Roux Mendex and Fermodyl


New Member
I went to get some additional Fermodyl 619 and I wish I had kept my mouth shut about seeing all that extra Fermodyl 619 because someone had cleaned them out. I had to drive to out of state to find more. I now have three 12 packs. So take that!

But really, I did see that they offered something called "Mendex" by Roux. It is suppose to immediately stop breakage and split ends. Have any of you guys tried it. After shampooing and rinsing, I put it on my ten minutes, covered my hair with a plastic cap and sat under the dryer for 10 minutes and rinsed out. I then deep conditioned for 20 minutes. My hair does feel strong so far.
I have a bottle of this and it is taking me FOREVER to use it up.

I think because I don't really care for it as much as some of my other protein products. Or maybe it is the smell. I dunno, but it is not my favorite.

Honestly, whenever I use mine, I always mix it with something. If I were you, try the little packets of it first before you go for the big bottle. That way you can try it before you spend too much. I don't recall that bottle being so cheap.

(Gimme those Fermodyl dozen boxes!!!!)
I got the packets. Three to be exact. I am waiting till later in the week. It is usually at the end of the week before I can really tell a difference in my hair and see how a product is working.
When I was younger(teenager) and my hair was damaged from the abuse I was doing to my hair(heat), my mother used Roux Mendex to help get my hair back in order. It is some gooood stuff. We used it with heat for I believe 10-15 min. I can't remember but I know she followed the directions on the bottle. It helped stop my breakage and improved the strength of my hair over time.

ETA: We had the big bottle and used it up completely. One of these days I'll repurchase because it did help alot.
I got the packets. Three to be exact. I am waiting till later in the week. It is usually at the end of the week before I can really tell a difference in my hair and see how a product is working.

I am like that too. I can really tell as the days go on if a product really did the job for me.

I always have to use another conditioner after Mendex. I don't like the way it makes my hair feel on its on for some reason.
Well I just got through coming my hair. And one other thing that I am noticing is that my comb just glides through my hair. And the surface is so smooth. My hand glides over it also. Very soft from root to end.
I have tried the Mendex packet and my hair really liked it and I did not follow up with a another conditioner.
I have never tried the Fermodyl product.
Whenever I pick up Porosity Control I always take a look at the bottle of Mendex and start itching to buy it, but I always put it back down. It sounds like good stuff maybe I'll give one of the small packs a try one day, because normally when I'm itching to buy something it turns out to be a good buy.

It's something about Roux products that leave the hair feeling silky smooth, even the shampoo did this. I wonder what the results would be using the poo, PC and the mendex :scratchch
This was one of my staples back in the day. It always made my hair really strong, like tensile strength. I always followed up with another conditioner.