nioxin products as my reggie, and I have to say, within 4-5 months, my chin length bob was now shoulder length, full and healthy!

I don't have anything bad to say about Nioxin.

Hi Ms_CoCo37 :wave:

Did you find that they thickened up your hair as well?


SG :grin:
Just be careful with when you use the line of products. If you look on and search Nioxin follicle booster, you will see someone's head that looks pretty torn up. That's mine. It became worse after the pics were taken. To the point, i had to shave my head and start all over. I didn't grow a hair on my head until about 1 year later.

If you are using Aphogee protein leave-in conditioner, do not use it - and the Nioxin Follicle Booster at the same time. Especially if your hair is relaxed. This was my dilemna. Nioxin states that it can be used with other products. No, it cannot.

I was experimenting with Nioxin while using aphogee leave-in, plus "stretching" my relaxer. It was just too much.